The Legend: Chapter 34- The Master Sword

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Zelda's P.O.V

“I don’t know actually.” I sighed. Link stopped walking and exhaled frustratingly. “You don’t know?” Link questioned. “Yeah I don’t but that doesn’t mean I – We can’t figure it out.” I explained. Link sighed and continued walking until he reached what seemed like a garden. “Well this seems like a good place to start Princess.” Link stated as set me down on a log. I took in my surroundings slowly. Carefully I searched for any clues, any symbols, that could lead us to the Master Sword’s location. “There!” I exclaimed as I pointed towards a solid stone wall that was covered in moss, and vines. Link wandered towards it with his sword in hand. “Right here?” Link asked as he pointed towards the wall. I nodded my head yes. Link swung his sword to cut down all of the overgrown fauna covering the wall. Once all of that was gone the inscriptions on the stone slab were completely visible. I gathered my strength and stood up from my position. “Zelda here let me-“ Link tried but I put up my hand to silence him. “I’m fine Link don’t worry.” I assured. Link crossed his arms and gave me a look of disbelief. Slowly I walked up the wall and traced my hands gently over the markings. Quietly I read them out loud: “The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days.” “Those are the same inscriptions I read in the temple.” I realized. Link came up behind me and traced his fingers across the inscriptions just as I did. “I’ve heard this before.” Link stated as he stared at the inscriptions intently. “I saw them in the temple earlier.” I stated. “No, no like I’ve been told this, by a masked figure.” Link tried. “A masked figure?” I asked in disbelief. “Maybe it was in a past life?” I tried. “Maybe.” Link sighed. “Anyways is this going to lead us to the Master Sword or what?” Link asked. “Patience Sir Link.” I huffed sternly.  “But I don’t want to wait” Link wined teasingly as he tugged on my hair playfully. “Hey stop that!” I laughed. “No way!” Link laughed as he began to tickle me. “Link please stop we don’t have time for this!” I stated in between laughs. Suddenly Link stopped tickling me and stared at the wall behind me. “Uh Zelda wasn’t there a wall there before?” Link asked as he pointed behind me. I turned around to see the wall was now completely gone. In place of the wall was a misty tunnel that looked like it went a long ways. “Yes Link there was.” I answered. Link gathered his sword and sheathed it. He picked up the lantern and lit it. “Forward then.” Link stated as he hooked the lantern to his hip and offered me his arm like an escort. ‘Forward it is then.” I agreed. We wandered down the tunnel for a while until we reached a large opening.  The area was walled in, and in the center was the Master Sword in all its glory. “There it is.” I stated as I pointed as it. Link nodded at me and walked towards the pedestal. He gripped the handle tight then pulled it out of the pedestal. The forest suddenly became silent and still. The only thing that could be heard was the whistling of the wind and the faint sound of my own heart beating. Link twirled the sword in his hands. “This is a fine blade.” He admired. It gleamed as he took practice cuts with it. The gem on the handle sparkled slightly as Link held it skyward. I thought it was imagination at first but the weapon seemed to have as much life as me or Link. “Wow this is great!” Link laughed as he held it out. “It looks very good in your hands.” I complimented. Link blushed slightly as he sheathed his new sword. “Well thank you your Majesty.” He thanked with a small bow. “Come on we need to go to Karikko.” I giggled. “Onward then.” Link tested he wrapped his arm around my waist and lead me back to the campsite.

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