The arrival of the elves

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Gimli POV

They had given me a hauberk that was way too big. It must have belonged to some giant, because no man could wear such a big chain armour. Anyways, there was no time to get it adjusted, so I had to stand next to my friends looking like a total idiot. At least I still had my axe.

The night was beginning to come close, so the soldiers all took up their places, and the rest of the army, the famers and stableboys, were pushed around until the men finally were kind of well divided up on the wall. It was all complete chaos, and no one seemed to know what to do, but nevertheless, Aragorn was calm as if he wasn't going to be in a big battle in a couple of hours. That was something to admire him for, even though I didn't understand it. A dwarf just couldn't understand the stupidity of men, which they showed often enough, but Aragorn was an exception. Since a few weeks after we broke up from Rivendell, I had started to understand that. 

Suddenly we heard a horn sound, and I almost thought the enemy was here already, but then the elf spoke:

"That is no orc horn."

Yeah, I knew that. I did. Really.

They all ran to the wall to find out what was happening, and the soldiers shouted to open the gates. There the stupidity shows off again, I mean: who would open the gate to the fortress, when the enemy could be here any minute?

But I was surprised yet again, because through the gate marched a huge army of elves in shining silver armours. They all walked perfectly in line and looked like one single unit, and in the lead strode an elf in golden armour, whom I recognised from Lórien. If I remembered correctly, his name was Hadir. Or Hanlir. Or something like that.

The king appeared at the top of the stairs that led to his counseling room. He was mighty surprised, I could see that.

"How is this possible?", he asked astonished.

The golden elf leader bowed and answered:

"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance."

Typical elf manner. Always the good guys and helping others. Just look at those polished armours. I mean, did they never get dirty? And the hair always looked like it was newly showered. I really wasn't in the mood for any more elves, one was enough for me. But apparently everyone else celebrated their arrival, because they were smiling like crazy at the Hadir elf. I put on my fake smile.

"You alright, Gimli?", Legolas asked me and gave me a strange look. "You look like you have a toothache."

Fine, maybe my fake smile wasn't that good after all, so I abandoned it again.

Aragorn now hurried forwards to hug the elf, who slowly hugged him back. But he looked quite disgusted while doing so, as if Aragorn was too dirty for him to touch. Which I can understand, because when was the last time Aragorn had taken a shower? Not for a few days at least. (you know the meme haha)

"You are most welcome!", the man now said and stood next to the elf. 

"Who is that guy again?", I whispered to Legolas, who gave me a strange look once more, but then he just answered: "Haldir from Lórien. He's a great man!"

After that he moved forwards and hugged the elf too. The Haldir elf said:

"We are proud to fight alongside Men once more."

No, you are proud to be the good guys, and that you have the shinier armours and the longer and blonder hair. But hey, they did look quite good in these silver armours, especially the Haldir guy. Therefore, I decided to greet them too.

"Welcome, elf lord! Good that you're here!"

He gave me a confused look, but then his face cracked open in a smile.

"I know you, you are Gimli Glóinson, the finest dwarf that ever wandered under the golden trees of Lórien! I am glad I see you so well, may your ways be blessed, and may your path be long and bright!", the elf answered.

I was astonished and must have looked funny, standing there with my mouth wide open. Aragorn and Legolas giggled behind Haldir, and I shot them angry glances. Never had an elf spoken to me so nicely, and never had I received a more beautiful compliment. Maybe elves weren't that bad. Or just the Haldir guy was. Whatever, I finally pulled myself together again and exclaimed:

"I am very flattered. Come on, let me show you the castle. There are some nice caves down there and as a dwarf I dare to say I know what I'm talking about."

He smiled and nodded. I turned around and walked away in the direction of the deeper parts of the castle and Haldir followed closely behind me. Somehow I knew that Aragorn and Legolas were laughing their heads of behind my back, but I didn't care. Not when I had an elf follow me into some dark caves. Oh, that sounded wrong... well, whatever.

I just wanted to ask if you want me to follow the story like it is in the book/movies, or if you don't really care. Because if I go with the original story, an important character might die soon and I have plans for that character if he doesn't die. Just warn me in case you'd object if I change the storyline!

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