The Legend: Chapter 27 - The Plan

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Zelda's P.O.V

I was taken aback by his rude comment but chose to ignore it. I opened the door and walked into the living room where I plopped myself on the couch where Link sat before. Link followed me out of his bedroom and into the living room. “Zelda can’t you see what I’m trying to say?” Link asked as he kneeled in front of me. “I understand perfectly.” I stated in a snobby tone. Link groaned at my attitude as he dropped himself to the floor. “Zelda please-“ Link tried but was interrupted by a knock at the door. “Coming!” Link shouted as he got up and made his way to the door. He opened the door to reveal Rusl and Mayor Bo of Ordon. “Link we have a problem.” Rusl stated as he invited himself in. Mayor Bo followed him inside and took out a small parchment. “What is it?” Link asked. Mayor Bo slowly unraveled the parchment and began to read from it. “I, Lord Ganondorf, here by decree anyone who has any information on the whereabouts of Princess Zelda, to report to me immediately. My fiancé was kidnapped from the castle by a clad in a green tunic; he is very dangerous and armed. Proceed with caution. Anyone who brings my fiancé safely to me, will be rewarded with a heaping amount of 1,000 silver ruppes.” Mayor Bo read. “You’re the only lad around these parks who would be caught wearing that in Castle Town.” Rusl teased as he pointed at Link’s attire. “You must be the Princess then.” Mayor Bo pointed out. Link glanced at me with questioning eyes. I nodded at him hoping he got my message. “Yes, I am.” I stated with a smile. Rusl and Bo exchanged glances quickly and bowed their head politely. “We are very sorry your highness, about our dear Link he can be very aggressive some times.” Rusl said as he yanked Link towards him. “Link what in the world were you thinking kidnapping the Princess?!Do you know how much trouble you are about to be in?” Rusl scolded. “Excuse me but-“I tried but Bo interrupted me. “You haven’t just endangered yourself but the whole village, what happens when they come here and find her here?!” Bo yelled. Link flinched as both men were chewing him out. “Excuse me but Link didn’t kidnap me!” I shouted getting all three men’s attention. “He had saved me from Ganondorf.” I explained. Bo and Rusl shot me confused looks but ushered me to continue. “Ganondorf and his army ambushed the castle. He had murdered many including my Father, your king. Link rescued me when they attacked and brought me here. Unfortunately this has brought a terrible danger to you and your people and I do humbly apologize. I will leave immediately.” I stated formally. “No!” Link shouted. “You aren’t going anywhere.” He commanded. “It is of best interest to you that I do.” I explained. “The King was murdered your highness?” Rusl asked. “Yes.” I choked out. “Word went out that he died from a sickness, and since you and Ganondorf were to be wed he instantly took the throne.” Rusl realized. “This is awful.” Bo added as he scratched his head. “That’s why he wanted me to be his wife.” I stated with realization. “Well he can’t legally be the King if he hasn’t actually married you yet, right?” Rusl said. “According to the law of Hyrule, a non-royal cannot acquire the thrown unless he is tied somehow to the royal blood line.” Bo explained. “Which means Zelda is still technically first in line for the throne.” Link said. “Yes, that is true.” Rusl stated. “That still doesn’t mean anything Link, I fear Ganondorf is after something much more powerful than a throne.” I added. “What do you mean?” Link asked. I opened my mouth to explain but closed it when I realized it was probably best I didn’t explain why. “We need a plan.” Rusl said. “A plan?” Link questioned. “Yes, we need a plan to get everyone to ban together to get Zelda back to the throne.” Bo added. “How?” Link asked.  “Karikko Village.” I whispered. “What was that Princess?” Link asked. “Karrikko village, is where everyone from castle town is hiding out, including the Gorons.” I explained. “The Gorons would be a powerful asset indeed.” Rusl stated.  “There is the Zora’s as well.” Bo added. “The Ordonians too.” Rusl laughed.  My eyes widened in surprise. “You would sacrifice your lives just to get me back on the throne?” I questioned. All three men exchanged glances. Link bowed his head and said” It would be my honor to fight for you my Queen.”  “We would be much more contempt knowing that you would be in charge honestly, than a tyrant.” Rusl said with a bow. “Plus who doesn’t love a little adventure here and there.” Bo laughed as he too bowed. I laughed whole heartily as I realized that everything might just return to normal.

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