Talk with Gandalf

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Legolas POV (set some minutes before the last chapter)

When Gandalf found me, I was curled up on my bed and tried not to cry. My whole body felt numb and cold, and my heart beat slower than usually, but all of that, I didn't mind. Even the pain in my chest couldn't affect me any longer. My life had taken turns I wouldn't be able to survive, so I had nothing else to do than wait  for what was going to happen to me. 

"I'm glad I found you", the wizard told me. I was quiet. "Legolas, I need you to sit up and talk to me. Tell me what troubles you, and I will help you the best I can. We cannot have two ill people in this castle, it would be a waste of brave men."

I still didn't move, let alone talk.

"Fine, I'll have to talk to you then. Legolas, I can see what troubles you. And as I am a wizard, I see and hear more than you think, so I might know more than you know yourself. However, I cannot tell you why Aragorn decided like he did, because I don't want to betray him by telling you when he doesn't want me to. You need to talk to him yourself, when he is ready to see you. Because, you know, he cares for you very much, even though it might not seem like it right now. But think about it yourself! If you were very badly wounded, or ill, would you want him to be there for you then? How would you feel?"

He waited, and I let his speech sink in. Never had Gandalf spoken to me that confidentially, and I was taken aback by it. I was also a little bit scared that he actually knew more than I wanted him to, and that thought made me sit up on my covers. I leaned my head on the wall behind the bed and drew my legs up in front of me. 

"What do you mean?", was my only answer, uttered in a quite rude tone, but I couldn't make myself care. 

"Haven't your parents once upon a time read the old fairytales to you? About braveness, adventures and love?", he paused for a second and looked at me. "Even elves should know about these old tales. If you think about it more closely, you would understand Aragorn. Doesn't the wounded man always seek shelter in a faraway home, where none of his loved ones can find him? Isn't he very careful to not tell anyone about his pain? Was not his wife never allowed to know about his cuts and bruises, because she would get worried? Think about it Legolas!"

Was he saying ... ? But ... ? 

"But that makes no sense", suddenly burst out of me. "I am not his wife, so why should he not want me to know about it?"

But Gandalf just raised an eyebrow at me. 

"I'll talk to him, you must let me at least talk to him!", I begged the wizard and stood up. He had gotten my hopes up without me wanting him to, so now he was doomed to help me. Otherwise, why should he have talked to me about this?

"I shall see what we can do", he replied and left the room, me following closely behind.

At Aragorn's door, Gandalf knocked and then opened it slightly. I was just about to walk right in, when I realised, that Aragorn wasn't alone. Not at all alone. The beautiful, helpful, kind, perfect lady Éowyn from Rohan sat on a chair next to his bed and held his hand. My jaw dropped, and my heart stopped beating for a second. I gasped. I tried to close my eyes. Then I ran. Coldness washed over me again, and suddenly, everything turned black.

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