Help from Éowyn

389 22 17

Gandalf POV

It was really bad. The last time I had to deal with werewolves lay ages over ages back, and even then I didn't have to treat a friend, but defend a village against attacking wolves. However, the poison Aragorn had in his veins didn't come from a simple werewolve. My assumption was, that Aragorn had been bitten or scratched from a Morinauro. It was Quenya and meant black wolve. But there was more to these creatures other than that they were black. Morinaura hadn't been seen in Middle-earth since the day men had crossed the ocean. They were creations of evil, the dark and unnamed evil. 

Morinaura didn't kill their victims. They bit them in order to inject their black poison in one's blood. And the mightier a man was, the more dangerous these wolves were to him. Because just the most powerful and mighty men answered to the poison of these beasts. Their power was sucked out of them and given to the wolve, whose poison floated in their veins. When the first moonless night after the intoxication comes, the victim will turn into a werewolve. But just for one night. Their leader, the wolve that bit them, will try to make their victim find one of his own. They want him to wound. They want him to kill. If someone indeed gets killed that night, the poisoned man dies, and all of his former power goes to the Morinauro. 

Therefore, the Morinaura were the most powerful animals there have ever been, and it was especially dangerous for Aragorn, because of his ancestry. He was going to be a mighty king someday, which meant he was one of the most powerful men on earth. Maybe this night he had survived, but new moonless nights were to come, and none could know how he would cope then. The problem was, that I didn't know how to get the poison out of his blood. I didn't even know, how it had gotten there in the first place.

While kneeling next to his body on the floor, I wiped his forehead with a wet cloth I found in a basin next to the door. It was the only thing I could do right now. Hopefully Háma would find a skilled medical, that knew about antidotes, but actually, chances were very low. How do you treat werewolf wounds? Would a simple balm, that drew out poison, help? 

Suddenly there were steps outside on the corridor. Light steps, careful steps. Then, a silent knock on the door. In a rush, I left Aragorn on the floor and opened the door a few inches. Outside stood a slim figure with anxious eyes.

"I saw Háma leave to the city. Is everything alright? Can I help?"

"I sent Háma to find a medical. We need an antidote. Aragorn has gotten some poison from probably a wildflower in him, and it's not that bad. Go back to sleep, Éowyn."

But just that same moment, Aragorn started panting heavily again, and before I could stop her, the shieldmaiden from Rohan had pushed herself through the door. 

"What happened to him? This can't be from a flower, it looks like an animal poison!", she exclaimed and looked up to me. I decided to tell her the truth, even though I didn't want to, and explained the situation.

"But that's horrible!", was her answer.


With her tender fingers, she removed Aragorn's shirt and revealed a big wound on his side. It had healed, but I could see immediately, that this was the source of Aragorn's state.

"It needs to be opened again", she whispered quietly. I saw the dread on her face as she said it, but I knew it was true. To get the poison out, we needed to draw it out at its source. "I will do it."

Without further discussion, she left to find the right tools (she later revealed, that a woman from town had taught her a lot about medicine, and she was very skilled at it). And then she began the torturing procedure. I don't want to recall every detail of it, however, she did her job very well, and when the wound was opened, she placed wet cloths with a balm on it on Aragorn's side, and bandaged the wound again. 

"There's nothing more I can do now", she told me. "Leave him to rest, and tomorrow I will look at him again."

It was unusual, that I knew less about a subject than someone else, and I was astonished about this woman. If it weren't for Aragorn's already promised heart to someone else, I'd consider them a good match. 

Later that night, when Háma came back with some woman from the city, I told him I  had found a way, and simply needed some herbs from the old lady, just to give him the feeling he hadn't gone unnecessary. Hopefully this was enough for the future king. I was scared.

So, I hope you still like the story, even though it got kind of weird with the werewolf stuff, but I promise I'll sort it out and there will come better chapters! Thanks for reading btw!

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