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Aragorn POV

The last few days had been quite exhausting and I hadn't had much sleep. A few days ago I picked up a bunch of Hobbits, that Gandalf had sent to Bree. With them they carried the One Ring, the most dangerous of them all. I really don't know why he chose them to do this, because they were small, naive and not careful at all. The Ring had not been safe with them. I was glad Gandalf told me about it, so I could pick them up and give them a bit of actual safety. And that had been a very wise decision, because the same night I found them, the Nazgûl had stabbed their empty beds. And the next day we were attacked openly. Frodo, the ringbearer, had been badly wounded and had merely escaped, because Arwen had turned up and brought him to safety in Rivendell. Yesterday she had told me about the Ford of Bruinen, where she had summoned water spirits, who were the only reason the Nazgûl had fled and Frodo was still alive. So I reallz had reasons to be tired and not very sociable.

Elrond had convened his council, and a lot of different people had arrived in Rivendell the last few days. There were dwarfs, elves, the hobbits and men. Men of Gondor, and I was a bit afraid that someone would recognize me. And Boromir, of them all. He was the son of deputy of the king of Gondor, who now ruled the country, because I wasn't there. I had talked to him before, when he had examined the sword Andúril, which once belonged to Isildur, the fallen king. He seemed not the most pleasant fellow.

Right now, it was the last night before the council would take place, and I stood on my balcony, breathing the fresh air and enjoying the view into the gardens. I just loved Rivendell in autumn, when the forest was a giant painting, and so vivid. I could see the small bridge over the river from here. I still liked it, even though I had lived through moments on it, that were emotionally challenging. Arwen came into my mind. I did like her, but the first intention to get engaged was still there, lurking in the back of my heart. It had never forgotten the person who I wanted to forget, and I had never really become free of the pain.

Suddenly a tall slim figure appeared in my view. It wandered around the garden, slowly taking it all in. On his back was a huge bow and arrows, and he had long blonde hair with small braids in it. If that weren't enough for me to recognise him, his upright and proud walk gave him away. Why was he here? He couldn't be.

Then the reason came to my mind. Thranduil had sent him. To represent him at the council. Legolas, his only son, and the man I had wanted to forget the last 78 years. As realization hit me, he looked up.

Legolas POV

I saw his silhuette on the balcony above me. It was towering over the garden like a statue of bronze, all but his eyes completely still. His gaze followed me when I rounded a small fountain and approached the path which led the nearest to the balcony. I couldn't see his facial expression, because the light came from behind him and darkness hid his face. Somehow it frightened me, but I kept walking towards him.

"And we meet again", he spoke with his dark voice, that made shivers run down my spine. Looking up at him, I knew he could see me very clearly, and I couldn't, which gave him an advantage. 

"Aragorn", was all I said.

He silently stood there, just watching me, and I felt a bit uneasy. I didn't know what to do or say and if I should be happy or sad I didn't know either. Then he turned around and disappeared in the room behind. I heard the balcony door close and footsteps hurrying away. Was that it? Wouldn't he at least talk to me?

My heart sank to the ground and I scolded myself for having let it to hope. Without any emotion left I continued to stare up at where he had been just a minute ago. My body was paralyzed and I couldn't move my legs to walk away. A tear formed in my eye and slowly rolled down my cheek. I couldn't even make my hand wipe it away.

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