The Legend: Chapter 32- The Gohoma Beast

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Link’s P.O.V

The Gohoma charged at me with full force. He jabbed at me with his stingers, and tried to smash me with its legs. I swung my sword left and right until I hit one of i’s legs. It let out a loud piercing scream and backed off a bit from me. The Gohoma suddenly turned away from me and started to climb up the wall until it reached the ceiling. It searched all over the room with it numerous eyes until it spotted Zelda. “Zelda!” I shouted in panic. “Zelda quick get behind me!” I commanded as I met her halfway and pulled her behind me. “Link are you alright?” Zelda asked. “Don’t worry about me.” I stated. She rolled her eyes in frustration. “Link we have to find a way out of here.” Zelda said. “We can go out the way we came.” I explained. “Alright.” Zelda agreed. We both ran towards the door but the Gohoma beat us to it. It sprayed its thick webbing covering the opening, leaving us trapped. “Uh Link?” Zelda said with a slight quiver in her voice. “Zelda stay away from the webbing its very-“ I tried but turned around to realize that she was already stuck in the thick webbing. “ Zelda!” I shouted as I tried to run to her aid. “Link watch out!” Zelda warned but it was too late the Gohoma had stabbed me in the back with its stinger. I could feel the sharp stinger slip outside of the wound it created leaving a trail of poison in its tracks. Blood soaked through my shirt and chainmail, and my vision began to fade. “Link!” I could hear Zelda cry out. I shook my head in annoyance and gripped the handle of my sword tighter. “No way am I dying now.” I whispered to myself.  I didn’t feel any pain from the hole in my back, but the poison made everything seem surreal. My vision blurred and my other senses were dull. The Gohoma let out another ear piercing cry causing my ears to ring. I faced the beast once more, this time with more courage. The Gohoma backed up a bit, almost like the beast was surprised I was still standing. “I’m not done with you yet!” I shouted. My breath was ragged and my limbs started to feel numb. I waved it off and charged the spider beast. First I slashed his front legs, and then I slid underneath him so I was behind him. I jumped into the air and completed an aerial attack. My blade pierced the monster’s back casing it to roar in pain. The beast thrashed violently until it burst into purple dust leaving no trace of its existence. “Link!” Zelda called. I tried to walk to her but my head was spinning and my legs gave out. “Zelda…” I gasped out before I fell to the ground.

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