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Aragorn POV

I hadn't expected this. I hadn't expected this at all. But did I want it? Yes. Being kissed by an elf was the best feeling I have ever felt. I didn't know what had come over me, but Legolas had just looked so beautiful in that moment, that it seemed like he needed to be kissed. This was nothing I was supposed to be feeling, but I couldn't care less about it right now. I just enjoyed the moment, and while doing so ruffling his hair a lot. He would have to fix it when we came back to the palace. 

I didn't remember how we came back really, because the previous moment had taken all the space in my head. The only thing I did notice was when Legolas left me to talk to Elrond. I then went to my room to take a nap. I had kissed an elf. I had kissed Legolas.

At dinner I saw him again. We ate together with Elrond and Arwen again, as we had the other meals too. Arwen was very beautiful and I could tell she had cast an eye upon me. I'm experienced enough to know when a woman wants me. That does not mean, however, that I reciprocate those feelings. Right now I was focused more on my travel companion, that looked gorgeous with his hair neatly braided again. 

"How long do you wish to stay, Legolas?", Elrond just asked him. 

Legolas hesitated and looked at me. I gave him a tiny smile, while noticing Arwen staring at me. The elf turned back to Elrond, apparently having seen what he wanted.

"I can spare a few more days, before I need to depart to my lands again. I was rather quick on the way here, so there is still time for me to rest some more. Thank you for your hospitality, my lord."

Why did he have to go so soon? We just came here, and now he needs to leave again? I know he just saved us some more days, but what would happen after? Chances were big I would never see him again.

Under the table I touched his foot with mine. I knew he noticed it, but pretended not to. Instead he kept talking to Elrond. I was lost in thought and didn't hear the question at first.

"Shall I show you the valley on a horsetrip?", a smooth voice asked me. 

I looked up and stared into Arwen's eyes. It was her who had asked the question. This was nothing I could say no to, because the was no reason I shouldn't want to. I loved horses and trips and so horsetrips were the best pastime there were for me. But I would have wanted to go with Legolas, savoring these last days with him.

"I would be honored, my princess", I replied.

Legolas quickly bent down his head. He had been watching me and waiting for an answer. Not this answer.

Elrond POV

I had recommended to form an alliance with the other elf tribes in Mirkwood forest, to be able to defeat the dragon together. Gandalf had informed me about the dragon's awakening a few weeks ago, so I had had time to think about it. Legolas, however, didn't seem as bothered as when he first arrived. He just discussed the matter formally with me again, took in my advise and thanked me. And at dinner he had said he wanted to stay some more. Of course I understand, that nobody wants to leave Imladris to fast, but his hurry from the beginning had virtually disappeared. I wondered if it had something to do with a certain ranger from the north. But it was not my business, so I left that track of thought.

The other thing I was concered about was my daughter. It was quite obvious, that she found Aragorn attractive. He was, so I couldn't really blame her. But I didn't want her to take it too far. My daughter shouldn't make a bond with a man. He would die and leave her alone. This was no fate I wished Arwen. And also she was a princess. She couldn't just marry any man. Aragorn was a ranger, a handsome, strong and brave ranger, but still just a ranger. There was a chance for him to climb up the social ladder, and that was if he became the king of Gondor. But he didn't want it. He had banished that path long ago.

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