The Legend: Chapter 73 - A Life for a Life

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Link’s P.O.V

It was suddenly dark, so very dark. There was not a single glimmer of light or of hope in this place. It was nothingness. I could not feel nor see my form or any others around me. Is this what life after death is like? Nothingness?  “Link!” A distant voice shouted within the void. The voice was not completely clear, almost as if it was muffled. “Hello?” I called out.  “It’s time to come back.” The voice claimed. “Why?” I questioned. “I died.” I added with a sigh.  “Someone has chosen to take your place in the afterlife.” The voice stated almost sadly. “Who?” I asked. But there was no answer. In the distance of this dark and endless oblivion there was a golden light. It expanded until it was clear what truly stood before me. It was the symbol of the Triforce illuminating the darkness before me. I extended my hand out towards it and it almost instantly flew at me. I felt a wave of strength and vocation wash over me. I felt a new sense of courage and…..wisdom. “Wisdom? Zelda?!” I suddenly realized. Zelda had made the choice to swap places with me in the afterlife. “No! Leave me here! She is the one who deserves to live on!” I begged. “She thinks otherwise.” The voice stated. Suddenly I felt a deep influence within my soul. It felt as if I was being lifted up and flying through the air, then I was falling.


I awoke in my body. I twitched my fingers and clenched my toes to get a feeling of my limbs again. It was all so strange. I felt as if I had been sleeping for over a century and had just awoken refreshed and recharged. But as I sat up reality came crashing back. I was in the throne room again. Ganondorf was standing guard on the other side of some protective barrier that surrounded me and Zelda. “Zelda!” I realized. She was still and unmoving. Carefully I scooped her up in my arms and looked her over. She had no visible wounds or reasons for death. But her unresponsiveness could only be the reason for me being here among the living once more. Pain lurched in my heart. She had switched places with me in the afterlife. She gave up her Triforce for me to live on. “No! Please!” I cried. I hugged her lifeless from in hopes I’d get a response, but there was nothing. “Zelda, please come back to me. Please.” I begged. This was not how this was supposed to happen. She was born to rule, she was born to heal this land. She was so beautiful, even in death. Tears burned in my eyes as I held my love. She was gone, and it was Ganondorf’s fault. “You will pay for this!” I shouted. Ganondorf shrugged smugly and took a swing at the barrier with his sword. With Zelda dead the barrier no longer could hold. The barrier shattered and Ganondorf instantly attacked.

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