The Legend: Chapter 41- I Owe You

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Link’s P.O.V

“Are they always like this?” Zelda whispered to me. “Pretty much.” I chuckled. “So what’s the real plan?” She whispered to me. “Like I said before we should set up camp and get some sleep.” I answered. Zelda narrowed her eyes at me. “You need to get some rest Zellie.” I stated. “So do you Link.” She huffed before turning away from me and returning to inside the wagon. Gordo approached me and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Get some sleep tonight lad.” He stated with a soft smile. “We will figure this all out in the morning.” He added before releasing me. Gordo, Ronin, and the old man had already passed out by the time I slipped back into the wagon. Inside Zelda was sleeping soundly. I stared at her vulnerable form as she slept. “Zelda….” I trailed. She stirred silently as I gently kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll be back, I promise.” I whispered. I exited the wagon silently and began making my way towards the bridge to Karikko. “Where are you going?” A voice piped. I turned towards the high-pitched voice to find that is was Laura. “Uh nothing just going for a walk.” I lied. “With all of your gear?” She inquired. “Yeah you never know when someone might attack.” I laughed nervously. “You’re going to the bridge aren’t you?” She questioned. I dropped my head in defeat. “Yeah I am.” I sighed. “Be careful okay?” She piped. I snapped my head up to look at her. “You mean you won’t tell?” I asked. She nodded her head no at my question. “Thanks kid.” I thanked. “My names Laura not kid.” She corrected. “Thank you Laura.” I restated. “There we go.” She laughed. “If I’m not back by morning, can you make sure my friend doesn’t try to look for me?” I asked her. “You mean your lover?” Laura inquired. “Yes…I mean no…ugh maybe?” I tried. “Relax lover boy your secret is safe with me!” She laughed. “I owe you Laura.” I laughed. “Don’t mention it! Now go on before the others wake up!” She assured. “Okay thanks again Laura!” I exclaimed as I left the camp.

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