The King's daughter

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Éowyn POV

I stood alone in the garden in front of the Great Hall of Meduseld, the place, where our ancestors had been crowned, and where my uncle still had the wooden throne, made by Eorl himself, when he had come to these lands over the mountains. The sky was dark and no clouds covered the world from what was beyond it. My head was full of thoughts. Today had been a strange day, and I didn't know whether it was a good strange or a bad one.

Four men had entered Meduseld this morning, whishing to see the king. Stormcrow was one of them. He was a great wizard, and I didn't doubt that he was a very good friend. However, he wasn't welcome here anymore, not after his last visits, who had all brought misery and disaster upon us, and because of him, we were in war. Or that was, what Wormtongue wanted us to belive.

I hated that man. He wasn't even a man, but a snake, to me. Gríma was his real name, and I would give anything to erase it from my memory. He had done horrible things, since Éomer had left. Which, by itself, of course had been his demand. My uncle was too old to make his own decisions, and he trusted Wormtongue enough, to have him lead the country instead. The only thing, that he hadn't agreed upon, was Wormtongue marrying me. And since then, it had become even worse. Whenever I was out of my uncle's sight, the snake would sneak up to me and try to touch me. Once, he had succeeded in locking me into a room, and I hadn't had my dagger with me that day. It was the worst nightmare I could imagine, but luckily, just before he could lay hands on me, Háma, uncle's doorward, called for the counselor, and Wormtongue most unwillingly had to leave. After that, I ran down into the city to seek shelter at one of the old wise women of Meduseld, and with her herbal tea I finally managed to pull myself together and return to my father. Since then, I almost never went anywhere without a guard or my uncle around. 

A cold wind blew the hair out of my face, and washed the bad memories away. Instead, pictures of today's events rose to my inner eye. The wizard and his three companions, a dwarf, an elf and a man. Their mighty appearance and the wizards power. The healing of my uncle, who was given back his spirit of life. The banning of Wormtongue. The call to war. The hope, and anger, that was given back to us. The Rohirrim would ride to war, and my uncle would lead them one last time. I wasn't one of them. As always.

Yet, more pictures entered my mind. Long, brown hair. A strong body, proud, and a face carved of life. Still it was so beautiful, so pure. And he had the courtesy of a king. Aragorn, the man Stormcrow had brought with him. I had never met such a man. He radiated of power and of strength, but there was more to that. He wasn't just some fighter from the North, or that I was told, but he had a good heart too, gentle was his behavior and warm his voice when he spoke. 

"Lady Éowyn", a voice suddenly made me startle. I knew exactly whose voice it was, and the fact, that I had just thought about its owner for quite some minutes mad my cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. "What is the shieldmaiden of Rohan doing out so late at night?"

"Good evening, sir", I replied with a shaky voice. "I am just watching the lands I know so well. After my father has come back, they won't be the same anymore."

"You are so right, my dear lady. They won't be the same. But don't you think they could be better than before?", he asked me, and looked me right into my eyes. I stared away and over the wide grass fields that were my home.

"They won't", I finally said, almost whispering. "Even though my uncle has found his will to live back, he is old. He won't come back. And for me, this is the beginning of the end. My only wish is to fight one last time. I want to ride my horse to war, swing my sword at my uncle's side, and defend my country. May it take my life, it would be better than returning here."

He looked at me for a very long time, and I felt a tear run down my cheek. As it ran down my face, Aragorn stretched out his hand and wiped it away. 

"Don't cry, Éowyn", he whispered in my ear, "the path of life is not a straight one, and none but the very wise can see were it leads. Don't give up yet, life may turn out to be more than you see now. You are a strong and beautiful woman."

Before I knew what was happening, he had taken a few steps towards me and embraced me with his strong arms. I let my head sink into his chest and tried to hold back my tears. With his hand stroking my back, it was easier than when I was alone, to push back the sadness. I took a few deep breaths and enjoyed the closeness. It had been a very long time, since someone had held me like that. Even Éomer and my uncle hadn't comforted me in that way. I always had been completely on my own. 

After a while, I had found back the strength to stand upright again. He smiled and stroked my cheek in a comforting way. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a slim figure watching us, but at my look, he turned around and disappeared into the night. Long white hair floated after him, and his light steps reminded me of the poems that were read to me when I was a child. 

"From hidden valley and faraway shore

and longlost worlds they came to explore,

the fields and forests of dwarfs and men,

to make them greater once again.

Long light hair and featherly steps,

bows and arrows on their backs,

with animals and trees they talk,

the elves, bright is the way they walk."

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