The Legend: Chapter 77- The Truth Behind The Masks

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Link's P.O.V

After the battle against the shadow I became very weary. I had suffered multiple injuries but nothing deadly at this point. Yet the trip was not completely wasted. I had found two strange relics. One I hoped had the power to bring my Zelda back to me. I needed to be positive about what these artifacts could do before I used them so I traveled to the one man I knew could answer all of my questions. I was on my way back to Castle Town when the rain came. I luckily had my cloak but poor Epona had nothing. "We're almost there girl." I cooed as I rubbed her neck. We approached the gate in no time. There a guard approached me. "State your name and business." The guard yawned. "My name is Link-" I started but was quickly cut off. "Master Link?! Oh please come in! I didn't recognize you!" He exclaimed. "Open the gates for the Chosen Hero!" He demanded. I lowered my head in embarrassment as I rode forward on Epona's back and entered Castle Town. It was nice to see that Castle Town was better secured but I will not be entering that way again. I never was a fan of receiving attention, I preferred to keep to myself. The sky was dark and the rain continued to pour. It was the final days of the raining season so spring would come soon and everything will be in bloom. I spotted the castle in the distance but I had to business elsewhere first. After the war many of those in the rebellion made their new lives here in Castle Town. I was in search of Gordo's family. They had built their new life relatively close to the square I wandered about now. It wasn't until I saw Laura's tiny self through one of the windows did I find it. I dismounted Epona and secured her inside their barn. After that I approached the front door and knocked. Gordo's Wife was the one to answer the door. "Link?! My dear come in its pouring!" She exclaimed as she hurried me inside. "Who is that at the door Agitha?" Gordon asked from the kitchen. "It's Link, Gordo." Agatha, his wife, responded. I peeled off my soaked cloak and hung it right by the door and kicked off my boots so I didn't carry and mud inside the house. "Do you see how he did that Ronin? He took off his boots before coming inside. Such a good boy." Agitha commented. Ronin rolled his eyes at his mother as he entered the room. "Link its been too long!" Ronin exclaimed as he embraced me. "It really has brother." I chuckled. Ronin and I were fairly close in age, so it was only normal to befriend him. I saw that he still had the sword I had given him for it hung loosely around his waist in a holster. "How's the sword treating you?" I asked him. "It really is a marvel. I take care of it and practice with it all the time." Ronin beamed. "It's true the boy might actually make something out of himself if he finally perfects the art of the sword." His Grandfather teased from his chair. "Grandpa you know I'm going to join the Hyrulian Guard, I'll be a hero." Ronin assured him. "The only hero around here is this boy right here." Grandpa stated she pointed directly at me. "I beg to differ." I stated. "You saved us all Link. Zelda would have been proud of you." Laura peeped from beside me. I kneeled to her eye level before I spoke to her. "You've gotten so big! Zelda would have loved to see you grow." I whispered. She blushed and hugged me gently. "So what brings you to our humble abode son?" Gordo asked. "I actually came to speak to your father Gordo." I answered. His grandfather straightened in his chair at my statement. "The Goddesses chosen hero needs me." He laughed as he grabbed his cane and attempted to stand. "Dad don't! Just relax Link will come to you." Gordo stated as he brought me towards him. "What is it you need my boy?" He asked. "You have much knowledge on Hyrule's past correct?" I questioned. "I used to be this damn Kingdom's history recorder ask me anything you want?" He slurred. I brought my knapsack forward and took out the two masks. "Can you tell me what these are?" I asked as I handed him the masks. His eyes widened in shock as he stared at the artifacts. "Where did you find these?" He questioned. "In a temple within the Lost Woods." I answered. "You met with the shadow?" He inquired. "Unfortunately."  I sighed. "That must have been difficult not many survive an encounter with their darker selves." He stated. I gestured towards the masks for him to tell me what they truly were. "In the records of this kingdom's history there was a group of masks that all held some sort of power. Most of these masks held no great power, except for two. These masks were created by a spirits created in moonlight and given to a warrior. But he did not receive these without giving the spirits something in return he had to gather all of the other masks and give them back to the spirits, for they did not belong on this earth. He did this and was given the 'Resurrection Mask' and the 'Fierce Deity' mask. This mask had the power to bring the dead back to life while the other mask was told to have the spirit of a warrior with no soul. He used the Resurrection Mask to bring back an army from the dead and then used the Fierce Deity mask to defeat his enemies. The Fierce Deity mask gave him great strength and immortality. But some say the mask consumed him and the spirit of the mask took control of him." He explained.  "What happened to him?" I asked. "A chosen hero from the Goddesses defeated him and his undead army and removed the mask from the villain and hid them away forever." He answered. I sat down in shock and began to soak this new information in. "This mask...The Resurrection Mask....Could it bring back Zelda?" I questioned. The old man smiled and handed both the masks back to me. "From what I believe that mask could return her majesty to us, yes." He beamed. An overwhelming happiness took control off me. Tear of joy fell from my eyes  as I hugged Gordo's father. "Thank you." I cried. "Go bring her back." Ronin interrupted. I turned to him and nodded my head in acknowledgment. I shoved the masks back into my bag and made a beeline for the door. "Thank you for everything. I will visit again soon." I promised as I stuck my boots back on and my cloak. "Next time bring Zelda when you come visit." Laura demanded. I smiled at her as I opened the door and waved goodbye. I closed the door behind me and quickly ran towards the castle in the rain. 

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