The Legend: Chapter 5 - Lord Ganon

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Zelda’s P.O.V

“Zelda, come here my darling.” My father called out to me from the gardens. I walked down the cobblestone path lined with hedges and decorated with various flowers. My father sat on a stone bench underneath a white oak tree, his smile greeting me. He patted the empty spot next to him indicating me to sit next to him. I smoothed out the creases in my dress as I took my place beside him. “Yes father?” I asked. “I spoke with Lord Ganon this morning.” Father stated. I turned to him and gave him a look of concern. “Don’t worry I didn’t tell him of the Triforce, or how we came across this information.” Father explained. “What did you say then?” I asked. *FLASHBACK* The King of Hyrule sat in his throne with discomfort and concern as the doors opened, and Lord Ganon entered. Lord Ganon slowly treaded down the corridor, his piercing red eyes fixed on the King. Once he reached the throne he dropped to one knee and bowed his head almost mockingly. “My King, you summoned me?” He asked in a rude tone. “I did indeed call for your presence Ganon.” The King retorted. Lord Ganon rose and faced the throne. “Rumors of the Gerudo planning an attack on Castle Town have been circling the Kingdom. I hoped you could prove them wrong. You are after all one of the most respected idols in the desert, perhaps if these rumors are true you could act as a mediator for us.” The King explained. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the rumors are in fact not true. As the current leader of the Gerudo and the desert I would have heard this information. Ganon explained. “And how is that bad news?” The King asked. “Who doesn't love a little resistance now and then, it will only strengthen us, and so we can grow as a kingdom.” Ganon retorted. “Or weaken us and cause the kingdom fall apart.” The King shot back. “I hear the Princess’ birthday is during the light festival this year, is that true?” Ganon asked as if he was trying to change the subject. “That is indeed true.” The King answered. “She is turning 18 years of age is she not?” He asked. The King nodded his head yes. “ Well tell her I wish her a very Happy Birthday.” Ganon said. “Will you not be attending the celebration?” The King asked.” I most certainly will be attending the celebration. In fact I plan on bringing a fantastic present for her.” Ganon answered. The King smiled and stood up from his throne. He casually stepped down and shook hands with Lord Ganon. “I’m sure she will enjoy it.” The King said in a jolly tone. Ganon smiled back as he released the King’s hand. “I shall take my leave my King.” Ganon stated as he bowed once more and headed towards the doors he entered before.*END OF FLASHBACK* “That’s it?” I questioned. Father nodded slowly as patted my head. “Do you not believe his words Zelda?” Father asked. “I do not believe him at all.” I said truthfully. Father sighed deeply as he put his arm around me. “Lord Ganon is one of our most trusted members of the Royal court. I would trust him with my life my dear.” Father explained. “But he is not a sage, you do not know of his intentions for the kingdom. You said yourself he now is the leader of the Gerudo which have been ruled by women for centuries, he is climbing to power. Soon he will have the whole east part of the Kingdom under his control, and then he will over throw us!” I shouted. My father silenced me and scolded me. “I know your visions are not to be taken so lightly, I assure you that all castle guards will be ready for battle at any minute.” Father stated. Inside of me I could sense an evil rising, and evil that would endanger the lives of my people, and yet my Father’s words calmed those fears. “Alright.” I said in defeat.

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