Arrival in Rivendell

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Elrond POV

I had sensed the arrival of Aragorn long before he walked into my throne room. But there had been another feel. Someone I couldn't detect had entered my city and I hoped Aragorn would take him to me as soon as possible. I didn't like unknown folk wandering about in Rivendell, or Imladris, as was the elven name.

"Elrond, my lord", his deep voice came from behind me. I turned around to see him kneeling on one knee and bowing. At his side was an elf, who did the same. Of course, I knew him. Legolas of Mirkwood, father Thranduil, a dear friend of mine.

"Aragorn, my dear, you needn't bow for me!", I playfully reprimanded him, and his face was lit up by a smile. 

It should be said at this point, that I hadn't seen Aragorn for many years. He had been abroads, serving kings of men in Gondor and Rohan, and he lately he had been trying to catch Gollum, a nasty little creature. Gandalf had given him this task, because apparently Gollum needed to be kept at a safe place. It was about the ring, but I shall not speak of that now. However, I was very fond of the ranger, him being basically a son to me, and now he was back in my home.

"I am very delighted that you chose to come back finally", I said. "You must tell me all about your adventures later, but for now you may tell me who this friend of yours is?"

"My lord Elrond", Legolas spoke up. "I will present myself. My father sent me, Thranduil. I believe we have met before. I am his son, Legolas Greenleaf and my wish is to deliver a message to you from Mirkwood. As you may know, Smaug the dragon has awakened, and he destroys great tracts of land. We have already lost a huge area in the east, which is now burnt and seared. My father wishes your advise on what action would be the wisest for the elves to execute. We can not fight openly against him, because he has not reached the territory of the Woodland Realm yet, but it is only a matter of time. This was also the reason for me to travel alone, since the issue is quite urgent."

Legolas. Yes, always straight to the matter, if it was important. And good instincts. I could feel, that his journey had not taken him more than two weeks, which is an enormous speed, even for an elf. I gestured for both of them to stand up and approached them.

"Legolas, my prince, I will discuss the matter further with you after dinner. Bring your father my best wishes once you return. Now I want you both to join me for dinner. It is good to see you again, Aragorn my dear, and you too Legolas!", I said, while putting my hands on their shoulders. "And of course you will stay as guests for some days to strengthen yourself. The journey back to Mirkwood is not short."

"Of course, my lord", Legolas said and nodded thankfully. But I could see in his eyes that he wanted to return at once, if it would be up to him. Apparently the issue frightened him more than he wanted to let us know.

I gently turned the two of them around and gestured for a servant to give them a room. My daughter Arwen inhabited one of the three big guest rooms, so I had exactly one room each to spare for them. She had just returned from an extended stay in Lórien in her grandmothers home.

"Make yourself comfortable, please!", I told them. "Dinner will be served at eight, I believe you know where the dining room is?", I added and looked at Aragorn questioningly.

"I do", Aragorn answered. He was watching Legolas from the corner of his eyes, and I wondered what he was thinking. I wasn't rude enough to actually read his mind, even though I could have. "I will show my prince the way, if you wish?", he asked Legolas then.

The elf smiled and said: "That would be very nice of you."

"I am nice, I believe that is what I am known for", Aragorn said and I needed to smirk  to myself. Deciding to leave them to get cleaned up from the trip, I walked away to my balcony. It was such a lovely evening and I wanted to enjoy the autumn sun.

"Father, who is this man?", I heard my daughter's voice as I set my foot on the balcony. She was standing at the railing and looking down on the city. As always I noticed her beauty, especially in this white wide dress she loved and was wearing now. 

"Two men have arrived, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and Legolas, son of Thranduil, prince of the Woodland Realm in Mirkwood, my dear daughter.", I answered her calmly. 

She turned around to me.

"This Aragorn, who is he?"

"I have raised him here in Rivendell like a son. It was after you had left to Lórien that his parents died and gave him to me to take care of him. He is an heir of Isildur, and therefore the rightful king of Gondor, but he has chosen to live his life as a ranger. You will meet him at dinner soon, Arwen."

With that I ended the conversation. I wanted to be alone. I felt that there would come more from my daughter, but not for now. With a nod I dismissed her, and unwillingly she left to her room.

What a view this was! Imladris must be the most beautiful place on all of Middle-Earth. And I was glad that Aragorn was back.

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