The Legend: Chapter 47- The Great Fairy and Navi

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Link’s P.O.V

I sat up gasping after the Goddess’ light disappeared and I was alone in the darkness again. I opened my eyes to find myself in a small room I didn’t recognize. “Where in the world am I?” I thought to myself as I attempted to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed I was on but only groaned in pain. I glanced down at my core to see that it was wrapped up in gauzes. “Right I practically blew myself up on the bridge!” I exclaimed. “And then I lost the Master Sword…I am such and idiot!” I shouted in anger. “That you are young hero.” A rough voice chuckled as the door opened. I turned my head to see it was Lady Impa in the doorway. “Please tell me last night was just a bad dream.” I begged. “Unfortunately it wasn’t last night but three nights ago you lost the Master Sword.” The Sheikah explained. “What?!” I exclaimed as I sat up again causing me to wince in pain. “You need to relax, you mustn’t open up your wounds, otherwise Zelda won’t be able to sleep again tonight.” Impa explained. “What do you mean?” I questioned as I slowly swung my legs over the edge of the bed. “Ever since your battle on the bridge Zelda has been fretting over you constantly. She was worried sick about you and refused to sleep until she was convinced that you were alright; just like you did when she was injured.” She chuckled. “You two are so alike it’s not even funny.” Impa inquired. “Where is Zelda?” I asked trying to hide the obvious concern in my voice. “She should be at my house, most likely still worrying about you. I suggest you get dressed and visit her before that poor girl collapses from worrying so much.” Impa suggested. I nodded my head in agreement as I slid a plain white cotton shirt over my head and slipped on my boots. I followed Impa out of the small house and ran into a young woman you looked strangely familiar. “Oh so you’re awake!” She exclaimed with a smile. “Yes no thanks to you Madam.” Impa stated with a slight bow. “She tended to me?” I asked. “Yes Sir Link, it’s the least I could do after you helped bring my family back together.” She explained. I stared at her in confusion. “Your family?” I asked. As I stared at her even more I began to connect to the dots. She had beautiful red hair just like Laura and Ronin. They had explained to me that their Mother was a great healer, but Gordo had confirmed his wife dead. “I was right!” I concluded. Gordo’s wife just smiled awkwardly as I slowly lowered my arms from raising them in triumph. “I knew you were still alive!” I exclaimed. “Ah yes Gordo had explained to me that he had lost hope but once you and the Princess arrived that all changed.” She explained. I quickly glanced at Impa then back to Gordo’s wife. “They know?” I asked. “No just my family, you, and Lady Impa.” Gordo’s wife explained. I sighed in relief. “We know how important your mission is and that you must remain hidden in order to complete it and don’t worry your secret is safe with us.” She promised. “Thank you.” I stated as I hugged her gently. “Are you going to meet her now?” She asked me. I nodded my head yes and walked towards the door. “I just saw her before I came to check up on you, she and Ronin are going on a walk.” She explained. “A walk where?” Impa asked her. “I don’t know but I’m sure they wouldn’t even dare go past Death Mountain.” She answered. “I’ll go catch up with them.” I shouted as I ran out the door in hopes I would be able to see Zelda even sooner than I expected. I jogged through the village and saw different types of people everywhere. “They must all be from Castle Town.” I thought to myself. Suddenly memories from my dream last night came flooding back as I ran. Images flashed in my mind of the never ending darkness and then the piercing light from the Goddess. I slowed my stride into a walk as more and more images flashed before my eyes. Her words echoed in my mind as I began to stop walking entirely. I held my head in my hands as I attempted to block the words and images out. Once they finally began to stop I felt a sudden feeling of dread.  “A sacrifice huh?” I wondered. “Hey!” A voice exclaimed. I snapped my head towards the voice but no one was there. “Hello?” I called out. “Over here!” The voice called again. I turned again and saw a small ball of light floating in place. “A….bug?” I questioned. “I’m a FAIRY! A F-A-I-R-Y!” the creature shouted as it flew at me. “Whoa!” I exclaimed as the fairy began pulling at my hair. “Ow! Hey cut that out!” I demanded. “Not until you apologize for calling me a bug!” She shouted as she began to pull harder. “Alright! Alright I’m sorry for calling you a bug!” I apologized. “There was that so hard?’” The fairy asked smugly as she floated right in front of me. I scoffed loudly and began to walk away. “Hey where do you think you’re going?!” She questioned. I continued walking and ignored her question. “If you keep going that way you’ll never find your sword….” The fairy trailed. I stopped in my tracks and sighed impatiently. “Where is it?” I demanded. “Oh I don’t know, but I know who does.” She laughed. “I don’t have time for games!” I exclaimed. “Calm down kid, just listen to my words. Do you think you can handle that?” She asked. I nodded my head yes in annoyance. “First of all loose the attitude otherwise I’m not telling you anything.” She demanded. I rolled my eyes in return. “That! Stop that right there!” She exclaimed. “Fine. Please proceed.” I huffed through clenched teeth. “I was sent by the one of the Great Fairies. She knows where your sword is, and has the gift to retrieve your weapon.” She explained. “Gift?” I asked. “Yes, she has the only thing that can help you get your dumb sword, were you not listening?!” The fairy screamed. “Right sorry.” I apologized. “Honestly I don’t understand how the Goddesses always choose the difficult ones to be the Hero.” She huffed in annoyance. “Where exactly can I find this Great Fairy lady?” I asked. “She lives on Death Mountain, between the entrances of the Goron village and the volcano.” The Fairy explained. “Great…” I trailed. “Don’t worry you can’t miss it!” She exclaimed. I shot a look of disbelief towards the fairy before I took off. “Wait! Are you going to see her or not?” She questioned. “Of course!” I exclaimed. “Great! Wait why are you looking at me like that?” She asked. “No reason…” I stated as I moved closer towards the fairy. Quickly I clasped my hands around the fairy trapping her inside my hands. I could feel her pounding on the palms of my hands as I carried her with me up the mountain trail which happened to be nearby. “Let me out of here!” She screamed. “Relax I’m just bringing you with me.” I explained. “Why?!” She questioned. “In case I get lost.” I chuckled. “You could have just asked me you idiot!” She shouted. “Nah I feel like you’re the type to book once danger arrives.” I explained. She sighed impatiently. “We have only just met! You don’t know me!” She screamed from inside my closed hands. ”You’re right you never told me your name! So let me guess it’s probably something really long and hard to pronounce.” I joked. “If I knew you were this sarcastic I wouldn’t have offered to deliver the message from the Great Fairy.” She huffed. I could feel her that she had settled down, so I took that opportunity to really ask her name. “So what is your name really?” I asked. “Navi. N-A-V-I!” She answered. “What about you pretty boy?” She questioned. “Link.” I answered. “Link?” She asked. “Yeah?” I answered. “I had a friend named Link before, he was kind of like you but much more polite…..we grew up together.” She explained. “What happened to him?” I questioned. “He died of old age, and well us fairies basically live forever so….” Navi trailed. “Oh I’m sorry.” I apologized. “Don’t be he lived a good life, he saved Hyrule, fell in love, had kids the whole nine yards.” She laughed. “He seems great I wish I could’ve met him.” I stated. “Yeah he was a good kid.” She chuckled. “So are you following the path or just wandering aimlessly?” Navi asked me. “I’m following the path, for your information.” I snapped. “No need to bite my head off there Blondie! I was just curious is all!” She snapped back. I rolled my eyes at her and continued forward.

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