The Legend: Chapter 51- Ganondorf's Tyranny

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Link's P.O.V

After the Zoras left Zelda and I stayed by the stream a little while longer, while Impa and Ronin went back to the village. “Ganondorf is already making his moves.” Zelda stated as she stared at the Castle in the distance. “He is trying to isolate our allies, so none can rebel against him.” She explained deeper. I walked up behind her and placed my hand on her shoulder. “He can do what he will but Zelda he will not win.” I reassured her. “How are you so sure?” She asked me. “Because I will not let it happen.” I answered. Zelda pulled me into a hug. “I fear for my people.” She cried into my chest. “Don’t fear for them Zelda, be brave for them.” I cooed. She pulled out of the embrace to look at me. “Sometimes I wonder if you have the Triforce of Wisdom rather than the Triforce of Courage.” She chuckled. I laughed along with her as put my arm around her. “You can’t be courageous without wisdom.” I stated. Zelda smiled as she leaned into my shoulder. “True you’d be lost without me.” She teased. “I think it’s opposite.” I retorted. “Say what you will Link but you wouldn’t be in this position if I had never met you.” Zelda explained. Suddenly I could see our conversation taking a serious turn. “Link I’m sorry.” She apologized. “Don’t be sorry Zelda this is my choice.” I tried. I could see the guilt filling Zelda. She felt like she was bringing me into this battle, when really I was walking into it on my own. She lowered her head and stared at her feet. I cupped her chin and lifted her face gently. “Zelda listen carefully. I have sworn my allegiance to you; I will fight for you, even if you turn me away. As your chosen hero it is my duty.” I explained seriously. “Alright.” She huffed. “Plus I’m not as easy to get rid of as you think.” I joked. She chuckled softly but quickly became silent as she looked towards the castle in the distance again. “Come on, we should be heading back.” I stated as I offered her my hand. She took it and together we walked back to the village. We entered Impa’s house to see her conversing with Rusl and Mayor Bo. “Rusl? Bo?” I questioned. Both men turned to me and instantly lit up. Rusl approached me and hugged me tightly. “Link my boy! It’s been so long it seems!” Rusl exclaimed as he looked me over. “He looks like he’s grown a bit huh Rusl?” Bo chuckled as he pat me on the back. “It would be no surprise to me.” Rusl laughed. “You’re Majesty.” Bo greeted as he bowed to Zelda. Rusl did the same while Zelda curtsied to the both of them. “It’s good to see you two.” Zelda stated. “Any news form Ordon?” I asked the two. “Yes, after you left Gerudos came to the village.” Rusl answered. “What?” Zelda questioned. “Is everyone alright?” I asked. “Yes they are fine in fact they’re here in Karikko.” Bo answered. I looked to Rusl for reassurance. “Yes we managed to move everyone here just in time.” Rusl stated. “Just in time?” Zelda asked. “The Gerudo received word that the Princess had been there, they tore the place apart looking for her.” Bo explained. Zelda took in the news. “I’m so sorry.” She cried. I hugged her and gently patted her hair. “Shh it’s alright, no one was hurt. No harm done.” I cooed. “No harm done?!” She shouted as she pushed me away from her. “Your home is destroyed because of me!” She shouted. “You’re Majesty if I may? Our home is nothing without freedom. We refuse to live under Ganondorf’s rule. We will only live under your rule.” Bo explained. Zelda stared at Bo in awe. “When I am Queen I will make it so everyone shall be free. Ganondorf’s rule will end if it’s the last thing I do.” Zelda swore. I had never seen this side of Zelda; she was so angry and vengeful. “I will no longer watch my people suffer.” Zelda cried. Impa placed her hand on Zelda’s shoulder comfortingly. “We will build a rebellion. I already delivered a letter to Prince Ralis. It contains the details of our attack. We must go to the Gorons and tell them the same. After that we will have almost every nation together and Ganondorf will be outnumbered. Then we will be able to take back Castle Town.” Impa explained. “What about the Triforce?” I inquired. “What about it?” Zelda asked me. “You said Ganondorf isn’t just after the throne Zelda.” I explained. “Yes child he is after the Triforce as well. That is why we must insure both you and the Queen’s safety.” Impa explained. “Don’t worry about me, we have to protect Zelda she is more important than I.” I stated. “You are just as important as I!” Zelda exclaimed. “No, I’m not.” I argued. Zelda marched towards me with her hand raised. She was about to slap me but I grabbed her hand instead. She screamed at me through her tears. “No Link! You must stop thinking like this!” She cried as she pounded her hands against my chest. “A sacrifice will have to be made.” A voice echoed in my mind. I remained silent as she scolded me. After Zelda lectured me she sat down beside Impa. “As I was saying we must contact the Gorons.” Impa stated. “But I fear Ganondorf has done something to them just as he did to the Zoras.” Impa explained. “What makes you think that?” I asked her. “I haven’t heard from the in weeks.” She answered. “Then we must go to Death Mountain immediately.” Rusl stated. “We will head out first thing sun down.” Bo stated. “No you must stay here with the Ordonians.” I stated. “He’s right you must stay with your people.” Impa said sternly. Both Rusl and Bo seemed defeated by the rejection. “I will go to Death Mountain.” I stated. “So will I.” Zelda added. I turned to her and nodded my head no. “I will go with you as well.” Impa stated. “We leave as soon as the sun sets.” I declared. After talking about a few more details about the rebellion we all dispersed to prepare for a journey to Death Mountain. I had finished packing early so I decided it was best to go and talk to Zelda. I walked towards her door to see it was semi cracked open. I knocked softly and waited for a response. “Come in.” Zelda stated from inside. I opened the door and walked inside. Zelda was stuffing what looked like clothing into a small satchel. “Hey Zelda.” I greeted. Zelda remained silent as she continued to pack. “Uh Zelda?” I tried again. Again there was no response. I was beginning to lose my patience. “Zelda!” I shouted as I grabbed her shoulders and made her face me. I looked her over. Her face was tear stained and her hair was all over. She refused to meet my eyes. “Zelda, look at me.” I begged. She raised her blue eyes to mine. Some heavy burden was held deep within her eyes. “Zelda…” I trailed. Slowly I went down to my knees and placed my hands on her hips gently. “Zelda you have to understand, that my life is meaningless.” I whispered. I heard Zelda’s breath hitch at my words. She placed her hands on either side of my face so I would look up at her. “Idiot.” She cried. I leaned into her hands soaking up the warmth. “No life is meaningless, especially yours.” She stated. Zelda glanced outside her window to see the sun starting to set. “We should go.” She stated as she helped me up. I grabbed her bag off of the bed and escorted her outside. There we met up with Impa. “We need to get a move on.” She stated. We left the village and made our way up the mountain. “Watch out for falling rocks.” I warned as we moved farther up the path. Thankfully there weren’t as many dangers as there was when I went up the mountain earlier. We made it to the top where the entrance of Goron City. The entrance was lit up with torches but no guards stood by the entrance. “Keep your eyes open and stay sharp.” Impa instructed as she pulled up her shawl and armed herself with a short blade. I unsheathed the Master Sword and readied myself. We entered the gates and walked down a dimly lit tunnel. Once we reached the end of the tunnel we met a door with Hylian writings carved all over it. Zelda walked toward the surface and ran her fingers over it. She whispered some words in Hylian and the doors opened. “Nice Zellie.” I praised. She smiled brightly at the compliment. Together we entered a circular room which was filled with Gorons. “Intruders!” A voice shouted. “No wait!” Zelda exclaimed as she stepped in front of Impa and I. All of the Gorons who were about to charge us stopped dead in their tracks. “Princess Zelda?” A voice questioned. Out of the midst of Gorons, one who was more dressed out than the others appeared. “My child is that you?” He asked her. “Yes Elder Mora it is I.” Zelda answered. He bowed to her and assured her closer. “We had receives news of your death at least a week ago. We thought all hope was lost.” He explained. “My death?” Zelda inquired. “Yes the message had come from Castle Town declaring your murder by your kidnapper.” Elder Mora explained. Zelda glanced at me with a panic stricken face. “Elder Mora Castle Town has been compromised for almost two weeks now.” Zelda stated. “What are you talking about child?” Elder Mora asked. “Ganondorf and the Geurdos attacked Castle Town during the Light Festival. They closed the gates and burned most of the town.” Impa explained.  “What? Where is your Father in all of this?” Elder Mora questioned. Zelda attempted to hide to her face from all of us. “The King is dead.” I answered for Zelda. She looked up towards me and nodded in recognition. “Impossible!” Elder Mora exclaimed. “Ganondorf killed him to claim the throne!” Zelda retorted. “His original plan was to marry me to acclaim the throne but I was difficult.” Zelda explained. “He was impatient, so he allied with the Gerudos to take Castle Town.” Impa finished for her. “I knew there were issues in the dessert but I would have never thought it was this bad.” Elder Mora grieved. “The races are coming together to stop Ganondorf’s tyranny but we need your help.” Zelda stated. “If what you say is true, then we, the Gorons, will help you.” Elder Mora promised. “Thank you.” Zelda thanked. “But you’re highness we are of no use for you now.” Elder Mora added. “What do you mean?” Zelda asked. “My people grow weaker by the day. Our supply of food has been blocked off.” He explained. “Is this why you haven’t come down to the village?” Impa asked. “Yes, I feared that we could not make it back up the mountain.” Elder Mora answered. “What exactly is blocking your food supply?” I asked. The large Goron turned to me. “Who is this?” He questioned as he gestured to me. “This is Link of Ordon.” Impa answered. “What is his business here?” Elder Mora demanded. “He is my friend, and we believe that he is the Chosen Hero.” Zelda answered. “Chosen Hero?!” Elder Mora boomed. “Yes.” Impa reassured him. “Does he hold a piece of the Triforce?” Elder Mora asked. “Link carriers the Triforce of Courage, as I carry the Triforce of Wisdom.” Zelda explained. Slowly Zelda made it to the empty spot beside me. She grabbed my hand and smoothly pulled off my gauntlet. Zelda then grabbed my hand and entwined her fingers with mine. Instantly our hands began to glow, which lit up the room greatly. Once the light dimmed Zelda went to remove her hand from mine but before she could completely let go I grabbed her hand. She turned to me shocked. I only grinned in response as I squeezed her hand. Zelda didn’t make a move to rid herself of me so a certain feeling of content washed over me. “Remarkable!” Elder Mora exclaimed as he stared at Zelda and I. “Back to the matter at hand, what exactly is going on?” Zelda asked. “Our food supply is made up of a special type of rock that comes from within the mountain. It is crafted by the lava from the volcano deep inside the mountain. One day when a group of us went into the volcano the entrance had been blocked off by some sort of rock. We tried moving it but it would seem that it has some sort of spell on it. My brothers are trapped within the volcano along with our food supply.” Elder Mora explained. “Ganondorf must have done this.” Impa stated. “He had iced over the waterways trapping the Zoras, it seems that he is trying to cripple any of Zelda’s allies.” Impa explained.  “You seem like you’ve thought most of this out.” Elder Mora chuckled. “I only do what it is expected of the Sheikah.” Impa responded. “Can you take us to the entrance?” I asked. Elder Mora straightened. “Only if you will help us save my brothers.” He responded. “I swear to it.” I stated. “This way.” He instructed as he pulled Zelda and I through the crowd of Gorons. He led us into an empty room. Only a large statute centered the room. Elder Mora walked up to it and began singing a low and rough tune. “I recognize that.” I whispered to Zelda. She ignored me and watched Elder Mora as he finished singing. After he was done the statue rumbled and slid over revealing a hole in the ground. “This is a secret passage way to the entrance that is blocked off.” He explained. “Why are we taking this way?” Zelda asked. “I didn’t want to frighten my people but Moblins have begun to flood the tunnels. This is the safest way.” He explained. “I’ll take care of the Moblins for you.” I promised. “Thank you, no go and may the Goddesses protect you.” Elder Mora thanked. “Ladies first.” Zelda teased. I rolled my eyes at her in annoyance as I dropped down into the hole. The drop was much farther than I expected. When my feet met the ground un-expectantly I collapsed over in shock. I sat up rubbing my head in pain. “Ow.” I groaned. Suddenly I felt a large amount of weight land on me from above. “Whoa!” I exclaimed as I fell back again. “Oh sorry Link!” Zelda apologized. I lifted my head to see that it was Zelda who landed on me. We were face to face; we were so close that not even a hair could fit between us. A bright blush climbed up Zelda’s cheeks as she stammered another apology. “Sorry Link.” She tried. “Uh, no worries Princess.” I responded. I sat up a little more so our noses were basically touching now. Her blush turned even darker as I did this.  “We should get going Link.” She whispered. “If that’s what you want Princess….”I trailed as I helped her off of me. Once she was on her feet again she wiped her hands on her pants and tried to compose herself.  “It’s so dark in here.” She stated. “It’s light enough.” I responded. Zelda then pressed her hands together and murmured something in ancient Hylain. Suddenly a small ball of golden light appeared in her hands, which in turn brightened the dark tunnel. “Are you sure it won’t drain your strength?” I asked. “Please this is simple magic. Healing magic needs ten times more energy to harness it.” She explained. “This way.” Zelda instructed as she wandered down the tunnel. I followed closely behind her with my sword in hand. A light could be seen at the end of the tunnel. “It looks like a torch.” Zelda stated. “Quick put your light out.” I demanded. Zelda did so and we were both quickly hidden in the darkness. The light got closer and closer until it was close enough to reveal it was Moblins. There were three of them, two armed with axes, while the third carried a torch to light the way. Once the Moblins were close enough I took instant action.  I quickly slashed them down with the Master Sword. They fell quickly and silently. “There’s probably more near the entrance to the volcano.” Zelda stated. “Stay here, while I go on ahead and scope the place out.” I instructed. “You wish!” She exclaimed. “Zelda I’m serious! Stay put!” I shouted. Zelda stepped back a little in shock. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to snap.” I quickly apologized. “You can’t just make me sit back and watch from the sidelines Link.” Zelda sighed. “I know I just want you to be safe Zelda.” I tried.  “Link we’re meant to do this together and the sooner you realize that the easier this is going to be.” She explained. Suddenly a noise came from the other end of the tunnel. “Zelda be quiet.” I demanded. “No you need to hear this!” She exclaimed. “Zelda please.” I tried again but she continued to yell at me. My patience was thinning so I quickly pulled her to me and clasped my hand over her mouth. “Link!” She mumbled from beneath my hand. “Zelda be quiet I hear something at the end of the tunnel.” I begged. Zelda stopped fighting me and nodded her head in recognition. “I heard something over here.” The voice echoed from the opposite end of the tunnel. “Moblins don’t talk.” I said to myself. “It’s probably Gerudos.” Zelda whispered as she pulled my hand off of her mouth. “Then you’re definitely staying here.” I stated. “Link wait, please don’t leave me here alone.” Zelda begged. “I only be gone for a moment.” I tried. “Hurry.” Zelda whispered.  “I promise.” I swore.

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