We've found him

315 16 9

Third person POV

The whole castle was in panic. The third marshall of the Mark, Éomer, suffered from a bad fever, and Legolas, the elf, had disappeared completely. Every man that was healthy enough to walk was out in the corridors, turning the whole castle on its head, and some were even outside, searching the grounds and the valley. The only people not searching were Éowyn and Gimli, who stayed with Éomer, and Aragorn. 

The man had broken down completely in one corner of the cave, head on his knees and sobbing quietly. Gimli went over to him once in a while, but there was nothing he could do to soothen his friend. Because what should he say? That surely Legolas wasn't far away. But was he? That he'd be found soon. But would he?

All of a sudden, a little boy appeared in the cave and looked around for someone who was in charge. He seemed to decide it was lady Éowyn and went up to her.

"We have found him, my lady", he said with the high voice of a young boy who was aware of that he was talking to an authority. 

"That's great news!", Éowyn answered, and hugged the boy, who seemed confused at first, but gave in to her hug. "I need to stay with my brother, but would you be so kind and show master Gimli and master Aragorn the way?"

"Yes, of course, my lady", the boy answered, and looked anxiously at the dwarf.

"Don't worry, laddie, I don't bite", the latter told him and smiled. "I'll just get Aragorn, he's been in a bit of a bad mood lately."

It was a big understatement, but the dwarf figured he didn't need to spread Aragorn's worries to all inhabitants of the fortress. Quickly he walked up to Aragorn and told him the news. Aragorn looked up, and without another word he stood up and hurried out of the hall.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up!", they heard him shout from a long distance already, and the dwarf and the boy ran after him.

Legolas POV

The flow of the liquid was constant, as was his pain. He knew he would faint soon, but he couldn't stop. He wasn't done yet.

Little boy POV

The man and the dwarf were running very fast, and I almost couldn't keep up. But I knew I had to, because they were very noble, and I couldn't embarass myself. I knew I was being stupid, but I figured that if I did well and these high men noticed me, maybe they'd give me a position. 

Therefore, I ran as fast as I could and led them to the place the strange elf was. I had seen him during the battle, and I had admired his strength and skills, but he seemed to be someone completely else where he was now. I had spotted him at first, but I hadn't realised it was him until I went closer. Because I had never seen an elf that strange before.

I led master Aragorn and Gimli to the little river that ran through the wall of the fortress and into the valley. Right where it cut through the wall, there was a little hollow space, only a few feet high, and you couldn't really stand there, because it meant standing in a stream of icy cold water. But that was exactly where the elf was. 

He stood in the middle of the river, stock-still, and swaying in the water like a tree in the wind. His clothes and hair were wet, and a driblets of water were falling down on him from the stone arcade above him. If I were him I would step out of that uncomfortable water, but apparently he had no intention of doing so.

"Here, master Aragorn", I told the man. "Maybe someone should get him, he looks very cold out there in the water."

"What do you know about it!", he snarled at me. "Take all those men away!"

"I...I'm sorry, sir. Yes, we'll go at once if you wish", I answered intimidated. I had forgotten that noble men always were rude to people like me.

"Hey, laddie, what's your name?", the dwarf ansked me with a nice voice, that calmed me down a bit. 

"Mattei, master dwarf", I answered.

"Thanks Mattei for bringing us here. Aragorn's usually nicer, but he's been quite worried about Legolas, so don't be mad at him. We're all very grateful you've found him", master Gimli told me and patted me on the shoulder. "Now please take those men with you and return to the castle. We'll manage down here."

I bowed and fled.

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