The Legend: Chapter 57 - Captured

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Zelda’s P.O.V

I slammed the door behind me with as much force as I could muster and then proceeded down the hall. I was so frustrated with Link that I couldn’t think straight. “Stupid! Stupid boy!” I exclaimed. I went into my room and quickly snatched my hooded cloak and flung it over my shoulders as I left the small house. I couldn’t stand being trapped in a small room especially when I was mad. “I need some air.” I thought to myself as I stepped outside. I took numerous deep breaths as I wandered through the village. “Why was Link being so stubborn?” I asked myself. I took no notice to where I was walking until I realized I was no longer in the village. I had reached the path leading inside Death Mountain beside the river where I had found the Zoras trapped. There was no one around which made it somewhat peaceful to me. So I decided to sit beside the river and think. So much was in my mind, but it all seemed to disappear for a moment as I leaned back and stared at the clouds. “War is coming.” I thought to myself. “Many will die.” I added. “All for Power!” I shouted in disgust. I felt hatred boil inside of me as I remembered the foul Ganon. He was conniving, deceiving, and menacing. “If he has the Triforce of Power that must be why he is searching for me.” I thought to myself. Suddenly I straightened as realization dawned upon me. “He wants to conjoin the pieces to become invincible!” I realized. “But what of Link? Does he know of his piece of the Triforce? The Triforce of Courage was lost many centuries ago; he must think it is still lost! Link will be our secret weapon! “ I thought to myself. “Oh no! But he won’t be able to defeat him if he’s dead!” I cried. Regret washed over me as I stood up and turned to run back to the healer’s house to find Link. “I should have ignored him! I should have just healed him!” I cried. As I turned to run I felt something wrap around my ankles causing me to trip. I hit the ground hard and cried out in pain. I felt sharp pain in my knee which had broken my fall. I pushed off of the ground to get up but whatever caused me to trip was still wrapped around me. I glanced over my shoulder to see it was a roped net that had managed to snake around my legs. I kicked violently in hopes to get the thing off but it was no use. “Look here boys I caught me a maiden!” Someone exclaimed. I jumped by the interruption and stopped struggling. Suddenly three Geurdo warriors appeared before me. They were heavily armored and seemed to just have arrived from river for their skin was wet as of their hair. I felt myself freeze up as the three men surrounded me. “Hello milady! We’ve come to escort you to our Master.” One of them stated as they reached out to me. I screamed in response in hopes someone nearby would hear me, but there was no one. “Shut her up! We don’t want the whole rebel army to hear us!” One of them exclaimed. I felt hands lift me up and soon I was thrown over one of the warrior’s shoulders. I kicked and screamed frantically until I was thrown to the ground. “Get your hands off of me!” I demanded. The warriors laughed in response and quickly wrapped a cloth around my mouth to muffle my screams. They then tied my hands and feet. “This is bad! Very, very bad! Think Zelda! What would Link do?” I thought to myself. One of the Gerudos quickly tossed me into the boat which they had arrived in. They all climbed onto the boat and then began rowing down the river. I watched Death Mountain shrink away as we traveled farther and farther down the river. The Gerudos were fairly quiet as we paddled down the river, until I began to squirm. “Sit still!” One of them order as he sharply grabbed me and hit me which in turn caused the cloth around my mouth to loosen. It fell from around my mouth to around my neck. I took in a very large breath and screamed at the top of my lungs. “Link! Help!” I shouted. I opened my mouth to scream once more but I felt one of the Gerudos quickly hit me over the head. It was a hard enough hit to cause me to black out. The last thing I saw was a fading figure standing at the bank of the river. I could only hope it was Link or someone else who could help me. But I blacked out before I could say or think anything else.

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