The Legend: Chapter 44 - Found Out

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Zelda’s P.O.V

I had awakened to find the wagon empty. “Hello?” I called out. There was no response. “Perhaps I’ve slept for far too long!” I thought to myself. I swung my legs over the side of the cot and made my way towards the exit of the wagon. I pulled back the curtain to find that the sun was just rising. It was a beautiful sight. The stars were still out but slowly their light began to fade due to the overpowering light from the sun. I stepped down from the wagon and looked around for anyone. The sleeping bags circled around the fire were empty and no one was in sight. “Hello?” I called out. “Oh so you are up?” A voice asked behind me. I turned to see it was Ronin and Laura, both looking guilty. Suddenly a feeling of complete dread washed over me. “What now?” I thought to myself. “Have you two seen Link?” I asked them. The two siblings looked at each other as if they were speaking to one another telepathically. “Nope, haven’t seen him.” Ronin stated as he tried his best to seem innocent. Something seemed off about his assuring smile. I brought my attention to Laura who was staring down at her feet to avoid my gaze. I sighed impatiently and decided to just get right to the point. “Seriously where is he?” I asked again. Laura snapped her head up to look at me. I could tell that she was about to crack but as she opened her mouth to say something she was interrupted by her Grandfather. “He’s out fulfilling his destiny.” Her Grandfather stated as he chuckled lightly. “Destiny?” Ronin questioned. His grandfather frowned at him before taking a swing at his grandson with his cane. “Yes boy! His destiny! Clean out your ears and listen for once!” He shouted. “Dad calm down.” Gordo suggested as he walked up to him. I found it peculiar that everyone was up and awake. “Something is going on.” I thought to myself. “What is going on here?” I asked. Gordo’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “What do you mean?” he asked me.  “Why is everyone up, its sunrise?” I answered. “Well I got enough sleep before.” Laura stated. She had a valuable reason so I discarded her from the list of being suspicious. I turned to Ronin who was shifting his weight back and forth, from his toes to his heels. “What about you?” I asked him. “Laura woke me up.” He stated with a yawn. “Why did you wake your brother up?” Gordo asked his daughter. Laura suddenly seemed very worried. “Because….”She trailed. “She had a nightmare!” Ronin finished for her. “You idiot! She was awake! How could she have had a nightmare?!” Ronin’s Grandfather shouted as he raised his cane threateningly. “That’s enough Father.” Gordo sighed as he placed a calming hand on his Father’s shoulder. Suddenly a horn could be heard in the distance. I snapped my head towards the battle call to see that a skirmish was taking place on the bridge. “Link!” I exclaimed. I moved forward to run towards the bridge, but I felt a pair of arms hold me back. “No! Link doesn’t want you involved.” Ronin exclaimed as he struggled to hold me back.  “Please don’t fight us Miss!” Laura exclaimed. Because of her plea I decided to relax. “I wouldn’t be much of use anyways.” I thought to myself. “You can let go of me Ronin, I won’t run.” I stated honestly. Ronin seemed hesitant at first but slowly released me. I stepped out of his embrace and glued my eyes towards the bridge. Though it was far away I could clearly make out Link amongst the dark skinned Gerudo. The mountain on the other side of the bridge was slowly being swallowed by a cloud of smoke, but the air did not smell like smoke from an ordinary fire. I took a deeper breath and smelled the air once more. “That cloud of smoke was not from a fire.” I stated. “What do you mean Miss?” Laura asked. “There is no smell.” I answered. Suddenly all four of them took a whiff of the air and shook their heads in realization. “Meaning what?” Ronin asked. “Only Sheikah have the knowledge of creating flash bombs, and smoke bombs.” I revealed. “But the only Sheikah left is-“ Ronin started but was cut off by his Father. “Lady Impa.” Gordo finished. I smiled instantly at the thought of my friend. “Link is more than safe than; you need not worry My Lady.” Gordo’s Father stated. I nodded my head in agreement but I couldn’t help but worry about Link. “He’s not doing this for us you know?” Ronin chuckled as Laura, her father, and grandfather walked away. “Pardon?” I questioned. “He’s doing this so you two can rendezvous with your friends in Karikko.” Ronin explained. “Yes I almost forgot about that…” I trailed. “Who are you two really?” He asked me curiously. I turned to him and read his face. His golden eyes were filled with both curiosity and fear.   “I think it’s best if you don’t know.” I quipped. He sighed in annoyance. “My Grandfather clearly knows who you two are so maybe I’ll just ask him.” Ronin snapped. “Wait! What do you mean he knows?” I questioned. “Before when you were under,  my Grandfather had called Link the Chosen Hero. I know the legend but I just didn’t think it was true.” Ronin explained. “Unfortunately it is.” I sighed. “So the Triforce is real?” He asked with astonishment. I nodded my head yes returned my attention towards the bridge. The cloud had completely swallowed up the mountain and the bridge. Nothing was visible from my current standpoint, which only aggravated me. “We need to go to the bridge.” I confirmed. “What!? Are you insane? Just let Link take care of it! He will come back to us….he’ll come back to you…um what did you say your name was?” Ronin blabbered. “Mr.Gordo!” I exclaimed. “Yes lass?” He inquired as he poked his head out of the wagon. “We need to go to the bridge.” I stated. “I don’t think that is the wisest choice dear.” Gordo sighed as he climbed out of the wagon with his father and daughter trailing behind him. “I know a Sheikah’s methods Sir.” I explained. “And?” He asked. “And what my lad?! If the lady demands we go to the bridge then we go to the bridge.” Gordo’s Father interrupted.  Gordo frowned at his father before grabbing him by his beard to prevent him going any closer to the wagon. “Not so fast Father, why are you so keen to go back into the fight?” Gordo asked him. “I’m not son, but I think it’s every Hylian’s duty to serve their Queen.” He laughed. Suddenly I felt the color drain from my face. “Oh no!” I screamed internally. “I knew I recognized you!” Ronin exclaimed as he pointed at me.  “Don’t shout you barbarian!” Ronin’s Grandfather exclaimed as he swung his staff at him. “I’m so sorry your Highness, I should have known.” Gordo apologized. “Actually….” I trailed. “You shouldn’t have.” I sighed. “We all thought you were dead.” Gordo explained. “That was the impression I was supposed to give.” I explained. “Did Link kidnap you?!” Laura cried. I violently shook my head no. “Ganon or Ganondorf as he goes by now, attacked Castle town and killed my Father. Link had rescued me from the Castle, and took me to Ordon.” I explained subtly. “I knew that blasted Gerudo wasn’t to be trusted!” Gordo’s Father exclaimed in anger. “So Link truly is the Chosen Hero and you are the Princess of Destiny.” Gordo said with rising hope. I blushed slightly in nervousness by his sound of absolute triumph.  “So there’s hope?” Ronin laughed. “Apsolutely!” I exclaimed. “Look!” Laura shouted as she pointed towards the bridge to Karikko. I turned to look where she was pointing to see that the cloud of smoke was much smaller now and quickly fading. “We must go.” I stated. “Then let’s go!” Ronin shouted as he ran towards the wagon dragging his little sister along with him. “Oh we go then!” Gordo chuckled as he climbed on to the wagon. I too climbed on in the back with Gordo’s Father, and quickly spoke a silent prayer that Link was alright.

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