The Legend: Chapter 22 - Escape

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Link’s P.O.V

When Zelda and I reached the last corridor on the bottom floor of the castle I had asked her to close her eyes. The number of bodies piled high and blood stained the stone floors. I couldn’t let her see the carnage around her. She would break into hysteria and it would be nearly impossible to escape with her. Seeing this much carnage could destroy part of someone’s mind including mine. I knew after this day, if we escaped, I wouldn’t be the same. I didn’t want that to happen to her. I needed to protect her from that. I could hear a large number of Gerudo warriors behind us as we ran down the steps to the door. As we reached the final floor the number of bodies and the amount of slaughter worsened. The stench caused my eyes to water and a wave of nausea hit me simultaneously. I pulled Zelda along until I felt her grip on my hand loosen then completely disappear. I quickly spun around to see that the Gerudo warriors from before had caught up. One of them had Zelda thrown over his shoulder while the other two charged at me. I cut both of them down with ease and proceeded to the Gerudo who held Zelda captive. ”Let her go.” I demanded. He laughed and shook his head. “Why don’t you come and get her you filthy piece of Hylian trash.” He mocked. “ Fine your funeral then.” I huffed as I swung my sword at his knees. He roared in pain and fell to his knees dropping Zelda in the process. She hit the ground but she recovered quickly and ran over to me. I pointed my sword at the Gerudo’s neck and narrowed my eyes at him. “Why are you doing this?” I asked. He smiled as he spat in my face. I wiped my face in disgust. “Soon the pieces of the Triforce will be one and then finally the Geurdo will rule all of Hyrule instead of the filthy Hylians. Ganondorf will be our King and all other races will bow to him while the Hylains will be wiped out.” He laughed. “Ganondorf?” I asked. “ Ganon.” Zelda gasped. The Gerudo smiled evilly at Zelda. “That’s correct.” He stated.  Zelda had a terrified look plastered upon her face and she began to shake violently. “I foresaw all of this.” She cried as she fell to her knees. I turned my back to the injured Gerudo and knelt down to Zelda. “What do you mean?” I asked as placed my hands on her shoulders. She had her face buried in her palms as she cried. “I had a vision, of Gerudos attacking castle town but my Father wouldn’t believe me.” Zelda cried. “You mean the King didn’t believe you?” I asked shockingly. “Ha the King is dead!” The injured Gerudo announced. Zelda gasped sharply and more tears poured down her cheeks. “My father is dead?” She cried. The Gerudo warrior began to laugh maniacally. I had enough of him I raised slowly with my sword in hand. “Be silent Gerudo scum.” I said as I slashed my sword ending his life. I quickly went back to Zelda. She was crying harshly and she was in hysteria as she looked around her. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw the butchery surrounding her. I quickly used my hands to cover her eyes. “We need to leave and quick. Now keep your eyes closed and hold onto me.” I instructed. She nodded her head yes as she wrapped her arms around my neck and I lifted her up bridal style. We snuck out of the back door to the stables. The stables were empty and no one was in sight. “That’s a relief.” I whispered. “What is?” Zelda asked as she stifled a sniffle. “No one is here, except my horse.” I added. “Here girl.” I whistled. Epona approached me eagerly and nudged me gently with her head. “I missed you too girl.” I laughed. I helped Zelda onto Epona and silently mounted her as well. “We have to be quick Epona, you think you can get us out of here unscathed?” I asked her. She neighed in agreement as she began trotting quickly after she burst through the stable doors.

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