What happens behind closed doors

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Mattei POV

I had eaten up, and even talked a bit to the man next to me. He had told me, he had lost his son in the recent battle and was on the edge of crying. Therefore I gave him my piece of bread and told him, that surely there was a reason for everything that had happened, even though he couldn't see it yet. When I thought about it, I couldn't come up with a reason for myself, why I had lost my family. But I believed that God had a plan for me, that I just didn't know yet. 

When I was on my way back to the cave to find some duties that had to be done, I wondered where Master Aragorn and Master Legolas were. They'd perhaps have something to do for me. I decided to go looking for them.

Aragorn POV

Legolas closed the door behind us, before turning to meet my eyes. He had that expression in his face, that I had ever only seen when he had just come up with a very good joke to play on Gimli and I wondered what was on his mind right now. Surely nothing as innocent as putting a dead fish in the dwarf's shoe.

"So...", he said with a smirk. "I seem to remember there was something we wanted to do, but I've quite forgotten what it was."

I let out a chuckle. He was so cute, standing there with a curious expression on his face and waiting for my answer.

"Well, maybe you should show me, then we'll remember", I answered. It was almost an invitation, and Legolas took it gladly. He closed the distance between us and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Maybe this?", he suggested.

"I'm not sure", I answered. "Maybe you should try again?"

Legolas grinned and took a step back, but only to elegantly jump around me and put his hands around me from behind. Then he nestled his nose into my hair.

"When've you showered the last time?", he asked teasingly. "Anyway, if you have, I like your shampoo. It smells like vegetable soup!"

Always so rude, this elf. But I had to give it to him, my hair really was a great mess. He now started drawing small circles on my neck with his slender fingers. It was a delicate touch, like a rare wildflower.

"Thank you, I use it every morning, to maintain this delicious scent of my hair", I said in a very serious tone. 

Legolas laughed and I turned my head a little to let him kiss my cheek. 

"You know, I think you might be going in the right direction. I think I remember there were kisses involved that last time", I told him. 

"Are you sure?", he asked back. "I think there was more of this..." he turned me around and kissed me fiercely, which took me completely by surprise "don't you think?", he said, when he broke the kiss.

"Yes, I think that was it. Could you show me again?", I said, a bit out of breath.

Once more Legolas touched my lips with his, and in the meanwhile I caught him in my arms and didn't let him go. I felt him smile against me, and because I wanted to look into his dazing blue eyes, I put one hand under his cheek and lifted his head up. His eyes were like an ocean where I lost myself in, and I never wanted to reach the surface again. I'd look into those eyes forever.

"You are beautiful", I told him and stroked his chin with my thumb. 

The elf leaned in to the touch while putting his hands around my neck. Even though the room was dark, I could see the sparkle in his eyes. A candle was lit somewhere behind us, and its light made the elf in my arms look like an angel who had come down to earth. I was amazed, that this angel had chosen me, when he could have had the whole world.

"Cin-dh bain ar ( You are beautiful too)", he replied, and his voice was so soft it gave me goosebumps. "You are the most beautiful man I have ever met."

I kissed him. It was a kiss filled with admiration, love and passion. A fierce kiss. A craving one. He opened his mouth, and when our tongues met, it was yet again like one of Gandalf's magnificent fireworks, that exploded between us and connected us. How could love be so powerful?

The way to Gondor (Aragorn and Legolas fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now