The Legend:Chapter 25- All Alone

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Zelda’s P.O.V

I helped Link sit up slowly and placed my hands on his chest. He hissed in pain as I moved me hands down his toned front. “Sorry I’ll be gentler.” I apologized. He laughed lightly as he placed one of his hands over mine. I smiled softly at him. “Now promise not to freak out.” I said quickly as I pressed both my palms over Link injured ribs. “Wait- what?” Link asked but I already started to heal him. I used the power of my Triforce to heal his wounds. A golden light illuminated from my hands as I whispered a short Hylian healing prayer I learned from my teacher. “Impa.” I thought to myself as I tried to hold back my tears. “She’s gone, as well as Father. I’m all alone.” I thought to myself. Tears began to spill from my eyes and roll down my cheeks. I pulled my hands away from Link’s ribs and wiped my tears away. “Zelda?” Link said as he sat up. He put his hands on his sides and rubbed them fiercely. “What did you do? I feel fantastic!” Link shouted as he hugged me. I laughed at his reaction. “I just used a little Hylian magic.” I whispered. “Thank you Zelda.” He thanked as he released me. I suddenly felt a little faint from using that much power. “Link I think I should sit down.” I stated as I sat down on the couch Link was just laying on. I rubbed my temples gently as I took in deep breaths. “Zelda are you all right?” Link asked as he sat down next to me. “Mhmm.” I said as I nodded my head yes. “Just as little woozy, I haven’t used that much power in a long time.” I explained. “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know you were going to heal me and that this was going to happen, I would have stopped you from doing it then.” Link babbled. I giggled softly as Link struggled with his words. “Its fine Link, I’m highly indebted to you so this is nothing.” I explained as I stopped rubbing my temples and looked at him. His eyes were swimming with concern as my eyes poured into his. Link sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder. He shook his head with a laugh and pulled me into an embrace. “You owe me nothing my dear princess; it was merely my duty to protect you. A moral act if you would.” Link huffed as he pulled back from the embrace. A faint blush tinted my cheeks as I stared at him. “Your duty, a moral act? Is that the only reason?” I asked boldly as I stood up and marched into the next room. “Zelda? Zelda!? Where are you going?” Link asked from the room I had just left from. I dropped myself onto the floor and sat in front of the warm fire. Link entered the room and leaned against the wall as he stared down at me. “Zelda I didn’t mean it like that.” Link tried. I shook my head as I grabbed the sword that was peeking out of the fire with its handle sticking out away from the flames. I stirred the fire slowly as I listen to him. “Zelda what I meant was as a man I have certain morals. Protecting a defenseless woman such as yourself is on that list. “Link explained. I scoffed at his explanation and threw the sword back into the fire. “So if I were any other women you would have down the same thing?” I asked sharply. “Well yes but-“ Link tried but I put up my hand to silence him. “That’s all I wanted to hear.” I said as I stood up once more. “Zelda wait a minute, let me finish. What I’m trying to say I was just doing what was right.” Link explained. “Oh how chivalrous of you.” I said with sarcasm. He frowned at my tone. “You think I’m lying?!’ Link shouted. I wasn’t expecting him to shout so I was taken off guard as I saw his distraught figure. His tone of voice infuriated me; I had never been so rudely spoken to. “Link you should be careful of what you say.” I warned as turned my back to him. “Or what you’ll throw me into the dungeon! I hate to tell you this you’re highness but your dungeon and your castle is completely guarded by the enemy! And unless you just want to waltz back in there to your fiancé, we both know that’s not going to happen!” Link shouted. Each word hit me like a knife. My eyes began to water and my anger caused me to clench my fists tightly. I turned to face Link revealing my tears. His expression quickly changed from angry to hurt. “Zelda I didn’t mean to-“Link tried but I walked up to him and slapped him hard on the cheek. He seemed shocked at first but he smiled softly as he looked down at me. Tears rolled down my cheeks but I held an angry expression. My posture was strong and my clenched fists were now opened hands hanging by my sides. We stood there in silence staring one another down until I built enough courage to open my mouth again. “You should be more careful of what you say Sir Link you could end up hurting someone.” I said formally as I wiped away my tears and pushed past him towards the door. I twisted the door handle and opened the door reveling a small village known as Ordon. I let out a sigh as I closed the door behind me and climbed down the latter from Link’s house. I half expected him to follow me out or chase me to prevent me from leaving. As I reached the soft ground a faint growling was heard behind me. I turned around to see a large wolf bearing his teeth at me. I gasped in fear as I saw the beast lowering his stance into a pouncing position. He barked loudly before he pounced towards me. I shrieked loudly as I fell to my knees and covered my head in hope that he would back off if I was in this position. No pain came and the barking and snarling seized. “Is he gone?” I whispered as I lifted my head to look around. When I opened my eyes I saw the wolf lying beside me licking his pawls intently. His paws were stained black, with a strange liquid. He saw me staring at me but paid no attention to me. I looked around to see a large body on the ground. It was a body of a Stalfo, or a phantom wolf. The Stalfo was a beast much larger than a man with white fur, sharp claws, and long fangs that dripped with venom. The beast lay there still in a pool of black liquid. ”Black Blood is what is covering his paws.” I thought to myself as I stared at the wolf. “Did you kill that?” I asked the wolf knowing he would not answer. The dog yawned and stood up. I flinched involuntarily as the wolf walked up to me and started licking my face. I giggled as the wolf crawled into my lap and continued licking me. “Down boy!” I laughed. He obeyed and stopped licking me. “You seem to be trained.” I concluded as I scratched behind his ears. He wagged his tail ferociously as petted him. “That’s because he is.” A voice said. I looked towards the voice to see it was Link climbing down from the ladder to his house. I rolled my eyes a brought my attention back to the wolf. “You are so sweet.” I praised the wolf as I continued to pet him. The wolf jumped off my lap and laid his head on my leg. “He doesn’t usually take to strangers, or people in general really.” Link explained as he walked towards me. He sat next to me and petted the wolf lovingly. “His name is Marrkor.” Link stated. Marrkor’s tail wagged faster in hearing his name. “I’m assuming he’s yours then.” I stated without making eye contact with him. “No.” Link answered. “He isn’t anyone’s.” Link explained. “He saved me actually, from another wolf.” Link explained. “Wow you’re sure are a brave little warrior Marrkor.” I said in a playful voice as I rubbed his sides. Link laughed softly at my action. “I went into the lost woods and well got lost. There was another wolf that was going to kill me but Marrkor swopped in and fought the other wolf off. After days being lost in the lost woods I finally reached Ordon again, but Marrkor and followed me home. So Marrkor helps protect everyone in the village now, and you now too it would seem.” Link said. I sighed deeply as Markoor stood up and walked over to Link. Marrkor licked Link’s face and barked playfully as Link laughed as he teased the wolf by nipping his ears. Marrkor soon settled down and sprinted off in the direction of a squirrel leaving me and Link alone. I was silent for a few moments until Link stood up and looked down at me. “What?” I questioned as I felt uncomfortable under his stare. His expression was impossible to read and his stature was still like a stone. I groaned in anger as I stood up. “What is it Sir Link?” I asked/yelled. My eyes began to get all watery again. “Damn it Zelda, hold yourself together. He isn’t worth crying over.” I scolded to myself. “I’m sorry Zelda.” Link said without faltering. “Excuse me?” I asked shockingly. “I’m sorry you’re Highness I should have not spoken such awful things of you and brought up awful memories. I was rude and unkind and I’m not worthy of your friendship. Before I was trying to explain to you that I live by the hero’s code: to help those in need and protect those who need protecting. That involves women, children, and even men. I didn’t mean to sound like a heartbreaker who swoons women over by coming to their rescue. In the beginning though I made it my main priority to keep you safe because you are my Queen and…. because I found you remarkable.” Link explained as he inched closer to me. I gasped in surprised as he bowed his head to me. “Please forgive me, my Queen.” Link begged. “I am no Queen Sir Link, you should not bow to me.” I choked. “But you are to me Zelda. First you were a stranger, then a friend, then a princess, now a queen.” Link explained. Realization hit me. Now that my Father was dead I was Queen Zelda of Hyrule, not Princess Zelda. Tears stung in my eyes and I could no longer fight them off, I let them fall freely. I sobbed loudly as I stood there. Link rose from his position and quickly pulled me into an embrace. This embrace was different from the others. This hug had more emotion and feeling in it, and for once I felt like it was okay to let my walls come down and hug him back. I buried my face into his chest and sobbed once more. Link’s strong arms were wrapped around me as he whispered soothing words in my ear. After a few minutes my sobbing stopped and I had cried my eyes dried. “Link I’m sorry for acting the way I did. I was acting like the spoiled Princess I am. I’m truly sorry Link.” I apologized as I bowed my head in shame. Link put his hand under my chin and lifted my face up. “Zelda.” He stated as he stared at me. “Yes?” I asked with a sniffle as I felt my eyes start to water again. Link saw this and hugged me fiercely. He wrapped both his arms around my waist and rested his chin on top of my head. “Zelda you can stay with me if you want.” Link stated as he brought one his hands to my hair and began to comb his fingers through it. “I’d like that very much my dear Sir Link.” I stated. “Please don’t call me that, call me Link.” Link stated as he squeezed me tighter. “I hadn’t felt this way in a long time.” I whispered.

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