The Legend: Chapter 74 - I Love You

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Link's P.O.V

I met him head on with my sword. We stood off at a chance. We battled for the upper hand. I pushed forward and held him off. I had a sudden new found strength. I had two pieces of the Triforce now. My mind felt clearer. I could see all of Ganondorf’s faults within his stance. I had not just the courage to defeat Ganondorf now, but the wisdom too. I leaned even farther forward which in turn caused Ganondorf to pull away from the chance. I had the upper hand now. “Impossible!” Ganondorf cried. Suddenly the Master Sword lengthened and pulsed with a golden light. My senses were sharpened and my strength was tenfold. I lifted my sword skyward and felt the Goddesses above bestow the power upon me to defeat Ganondorf. I charged once more. Ganondorf braced himself as I slashed upwards which in caused him to stagger backwards. Before he could fall back I rolled behind him and slashed with my sword. With each jab of my sword I could feel the darkness fading within the room. Ganondorf was dying and soon the battle would be over. Ganondorf was sprawled over onto his stomach on the floor with his sword still in hand. I kicked him over so that he was belly up. He coughed up blood and grinned through the pain that I had inflicted on him. “You think this is over boy?” He laughed. “If there is light there will always be darkness. One cannot life without the other.” Ganondorf coughed. “I’ll be back! In this life and the next! You and Zelda will never be able to escape me!” Ganondorf laughed hysterically. “When the day comes I’ll be here waiting for you.” I stated sternly. Ganondorf opened his mouth to continue the conversation but before he could say another word I pushed the end of the Master Sword right through his heart. He choked out loud and cursed until he finally stop writhing about. As the light left his eyes a golden triangle floated out from his chest. The rest of Ganondorf’s body turned to ash and disappeared before my eyes. Any evidence that he existed was now gone. I fell to my knees in relief and let my sword clatter to the floor. Suddenly the pieces of the Triforce that I held within me joined the piece that hovered in place. The piece were drawn together like a magnet. Once the three intricate pieces met they made a triangle shape. The holy object pulsed with pure golden light and shot towards the sky. I followed it out the window to see that it was returned to the heavens where it belonged for now. The war outside had come to a halt and all of the survivors looked skyward to see that the clouds had parted and that the darkness was finally banished from the land of Hyrule. All of the awful creatures that had been created through darkness were unable to withstand this realm because of its overwhelming light. The crowds outside cheered and threw their weapons down as rain fell from the sun. I felt happy to know that this was all finally over but part of me knew happiness could never be achieved without Zelda. I turned away from the window to see that the Princess of Hyrule still laid peacefully on the marble floor of the throne room. I walked over to her and knelt down beside her. Gently I pushed her hair out of her face, and stoked her cheek. Her eyes were closed as if she was asleep, yet her chest did not move to indicate any source of breathing. I felt this painful longing to go back and start all over. I wish things had been different. This quest was too big for just the both of us. I had always felt so trapped in Ordon. All I wanted was to go on an adventure and seek out the other parts of Hyrule, but now home sounds the most appealing. Yet was it really home? I felt the most at home with Zelda. An overwhelming sadness washed over me. She was dead because of me. It was all my fault. Tears burned in my eyes and fell from my cheeks. I cradled her body in my arms as I wept. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.” I cried. “You were supposed to be the one who lived.” I choked out. After I managed to stop crying I kissed her gently on the lips and whispered “I love you.”

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