The Legend: Chapter 18 - Escape

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Link’s P.O.V

When I woke up I found myself in a jail cell. My hands were no longer bonded, and my head ached. I put my hands to my head hopping it would ease the pain, but the moment they touched a shock of pain jolted through my body. ”Ouch.” I stated. “OI! Be quiet in there!” a guard shouted. I leaned against the bars and looked down the hall to see the beholder of the voice. It was a dreary man with no expression. He sat slumped on a wooden stool with his back leaning against the stone wall. In one hand he held a bottle of alcohol and in the other he played with the key ring. The key ring held only two keys, one silver key made of the same material of a sword, and a bronze colored key that was the same color of the door that exited the dungeon. “I need to get out of here.” I thought to myself. I coughed lightly hoping it would catch the man’s attention. The man just ignored me. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. “Excuse me sir, but what type of poison are you downing?” I asked coolly. “Didn’t I tell you to stay quiet?!!” He shouted as he got up from his seat and launched himself against the metal bars I was leaning against. His face was right in front of mine, and his breath reeked of liquor. I turned my head in the other direction hoping to relieve myself from the stench, but he suddenly stuck his arm into the cell between the metal the metal bars. He gripped my shirt tight and pulled me closer so my face was pressed against the cell door. “Be quiet, ye hear boy?” He threatened. I didn’t answer. “Are ye deaf boy?” He asked. “No but I think your breath has gone and almost killed me.” I joked. Before he could react I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me so his head would hit the metal bars. He was knocked out instantly and his body lay unmoving on the stone floor. Suddenly the silence ended when ruthless battle cries and screams of terror echoed. “Oh no, Zelda must be in trouble.” I said. I picked up the keys that sat on the floor and freed myself from my jail cell. “I have to hurry Zelda could be I danger.” I stated as I picked up my sword and shield that was leaning against the wall.

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