What have I seen?

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Háma POV

The commotion was big in front of Aragorn's room. I tried to discipline my guards, because I was in charge, but they were far to worked up by the fact, that someone or something was inside Aragorn's room. Nobody knew, what it could be. We were afraid of course, because it had slipped into the Halls of Meduseld without our knowing, and was possibly inflicting pain on our guest. 

"Stand away! Retreat! Make way!", came Stormcrow's mighty voice thundering down the corridor. He was hurrying towards the closed door and at the same time giving my guards angry stares, as they weren't quick enough to move. "Háma, follow me! You other's, there's nothing more to see. I will set a stop to whatever is happening in this room, but it shall be none of your business!"

I wondered, why the wizard was so keen on, that nobody was around when he opened the door. It was still my castle to guard, and he was being rather rude to my companions. But I knew, I couldn't stand up to him, so I gave my men a wink with the hand and they trotted away. I was glad they followed my orders, because I knew they were really curious, but I'd tell them what all of this was about anyway, when I was done here.

"Stand away!", the wizard said again, now directly to me, and showed me to take a few steps back. Which I willingly did, not that I was scared, but I had quite a lot of respect for the thing behind the door. In one single movement, Stormcrow blasted the door open with his wand, pushed me inside, followed me and threw the door closed again. His hand with the staff was stretched out in front of him, and I could see he was very tense.

I couldn't believe my eyes when my brain caught the scene in front of me. Never had I seen something like that before, never in my whole life, never in the life of my whole family. Not even our ancient tales told us about incidents like this: 

Beside the window stood Aragorn, head bent down in front of him, as he steadied himself on the table. His hair was messy and wet, and sweat ran down his face and forearms. He seemed to be in some kind of fit, and tried to fight against it, his nails digging into the wood of the table. Around him, the chairs lied overthrown on the floor and the can of water on the bedside table was shattered into pieces. 

"Fight it!!", Stormcrow shouted, and for the first time in my life, I felt him being afraid. Not afraid of Aragorn, but afraid for him. "You are a king! Remember it, Aragorn!! Your master can't subjugate you, you need to stand against it!"

I didn't understand a thing about what the wizard meant, but the scene was horrible. A loud scream arose from the man's throat, and he jerked his head backwards. I could see the veins on his forehead pump. And then it was over. Aragorn slumped down on the floor and collapsed. His body shivered, but then he was totally still.

"Háma, go and find a medical. One with knowledge of antidotes. And be fast!", the wizard said to me, as he knelt down beside the lifeless body. I stared at his back, not being able to move. "Go now!! I needed you for one reason, and this is it! Move your legs and run!"

Finally I found the ability to move again, and ran out of the door, still being careful to close it behind me. 

"And don't say a thing about this to anyone!", I heard Stormcrow shout after me. Fine, then I had to run down to the city myself. There weren't any medicals in the palace, so the only place to look for them was among the people. As I sprinted down the stairs outside the entrance hall, I noticed a slim figure standing in the doorway. 

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