The Legend: Chapter 16 - To the Dungeon

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Link’s P.O.V

As I rose from bowing, I heard Zelda quietly laugh. It was a sweet laugh and for some reason it made my heart skip a beat. “Your Highness this man was on Castle grounds, without permission and an escort.” One of the guards said. “Is that so?” Ganon asked. “Yes my Lord.” The guard answered. “ He must be a trespasser then, or  probably a thief then.” Ganon stated. “I’m not a thief!” I shouted. Ganon’s eyes suddenly opened with realization. “You have courage boy, to speak so rudely to a Lord. Or perhaps it’s foolishness?” Ganon stated. I became silent. “Come Zelda we must return to your Father.” Ganon stated as he grabbed Zelda’s arm. “Release me.” She spat. Ganon suddenly pulled her close. “uh-uh-uh Princess, remember what I said before. I can easily destroy everything you care deeply about. Perhaps I’ll start with that boy; it seems you care for him and him for you.” Ganon threatened. Zelda loosened her guard to express her understanding of the situation. “A very wise choice, Zelda.” Ganon said. Both Ganon and Zelda turned to walk away. Zelda looked at me one last time before she disappeared into the corridor. “There she goes. Did that guy just threaten her?” I said to myself. Suddenly I saw the three guards from before close in on me. They soon were accompanied by two more guards. “Hehe so I suppose you’re not going to let me go are you?” I asked knowing the answer. “What do you think boy?” One of them said. I rolled my eyes by his comment. “You’re not going anywhere, but the dungeon.” Another guard commented. “But tonight it the Princess’ birthday and it would be no fun to celebrate it in the dungeon don’t you think?” I joked. “Shut your mouth boy and come quietly, or we will have to use force.” One of them threatened. “Oooo force sounds scary.” I said in a mocking tone. “That’s it!” one of them shouted. Suddenly a guard ran at me, I swiftly moved to right avoiding his fist. The guard threw another punch but I rolled out of the way avoiding it once more. “arghhhh!!” The guard yelled in frustration. Two more guards jumped into the fight making it difficult to eye who was going to attack first. All three charged at me at the same time, one dived for my legs causing me to lose my balance and fall backwards onto the ground. The second one pinned my arms down so I wouldn't be able to get back up. The third one stood above my head and raised his leg to kick me. His boot connected with my skull and I could feel a sharp pain pulse through my brain.  The guard pinning my arms down used that opportunity to punch me in the stomach. His knuckles collided with my ribs, blood pooled in my mouth. I could feel that one of my ribs were most likely cracked, and my head was spinning from the former attack. “Had enough boy?” He asked as he knelt down near my face. I spit directly in his face. He drew back in horror as he realized the blood from my mouth colored his face. He gave me a disgusted look, and I just simply smiled back knowing that he understood my message. “Foolish boy.” He stated as he raised his leg once more to kick me. His foot once again connected with my head except this time he hit me so hard that I couldn’t see straight. I could feel them raise me up and clasp chains around my wrists. My head was spinning, and images keep flashing in my mind. As I was fully raised up my mind went blank and everything went black.

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