The Legend: Chapter 21 - Close your eyes

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Zelda’s P.O.V

I have never been so frightened in my whole life. “Thank the goddess’ that Link came to my rescue.” I thought to myself. “We need to get out of here, before more guards come.” Link stated. I nodded my head in agreement. He grabbed my hand as he opened the door. ”We have to be quick if we want to escape unseen.” Link explained as he unsheathed his sword. I nodded my head in agreement. He gave me a reassuring smile as he took off his shirt and placed it over my head. I blushed intensely as he did this. ”Thank you.” I thanked. “You’re welcome Princess.” Link said with a wink as he grabbed my hand again. We rushed down the halls of the castle stealthily. The halls and corridors were empty and stripped of their previous glory. “What’s going on?” I asked as I stopped running. Link released my hand and turned to me. “Zelda we have to keep moving, it’s too dangerous to stay here.” Link explained. “Link I think I should know what’s going on.” I stated.  Suddenly a large group of men appeared at the end of the corridor. “No time Zelda, I’ll explain later.” Link said as he threw me over his shoulder. “Link!” I shouted. “Sorry Princess but this is faster.” Link explained as he began sprinting down the hall as if I weighed nothing. The group of men saw us and charged toward us. As they got closer they became more visible. They were dark skinned and had curved swords grasped in their hands. “Geurdos.” I whispered in realization. Suddenly Link stopped running and put me down. “What’s wrong?” I asked. Link looked at me with concern. “I need you to keep your eyes closed until I tell you otherwise.” Link said. “Why is that?” I asked. “Please just keep them closed.” Link begged. I nodded my head yes and grabbed Link’s hand. I closed my eyes tightly and began walking blindly except for Link’s guidance as he pulled me along. I could feel the cold stone floor change underneath me. It became warm and wet; whatever I was stepping in was covering my feet and squishing between my toes. A horrid stench burned my nose and made me fell nauseous.

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