The Legend: Chapter 37 - New Friends

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Link's P.O.V

“Hey is everything alright?” a voice questioned. I turned towards the voice to see that it was the younger man from before. We never managed to exchange names earlier due to the fight going on, but somehow I felt like I knew him already. He glanced at Zelda’s still form in my arms, before returning back to me. ”Thanks for helping us back there.” He thanked. “Anytime.” I choked out. He could see the current pain I was feeling.  Suddenly another man approached the younger man. “Is this the lad who saved our behinds from those Gerudos?” He asked. “It is Father.” His son answered. “Well thank you lad for the help, without you we would have been toast.” He laughed. Though I heard his words I managed to ignore him. “Zelda? Please be alright.” I begged as I leaned my head on her chest. I could hear the faint beating of her heart. “She’s alive!” I exclaimed. I turned to the two men with Zelda in my arms. “Do you have any red potion on you?!” I questioned. “Not on me but in the wagon we should have some.” The older man answered. “Please my friend here needs it desperately!” I begged. “Ronin take him to the wagon.” His father commanded. “Quick this way.” Ronin instructed. I carried Zelda to the wagon. Ronin pulled back the curtain and assured me inside. The wagon was very spacious inside. There was a small cot against one side and supplies piled against the other side. I laid Zelda on the cot gently. Her chest was now visibly heaving. “She’s struggling to breath.” I stated. “Yes she needs the potion immediately.” Ronin stated. “Ronin, I was told that you needed my assistance.” A voice said outside of the wagon. “Yes Laura! Come in!” Ronin exclaimed. Suddenly a young girl appeared at the opening from where we had just came in from. “Oh dear! She looks awful!” She gasped as she spotted Zelda’s bleeding form. “She’s a friend of the lad who saved us, please can you help?” Ronin asked of her. “Of course! But I need the both of you out of this wagon immediately!” She shouted. “What? No I can’t leave her!” I tried. “No can do lad, doctors order!” Ronin explained as he assured me out of the wagon. He pushed me back causing me to fall out the back of the wagon. I got up quickly and charged back towards the opening, but Ronin stood in the way. “Step aside.” I demanded. “Relax Laura is a great healer, she’ll have your friend patched up in no time.” He stated. “But….” I trailed. “Don’t worry she’ll be okay.” Ronin added. I sighed in defeat as I turned on my heel and walked off. I wandered around the open area for what seemed like forever, before Ronin’s father approached me. “Hey there you are lad!” He greeted as he appeared beside me. “I just wanted to thank you again for saving my family and me earlier.” He thanked. “Anytime.” I stated. We were both standing on top of the hill where Zelda and I were hiding out earlier. It became silent between us as we gazed over the field. “So what is the name of our great and powerful hero?” He laughed. “Call me Link.” I answered. “Link? What a strange name. I can’t say I’ve heard anything like it, it’s quite a unique name indeed.” The man rambled. “My name is Gordo, so I assume you’ve met my son?” He asked. “Ronin right?” I double checked. “Yep, he’s a tough one, he is.” Ronin’s Father stated. “I could tell.” I huffed as I remembered how he wouldn’t let me go back to Zelda. “And Laura?” He asked me. “She’s a healer.” I stated. “Yep and my daughter.” He beamed obviously seeming proud of his two children. “They both seem great.” I complimented. “They both remind me so much of their Mother.” He sighed. “Where is she? I don’t think I had the privilege of meeting her yet.” I asked. “She’s dead.” The old man answered. Though he said it blandly I could tell how much it pained him. “I’m sorry for your loss.” I quickly sympathized. “Don’t be sorry you weren’t the one who took her away from us.” He stated. “If you don’t mind me asking, who did?” I asked. “It was during the Light Festival. We were in Castle Town during the raid; we managed to make it to the gates but not before they closed. We were trapped within the town’s walls, and taken as prisoners.” He explained. I recalled the carnage of that night, the brutal murder of the innocent, and piles of bodies that flooded the streets. “We were imprisoned in the dungeon of the castle until one day a woman came to our aid. Her name was Impa.” He added. “Impa?!” I asked. “Yes her but I believe her title was Lady Impa.” The man added. “She’s alive?” I questioned. “Yes but I don’t think for long.” He sighed. I gave him a questioning look to explain. “Lord Ganondorf has been torturing her in order to find the Princess. He believes she knows where she is, but alas she doesn’t.” He cried. “Lady Impa had helped us escape, but she was not able to save all of us.” He explained. “She wasn’t able to protect your wife?” I asked. “Yes, but she did try. A Gerudo had spotted us escaping, he had the gates closed. We were all outside the wall except for Lady Impa and my wife. They were taken away and we haven’t seen them since.” He informed.  “So she could still be alive!” I exclaimed. “That is unlikely lad.” He huffed.  “You never know.” I argued. “She’s gone, gone until the Goddesses finally take me.” He sighed.  “The Goddesses…” I trailed as I stared at the back of my hand. I half expected my Triforce to start acting up as I held up my hand and stared at it. “Where were you and your family headed?” I asked him. “Kakariko Village.” He answered. “We were too!” I piped.  “Well in that case you are more than welcome to travel with us there.” Gordo offered. “Considering my current situation, I would love to take you up on that offer.” I laughed. “Wonderful! The family will love your company!” He exclaimed. The sun was beginning to rise and the stars were starting to fade from the exposure of new light. “We should head back to the wagon, and help with setting up camp.” Gordo suggested. “Of course.” I stated as I followed him back. When we returned to the wagon a fire was already made and a various pots and pans were placed around it. Ronin was sitting by the fire feeding it wood. “Laura was going to cook, but she currently has her hands full with Grandpa and your friend.” He explained. “Grandpa?” I questioned. “Ah yes you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting my Father!” Gordo exclaimed.  “I think its best you have him meet Grandpa later, he is in one of his moods right now. Especially since he nearly lost his leg earlier.” Ronin laughed. “Here let me fix you guys something.” I offered. “No, no, no Link you saved our lives let us treat you.” Gordo demanded. I didn’t argue with him, he was kind enough to let us travel with them, and have his daughter heal Zelda. Gordo began slaving over the fire to cook our meal while Ronin sharpened his sword. I stared at his sword to see that it wasn’t in the best shape. The end was blunt and the blade itself was rusted. He caught me staring at him and loudly cleared his throat. “I know it’s not much but it’s all I could get my hands on to protect myself.” He explained. I sat down next to him and unsheathed my sword.  “Wow! That blade is beautiful!” He gasped in awe. I twirled the blade in my hand to show him every angle. “How did you find a blade like that?” He questioned. “I can’t tell him the Goddesses gave it to me.” I thought to myself. “It was an heirloom of my Father’s side.” I lied. “He must have been a great warrior.” Ronin complimented. I just smiled at his comment and continued to twirl the sword in my hand. “Do you want to spar later?” Ronin asked. “Sure, but you can’t spar with that rusty thing.” I laughed. Ronin frowned at my comment as he became defensive. “Hey just because you’re a great swordsman doesn’t mean you know anything about my sword.” He cried. “Hold on a second.” I stated as I dug through my adventure pack. I pulled out my old sword, the one from Ordon. I held it out to him. He stared at the blade longingly. “Take it.” I ordered. He reached for it with unease.  He unsheathed it and admired it. “Wow this is a fine blade as well.” He complimented. “Keep it.” I stated.  Ronin smiled wide as he sheathed it. “No I can’t.” He declined. “Oh relax it isn’t much of a loss to me, just take it. I saw your moves earlier; you don’t deserve a blade like that.” I explained as I pointed at his rusted sword. “Thank you.” He thanked as he replaced his rusty sword with the Ordon sword I had just given him.  “Here ya go!” Gordo chimed as he handed Ronin and I bowls of soup. “What is it?” Ronin asked his Father. “Pumpkin soup, now eat up!” Gordor answered.

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