The Legend: Chapter 45 - One Step Closer

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Zelda's P.O.V

“Link!” I shouted as we pulled up onto the bridge. The cloud of smoke had

completely dissipated, and bodies of Gerudo warriors and Moblins were strewn all

over the bridge. I quickly jumped off of the wagon and sprinted towards Impa and

Link. He looked as if he was almost dead, which only caused me to run even faster.

All of his weight was on Impa it seemed and his feet slowly dragged behind him. I

could see Impa saying something to him which in turn she received an annoyed

glance from Link. His head rose up slightly towards me as I came closer. He

unhooked his arm from Impa’s shoulder and started his way towards me. But as

he took a couple of steps I could see he almost instantly regretted it. He fell to his

knees in pain. I slowed down my pace and slid down right in front of him skinning

my knees in the process. I bit back my cry of pain and focused on Link. He began to

fall forward but I took him in my arms before he met the ground. “Link?” I cried as

I pulled him closer to me. His head was pressed against my chest and his arms lay

limp at his sides. “Relax my child he is alright.” Impa confided. “What happened?” I

asked her. “He took on all of the warriors by himself.” Impa explained. I couldn’t

help but beam at how proud I was of him. “He is exhausted.” Impa added. “He

needs rest, there is a healer in Karikko that can help him.” Impa stated. “Zelda….”

Link mumbled. He turned his head to the right so he could look up at me. “I’m

here Link.” I whispered. “How did you-“ Link started but instantly shut up as he

heard Ronin’s voice. “They gave me up huh?” Link chuckled. He seemed so tired,

and beat up. “You’re going to be alright Link.” I sighed as I pulled him even closer

to me. Link buried his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel his breath against

the skin of my neck; his breathing was nice and even.  “C’mon Link let’s get you to

Karikko.” I stated. Link didn’t show any movement at all; in fact I felt his body

slump against mine. “Link?” I called. “He’s asleep child.” Impa explained. “Oh.” I

whispered. Carefully Impa and I carried him onto the wagon. There we laid him on

the cot inside. Laura instantly began tending his wounds, with Ronin’s help.

Outside Gordo and his Father were preparing the wagon for departure. Soon I felt

the wagon start and make its way towards Karikko.

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