The Legend: Chapter 71 - The Real Cost

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Zelda’s P.O.V

I had always pictured flying as much more of an enlightening experience but in this moment I felt nothing but fear. Link and I were hurled above the castle and then flung into one of the highest rooms in the castle. Something told me that bird was sent to pick me up. I didn’t want to sound like Link wasn’t worthy of being scooped up by this demon bird, but then again maybe he was? Ganondorf wanted me; he had no knowledge of Link. Hopefully after this Link would be known all over as the hero who saved Hyrule. But now wasn’t the time to be proud, now was the time to run. We had a short time slot to complete this task and it had to be done by the time our armies reached the inner walls of the castle. “Are you alright?” Link questioned as he stood up from the ground. “I’ve been better.” I sighed as I too stood up. I quickly glanced over to see that Link was already bloody. A deep gash just below his eye bled profoundly; any higher and Link would have lost his eye surely. I quickly ran to him and press the sleeve of my shirt against the cut almost instinctively. Link flinched in surprise, which only made me pull back. “No!” Link gasped as he grabbed my hand and brought it back to his cheek. “Zelda, I need you to promise me something.” Link quickly whispered. “What?” I commented. “If I die, you must leave me; understand?” Link explained quickly. I began to shake my head no, but Link turned away and made for the exit of the room. “We must press on!” Link demanded as he burst through the doors and stepped into the hallway. “Let’s go Zellie.” He added more gently this time. My heart cringed at the mention of my given nickname. All I wanted in this moment was to hold him in my arms but I restrained for there was a direr mission at hand than those feelings I have kept locked away within my heart. I nodded my head and followed Link out with a sword in hand. We kept a steady pace as we swiftly moved through the castle. Surprisingly the halls were empty as were the corridors. The whole castle was unguarded. I relaxed for a moment and slowed my pace to take in my surroundings Link ran ahead as I stopped entirely. The castle was dark, too dark. Almost directly where I had stopped I saw a door. It was the entrance to the throne room. The large wooden double doors were shut and unguarded. On either side hung candle holders, which were lit. It was the only door illuminated in the whole palace. “Link!” I called. He stopped and turned back towards me. “What is it?” He asked. I pointed towards the door with my sword and nodded. “He’s in there.” I answered. “Are you sure?” Link questioned. I took a few steps forward, and just as I reached the door I felt an immense sense of power. It was dark, malicious, and quite unnerving. I flinched back and closed my eyes in fright. “What is it?!” Link exclaimed as he took me by my shoulders and held me stable. “Ganondorf is in there. I can feel his power just beyond this door.” I explained. “That’s my queue.” Link chuckled. Even in the face of battle Link still remained humorous. “Link, be careful. He will not show mercy, as should you.” I warned him. Link nodded his head in affirmation as he reached for the door’s handle. With one strong push Link opened the doors to reveal a large and empty room. The ceiling was high with stained glass windows of the Royal seal, as the floor was marble and still shiny enough to see my own reflection in. One long red and golden carpet followed from the entranced all the way up to the throne itself. I followed the rug to the throne to see Ganondorf perched smugly in my chair. “What a pleasant surprise!” He laughed. We walked deeper into the corridor with weapons in hand. Link a few steps in front of me while I lingered back. “Why you’re majesty I believe you missed a very important date! Our wedding! Along with your Father’s execution.” He smugly added. I made a move forward to attack but Link quickly grabbed me and held me back. “And what do we have here, the princess’ own baby sitter! How quaint!” Ganondorf laughed. I sighed with relief; Ganondorf still had no knowledge of Link’s grasp on the Triforce of Courage. “I assume the ruckus outside of the town’s walls is your doing Zelda?” He inquired as he picked his teeth with his grubby fingers. “It’s Queen Zelda to you.” I spat. “Which one of us is sitting on the throne dear?” He laughed. “Your days are numbered Ganondorf! The people of Hyrule will no longer sit back and let you destroy the light!” I shouted. “And who’s going to stop me, you?” Ganondorf laughed. “No, I am.” Link added as he stepped forward with his Hyrulian shield and Master Sword in hand. “Oh the babysitter will bring my rule to an end, somebody please help me.” Ganondorf mocked as he stepped down from the throne. Suddenly the air became tense and a new sense of power filled the room. It was pure and lifting unlike Ganondorf’s which was heavy and dark. Ganondorf staggered backwards in alarm. “What?!” He shouted as he unsheathed his sword and directed it towards Link. “Who are you really?” Ganondorf demanded. “I am Link, and I am carry the Triforce of Courage.” Link answered firmly. Ganondorf’s eyes widened as he stared at Link in horror. “Impossible!” Ganondorf shouted. “History tends to repeat itself Ganon. There’s no way to run now.” I explained. “Oh contrar, there’s no way for you to run now.” Ganondorf laughed. Suddenly, out of nowhere, beasts manifested before us. They were all a mixture of terror. “Zelda stay back!” Link shouted as he took on the mass of enemies head on. He of course held his own fine but Ganondorf was circling him with dangerous intent. “Ganon your fight is with me!” I shouted. Link quickly turned towards me in horror. “No! Stay away!” He begged but it was too late Ganondrof was making his way towards me now. Link was too preoccupied with the mass of monsters to interfere with my battle now, and that is how it should be. “You know it didn’t have to be this way Princess. This all could have been avoided.” Ganondorf explained. “How could have this been avoided? Your heart is possessed with power. Eventually you would have given in and would have been consumed by your Triforce’s dark intentions.” I stated. Ganon circled me leisurely as he twirled his thick and long blade towards me. “You’re right of course but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t have been married before then, after all I am in need of an heir.” He stated suggestively. “You pig!” I shouted as I lounged at him. My skill with the sword was poor so it was only predicted that I would be disarmed quickly. Ganondorf blocked my jab and then pushed me back with great force causing myself to fall backwards. My sword had clattered to the floor and scattered away from my grip. Ganondorf stood over me laughing. “Is that all you’ve got Princess? I expected a little bit more from you. A little more anger or persistence at least. After all I’m the one who cut your father’s head clean off and staked you teacher’s heart.”  He teased. Anger boiled within me and revenge coursed through me. He deserved to die unlike my Father and Impa. “You will pay for what you’ve done.” I swore. “Is that an attempt of a threat?” He mocked as he kicked my side. I could feel my ribs shatter as his boot came into contact with my side. I cried out which only caught Link’s attention. “Zelda!” Link shouted. He cut through the last wave of monsters and ran over to defend me. With great speed Link charged Ganondorf from behind. Ganon slashed his sword behind but Link dodged it by sliding underneath the blow on his knees. Link then slashed his sword upwards which caught Ganon off guard. In attempt to dodge the attack he flipped backwards and landed on his feet to distance himself for Link. My chosen hero was much quicker than Ganondorf and by the looks of it a better fighter in general. I staggered to my feet and then armed myself with Link’s bow and arrow which had tossed to me as he remained focused on Ganondorf. “Well isn’t this sweet? The chosen hero comes to defend his princess. Are you familiar with the plan Link?” Ganondorf hinted. “What is he going on about?” I asked myself. Link remained firm and silent as Ganondorf tried to distract him. “Zelda are you hiding anything from Link that you’d like to dawn upon him in your final hours?” Ganondorf questioned. I froze. Was Ganondorf aware of my plan to sacrifice myself? Link looked back at me in worry. “No.” I stated firmly. “Now, now Zelda a princess should never lie.” Ganondorf scolded. “What is he talking about Zelda?” Link demanded. “I have no idea.” I lied. “Come now Zelda, he at least deserves to know the truth behind this little charade. “ Ganon laughed. Link lowered his guard to face me. “What is going on here?” Link demanded. His form was frantic now, and unnerving. “Link-“ I started but Ganondorf cut me off. “Your little princess was planning on sacrificing herself in order to keep the peace.” He answered. “What? How did you know?!” I demanded. “You have your Goddesses, I have mine.” He laughed. The Goddess Din had betrayed her sisters and us by exploiting my plan to Ganondorf. Now that he was well aware of my plan who knows what the menace has in store now. “When were you going to tell me about this?!” Link shouted. “Never.” I sighed. Link stared at me in shock. He felt betrayed and I could only stand there in shame. “Now, now it really isn’t that big of a deal considering the last reincarnation of Zelda did the same thing.” Ganondorf laughed. Link flinched at his words as he tightened his grip on the Master Sword. “Enough talk. You die. Zelda lives.” Link swore through gritted teeth. Before Ganondorf could even react, Link charged. They chanced on contact; their swords grinded loudly as they pushed against one another. I took a step forward but something prevented me. I placed my hands out before me to see that I was trapped within a glass prison. Ganondorf must have conjured it when we were talking and I didn’t even notice. I banged on the glass in hopes it would break but it was hard like diamond and shaped like a rupee. His plan was to rid himself of Link in order to get to me. Link spun around to see me trapped in the glass prison. “Zelda!” He shouted as he sprinted towards me and swung his sword towards the glass but it was useless. Not even the Master Sword could break me free. “Look out!” I shouted as I saw Ganondorf close in on Link. They fought for what seemed hours. Link was getting tired and Ganondorf seemed to be getting stronger. It was almost as if his aura had changed into something entirely different. His eyes had a purple hue and his hair became literal fire as his blade lengthened and his armor hardened into a shell that became a part of his skin. “This ends now!” Ganondorf shouted with an even deeper voice. He had transformed into his full potential. He was using his Triforce at full throttle. But Link was clueless in that category. I had never taught him how to tap into his supply of power before. In truth I barely knew how myself, but Link was lucky enough to have the Master Sword beside him. Hopefully Link was aware of the amount of energy that his sword possessed. As the battle intensified Link became weaker. He had lost a large amount of blood and his strength was fleeting. His footwork became sloppy and Ganondorf had the advantage. I watched in horror as Link fell victim to Ganondorf’s sword. In one quick jab Ganondorf had managed to plunge his blade straight through Link’s chest so his sword appeared through his back.

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