The Legend: Chapter 23 - The Chase Begins

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Zelda’s P.O.V

“Is it alright for me to open my eyes now?” I asked. “Yes.” Link answered. I opened my eyes and saw Castle Town in the distance. The town was bright from the flames that burned fiercely and the armies of Gerudo men were lined up in ranks outside the walls. “My home…” I trailed. “I’m sorry Princess. I wish I could have done something to prevent all of this.” Link apologized. “Link don’t apologize, this is my entire fault. I foresaw all of this and I didn’t take any action. Innocent people suffered from my lack of responsibility. I was given this piece of the Triforce to guide and protect the people of Hyrule, but in the end I was of no use to anyone.” I stated. “That isn’t true.” Link said boldly. I turned to look at him. His expression was true. I stayed silent as we rode on. Guilt was weighing me down heavily and the awful images of the carnage I saw kept flashing in my mind. “Link where are we going?” I asked. “Home.” Link stated simply. “Home?” I repeated. “You’ll see soon enough Princess.” Link stifled. Suddenly an arrow whizzed past us and hit the ground in front of us. Link quickly kicked his horse’s side indicating for her to go faster. We charged into the forest down a gravel path. It was dark in the forest because it was nighttime. A group of Gerudo warriors had followed us from Castle Town and they were in hot pursuit. In a matter of minutes they had reached us. There were eight of them; all of them had duel wielding swords in their hands or bow and arrows as they chased us. Two of the men on horseback cut in front of us causing Link’s horse to come to a halt.

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