The Legend: Chapter 4- An Unpleasent Birthday Present

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The doors were forcefully opened to a stone corridor that was adorned with limited candles. Only a small amount of light illuminated off them causing the room to seem like an evil place. A small group of soldiers entered the room. They stopped once they reached the end of the hall where a throne was being occupied by a certain read haired menace. “Lord Ganon.” They said in unison as they bowed.  Ganon sat causally on his throne with on knee up and his chin resting in the palm of his hand. “Have you discovered a date when the castle defense will be limited?” Ganon asked as if he expected them to find nothing. One of the kneeling men rose to answer his question. “We have indeed your Lordship.” He said. “And what day would this be?” Ganon asked with more interest. “On the Princess’ birthday, a celebration is going to be held within the town. Most guards will either be working or attending the celebration in town.” He informed Ganon. “It seems the Princess will be receiving a rather unpleasant birthday present.” Ganon joked.

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