The Legend: Chapter 13 - Wisdom & Courage

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Zelda’s P.O.V

No one had suspected that I had left the castle. Father assumed I was in the library stuffing my nose in a book, and Impa thought I spent the day in the gardens. “If everyone is so oblivious, maybe I can sneak out more often.” I thought to myself. I shook my head “No I have duties to attend to.” I told myself. “Good morning and happy birthday Princess Zelda.” One of the maids said as she passed me in the hallway. “Thank you.” I said with a bow then continued my way down the corridor to the throne room. As I reached the doors the guards bowed and too wished my birthday wishes. I thanked them then proceeded my way into the throne room. Father was sitting on his throne and was engaged in conversation with someone. “Good morning Father.” I said cheerfully. Suddenly the man who was speaking with my father turned to face me and his face became visible.”Ganon?” I asked. “Here in the flesh.” He boomed. My Father suddenly burst into laughter. “I’m glad I can entertain you sire.” Ganon stated with a deadly grin as he stared at me. His eyes seemed hungry, as if he craved for something. “Power.” I whispered. “What was that Princess?” Ganon asked. “Nothing.” I commented quickly. “I do believe you said something my Princess.” Ganon said as he stepped towards me. I involuntarily stepped backwards, keeping my distance from me. “Are you afraid of me Zelda?” He asked. I didn’t answer him. He stepped even closer. I could feel the heat of his breath on my face. Ganon reached out for my hand then slowly pulled of my white glove, revealing my Triforce mark, I gasped. Once the glove was off he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it faintly. He then released my hand and put his hand to my cheek. “You should be, my Princess.” He whispered quietly so my Father wouldn’t hear. My eyes widened in shock. “My visions were true!” I screamed in my head. I stepped back even farther so Ganon wasn’t close enough to touch me. “Ganon stop trying to swoon my daughter, she is already soon to be your wife.” My Father stated. “What?!” I shouted. “I was going to wait to tell you tonight about the engagement but Ganon arrived earlier than expected, and since you are both here I figured it would be the best time to inform you now.” Father explained. “But why Father, why must I marry so soon?” I asked as I begun to panic. “Because Zelda you are of age and I’m not going to live forever, Hyrule needs a King. Plus by marrying Ganon you will unite the desert provinces and eliminate any of them from rebelling.” Father added. “I am more than capable of ruling Hyrule on my own.” I said sternly. Ganon turned to me and gave me a sharp glance. “Yes my dear but a young woman such as yourself should not be burdened with that kind of responsibility.” Ganon stated. Father steeped down from his throne and walked up to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders, and then pulled me into an embrace. “You are so much like your mother, Zelda.” Father said suddenly. “Don’t bring Mother into this!” I shouted as I pushed him away and ran out of the corridor. I sprinted down the hall and took the stairs to the first level of the castle. Once I reached the first floor I stopped running to catch my breath. I looked behind me to see if anyone had followed me, no one was in sight. “What am I going to do?” I asked myself as tears dripped down my face. “Some fresh air sounds good. “I sniffled as I looked out the window. ~Time lapse~ I had spent nearly three hours walking around the colorful gardens sulking. It wasn’t until I reached the cherry blossoms that my mood semi lightened. These flowers always made me happy, their beauty could make anyone smile. I remember when my mother would take me to this part of the garden during the spring just to look at them. The sudden memory of my mother brought back more tears. Before I knew it the stress of everything happening added onto the tears until I became hysterical. I buried my face in my hands and sobbed into my palms. “Hey I thought I told you I hate it when pretty girls cry!” I heard a voice shout. I lifted my head to see who had said that. “Up here!” The voice called. I looked up and in the Cherry blossom tree above me was Link with a concerned look. I quickly turned away to compose myself. “It’s no use trying to hide it Zel I already saw you crying.” He huffed. Link jumped from the branch and hit the ground lightly, then rolled into a summersault.” Tada!” He shouted as he landed in front of me. I giggled lightly but the tears still rolled down my cheeks. Link knelt down and leaned his sword against the bench I was sitting on. ”Zelda what’s wrong?” he asked. I stayed silent for a few seconds in order to get my thoughts straightened. Link reached out to me and grabbed my hand; he gently stroked my palm with his hand, trying to give me some comfort. I opened my mouth to explain when suddenly the Triforce mark on my hand begun to glow. “You have one too?” Link asked suddenly. “What?” I questioned. Link released my hand and slipped off his gauntlet. There on his hand was the Triforce mark glowing just like mine. “Link has a Triforce as well?” I asked myself. I have the Triforce of Wisdom, so he must have either the Triforce of Courage or Power. “Zelda what is this?” Link asked me. “Well Link you know the story of the Triforce correct?” I asked. Link nodded his head yes. “The three goddess gave the triforce to those who they thought were worthy, to protect the land from demise.” Link stated. “Exactly Link.” I said. Link suddenly looked frightened. “So I bear a piece of the Triforce?” he asked me. “It would seem so.” I said as I grabbed his hand with the mark. As our skin touched the faint light intensified into a blinding glow.

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