The Legend: Chapter 40 - Traveling

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Link’s P.O.V

I exited the wagon and made my way back to the area where Ronin and I had spared earlier. “Link!” A voice exclaimed. I turned towards the voice to see it was Gordo. I waved at him in response. “The sun is going to set in a little bit here. We were thinking about heading to Karikko now.” He explained. “That’s probably a good idea; we can use the darkness of night as cover.” I stated. “Just what I was thinking!” Gordo’s Father piped as he appeared by my side.  “Will you help us pack up?” Gordo asked as he handed me my shirt and chainmail. “Of course.” I answered as I slipped on both my chainmail and shirt. “After you help us you should probably return to your friend.” Gordo suggested. “Yeah and get some shut eye!” Gordo’s Father commanded. I nodded my head at his remark as I put out the fire and began covering it with dirt. “Could you go get Ronin he should be with Laura tending the horses?” Gordo asked. “On it.” I huffed as I finished covering the fire pit. “Hey Ronin!” I called as I reached the front of the wagon where the horses were tied up. Both Laura and Ronin were adjusting the wagon back on to the holdings that were balanced on the horse’s backs. The wagon clicked into place, casuing the horses to stir a bit from the new found weight placed on them. “Yeah Link?” Ronin asked as he wiped his brow. “Your Dad told me to come and get you.” I explained. “Alright.” He huffed as he walked past his younger sister but not before ruffling her hair. “Hey!” She shouted as she shoved him angrily.  “You know I hate it when you touch my hair!” She exclaimed as she began smoothing her hair back to its regular form. I chuckled as the two interacted. “What’s so funny Sir Link?!” Laura barked. “Nothing! It’s just you two are so lucky.” I explained. “Lucky?” Ronin questioned. “Yeah you guys have each other.” I added. “Don’t you have anyone?” Laura asked. “Of course he does Laura! Didn’t you see how he acts around that girl you’ve been taking care of?” Ronin laughed. I laughed nervously as Ronin went on. “Of course! You have her and she has you! Are you two…you know? Together?” Laura interrogated. “What?! I mean- We’re together, but not together, together. Both Laura and Ronin rolled their eyes at me and said” Sure.” “Come on Ronin your Dad wants you.” I huffed as I grabbed his arm and dragged him away. “Oh come on don’t act so distant now, it’s obvious you have feelings for her.” Ronin laughed. “Enough Ronin.” I sighed. “And she obviously has feelings for you…” He trailed. “Ronin, I suggest you knock it off before I-“ I started but was cut off by Gordo. “Ah there you are!” Gordo exclaimed. “Ronin can you help your Grandfather with the supplies, and Link can you make sure Laura doesn’t bring anything extra on?” Gordo asked. “Sure thing Pops.” Ronin answered as he walked off. “Extra?” I asked him. ‘Yeah she tends to find some sort of treasure to her and bring it onto the wagon.” He explained. “Oh.” I realized. “Just make sure it’s nothing to big.” He laughed. “Alright I will.” I laughed as I turned back towards the wagon. “Laura!” I called. There was no response. “Laura?” I repeated. There was still no response. I poked my head inside the wagon to find Zelda holding Laura. Zelda was singly softly to her as the young girl slept. Zelda saw me enter and smiled as she continued to sing. “Oh young hero, servant's follower, unite earth and sky, bring light to this land. Oh young hero, chosen by the goddess, fly over the people, bring peace to their hearts. Oh young hero, guide the twirling cloth to the Light's Tower above. Then, young hero, a path shall open and a heavenly song you'll hear. Darkness will threaten the land but don't fear, the Hero of Time will not fail to appear. He will vanquish all, those before him, and he will make Darkness tremble in rage. Oh young hero, you won't fail…” She sang. Laura was fast asleep in Zelda’s lap she was curled up and snoring softly. “That was….familiar.” I whispered. Zelda continued to hum the song as she gently rubbed Laura’s head. “She’s something huh?” I laughed softly. “She’s so young.” Zelda whispered. “And outlandish.” I added. “What makes you say that?” Zelda asked. “She’s like two different people.” I explained. “Ah yes, she’s acts almost like an adult when she is treating her patients.” Zelda stated. “And when she’s not she acts like a regular kid.” I added. She nodded her head in agreement as she continued to stare at Laura lovingly. “You would make a wonderful Mother one day.” I complimented. Zelda blushed a little at my comment. She smiled thoughtfully as she lifted her head to look at me. ”And I’m positive that you will make an ideal Father.” She stated. My heart lurched inside my chest as Zelda and I locked eyes and clasped each other’s hand. “Did you get any sleep yet?” I asked her. She seemed a little upset at my attempt to change the subject but shook it of quickly, but not quick enough for me not to catch it. “Not yet.” She answered. I raised my eyebrows and gave her a disproving look. “Laura had come in here asking if I was alright. She seemed very tired as well, so I offered to tell her a story, and before I knew it she was asleep.”  Zelda explained. Suddenly the wagon lurched forward indicating that the cart was in motion. “Are we heading out already?” Zelda asked. “Yeah, we should get moving before more Gerudos show up.” I answered. ‘How long do you think it will take until we reach Karikko?’ She asked me. “Two to three days maybe.” I said uncertainly. “I think it’s best if you and I remain hidden.” I suggested. Zelda nodded her head in agreement. “We don’t want to endanger anyone.” Zelda stated as she glanced at Laura. “Link do you really think that the others will join the fight?” She asked me. I squeezed her hand reassuringly before answering. “Absolutely, especially once they find out that you’re alive and well.” I answered. “But I’m just the Princess….” She sighed. “If it was my Father coming to them-“ She started but I quickly cut her off. “You aren’t just a Princess, Zelda. You are kind, caring, and unfortunately very stubborn.” I explained. She chuckled lightly at the stubborn comment. “When this is all over, I am positive that all corners of Hyrule will be more than happy to know that you will be their Queen.” I stated. “They will think I am weak….” She sighed. “What makes you say such lies?” I exclaimed. She lowered her head in attempt to hide her face from me. “Zelda look at me.” I stated more calmly. She lifted her head up slowly. I lifted my hand to her face and cupper her chin. “You will be a more than wise Queen. You are the strongest person that I’ve met, and the most stubborn.” I tried knowing I was repeating my joke from before. Zelda chuckled at the joke none the less though. “You won’t just be the Queen that I will only follow, but the Queen whom everyone love and follow endlessly.” I added. “Thank you Link.” She thanked as she her eyes began to water. “Hey now what did I tell you about crying?” I laughed as I wiped her tears away. “That you hate it when pretty girls cry.” Zelda answered with a laugh that came out more like a sniffle. “Exactly.” I laughed as squeezed her hand that I was still holding. We sat in silence just enjoying each other’s company for what seemed like forever until I stifled a yawn. “You should get some sleep.” Zelda suggested. “You too.” I laughed. She rolled her eyes at me before she gently pulled the blanket over Laura and herself. “I can’t sleep now, not when Zelda is vulnerable like this.”  I thought to myself. Suddenly the wagon came to an abrupt halt causing everyone to lurch forward. Zelda and Laura both sat up together and pulled the blanket off of them. “What’s going on?” Laura yawned. “I’ll go check, stay here.” I stated as I climbed out the back of the wagon. “Hey Gordo what’s going on?” I questioned as I reached the front. Ronin, Gordo, and the old man were all perched at the front on the wagon. Gordo had his grip on the reigns, while Ronin was passed out with his mouth wide open. “Useless boy! Wake up!” His Grandfather exclaimed before hitting him over the head with his cane.  “What’s going on? Hwy did we stop?” I repeated. “Take a look lad.” Gordo stated as he pointed in the distance. Far off in the distance a visible blaze could be seen. “What is that?” Ronin yawned. “It’s where we were supposed to be headed.” The old man explained. I pulled out my binoculars from my adventure pouch and took a look.  “What do you see young man?” The old man asked. “Gerudos and Moblins.” I sighed. In the distance was a large stone bridge that leads to Karikko Village. The whole bridge was armed with archers, Gerudo warriors, and Moblins. “How many?” Ronin asked. “A lot, they have archers posted higher up, meaning they would see us coming if we attacked forwardly.” I explained. “That’s the only way to Karikko too.” Gordo sighed. “Link what’s going on?” Zelda asked. I turned around to see both Zelda and Laura did not listen to me. “The way to Karikko is blocked by practically a whole army of Gerudos and Moblins.” Ronin spilled. “Oh no.” Zelda cried. Laura left Zelda’s side to go to her Father. “We should camp here for tonight.” I suggested. “But we’ve only been traveling for a few hours.” Ronin whined. “We shouldn’t move any closer to the bridge, the archers would spot us from the position.” I explained. “You here that boy! That means no setting anything on fire!” The old man cried as he pointed his cane accusingly at his grandson. “Hey that wasn’t my fault, that was Laura’s!” Ronin shouted. “How dare you try to blame your poor, innocent, little sister!” His Grandfather exclaimed as he hit Ronin with his cane. “Grandpa!” Laura exclaimed. The old man seized his attack on his grandson to face his daughter. “Can you help me with setting up camp?” She asked. “Anything for you dear.” The old man laughed. He began to make his way towards his granddaughter, but not before landing one more hit on Roinn. “Are they always like this?” Zelda whispered to me. “Pretty much.” I chuckled.

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