The Legend: Chapter 7 - The Triforce of Courage

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My Lord?!” A voice shouted throughout the stone walls of a Gerudo hideout far east hidden in the desert. “My lord?” A quaking voice questioned. “What is it Argoth?” Lord Ganon asked viciously. “ My infiltration is complete. I have successfully become part of the royal guard. In fact I was assigned to the North wing of the Castle.” Argoth explained. Ganon’s eyebrows raised and an evil grin was painted on his face. “The North wing huh? Isn’t that where the Princess’ chambers reside?” Ganon asked. “Yes my lord.” Argoth said. ”Perfect, keep an eye on her. We don’t want little Zelda figuring us out now.” Ganon chuckled. “Yes my lord.” Argoth. “Now that I have the Triforce of Power, and soon the Triforce of Wisdom, I will become invincible!” Ganon shouted. “My Lord, what about the Triforce of Courage?” Argoth asked. “You know as well as I that the Triforce of Courage was lost long ago.” Ganon stated. “But the legend said when the kingdom was in dire need for a hero, a hero chosen by the Goddess’ rose to defend its kingdom and the Triforce.” Argoth said. “Yes, yes but that hero was from the forest and all the forest folk are too young or too old to play hero.” Ganon stated. “Very true but perhaps we should double check if there is any possible candidates.” Argoth consulted. “ Are you suggesting that once both the Triforce of Wisdom and Power are in my possession, a man playing hero will have a chance of defeating me!?”Ganon shouted. “No my Lord, I was only thinking that if a bearer of the Triforce of Courage did exist we could steal it from him only to add on to your power, that way no one will ever stand against you. “ Argoth stated. “Very clever of you Argoth. I shall send a small group to Ordon tomorrow to see if this bearer of the Triforce does exist.” Lord Ganon stated.

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