The Legend: Chapter 63 - We Better Get Going

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Link’s P.O.V

Even though we had managed to escape Gerudo Desert without being followed or hunted down I had a horrible feeling they were closing in. “Zelda we should keep moving.” I suggested. We had reached Lake Hylia just as the sun reached its highest perch in the sky. Zelda was tired and in pain, and all I could do was comfort her. “Okay, here can you help me up?” She asked. Zelda was weak and needed rest but if we stopped the enemy will surely catch up with us. I made my way to Zelda and scooped her up in my arms. “Link, I’m so sorry. I should have listened to you.” Zelda apologized. I looked at Zelda to see that her eyes were tearing up. Gently and carefully I sat down on the ground with Zelda still in my arms. She sat in my lap as I brought my hands to her face. “You have nothing to be sorry for Zelda. I was being stubborn. Zelda I just can’t have you risking your life for me. I need you to stay alive.” I explained. Suddenly the tears spilled over and ran down her cheeks. Her face was covered in a layer of dirt but as the tears ran down her face her pale, fair skin appeared. I wiped away her tears and stared right into her bright, blue eyes. “Zelda, I was so worried. I thought…I thought you were dead.” I choked out. Zelda quickly threw herself at me. She buried her face in my neck and hugged me tightly. “I yelled at you, when you were just trying to save me. I drove you away. It’s my fault you were captured and imprisoned. Zelda I promise I will never, ever let that happen ever again. As long as I live Zelda I will insure your freedom and safety.” I swore. Zelda pulled out of our hug to look at me. “Link, it’s not your fault I was being dumb. I should have just listened to you. I was just so scared that I would lose you. I don’t know if I can do this without you Link.” Zelda explained. “Do what?” I asked. “I don’t know if I can lead a kingdom.” She revealed. “Aw c’mon you don’t need me for that.” I joked. Zelda stared at me seriously in response. “Yes, I do. You help me see reason. That’s a fine trait Link.” She complimented. “Thank you Princess.” I responded. Zelda quickly punched my shoulder in anger. “I told you to call me Zelda!” She exclaimed. “Ow! I’m sorry!” I shouted. I truly didn’t understand the reason behind her major dislike of the use of her title but I wasn’t going to defy her again, after all she could pack a mean punch. “Sorry was that too hard?” She asked. “I’m mean it did hurt a little bit.” I sniffled. “Well you deserved it.” She snapped. “I’m glad to see that you’re back to normal.” I chuckled. “Shut up.” Zelda said flatly before leaning into me. “Ganondorf is closing in Link. He still doesn’t know about you, and I think we can use that to our advantage.” Zelda informed. “I’m game, but only and I mean only if you aren’t planning something.” I stated firmly. Zelda stared at me shocked. “Even if I was I wouldn’t tell you.” Zelda scoffed. It was true that she wouldn’t, but Zelda had a way of expressing guilt that I had learned to take notice to. “We should go.” I repeated. “Alright, but where?” Zelda asked as I scooped her up. “We should meet back up with Impa and the rebel army. Before I left to find you I was informed that everyone was gathering for battle. The war is nearing, and time is running out.” I explained. “Then we better get going.” Zelda added.

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