The Legend: Chapter 64 - An Upsetting Premonition

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 Zelda’s P.O.V

From that point on we rode towards Karrikko without any stops. I rode behind Link on Epona with my arms wrapped around his middle. In the beginning this position was always awkward, but as time progressed we found that we were far more comfortable with each other now. Link seemed to feel the same way by the way he acted towards me. He always had small lingering touches or protective squeezes that always caught me off guard. But why, was the real question. “Could Link possible have feelings for me?” I asked myself. “Should I ask him?” I thought. This was a question that always hovered over my head but I knew such a question could ruin our friendship. “I’ll just ask.” I told myself as I reached out to Link to tap on his shoulder. Just as I was about to reach him I felt everything in my body go numb. My vision blurred and a bright, white light appeared. I was blind for a few short moments before a landscape became visible. It resembled Hyrule field, just before the walls into Castle Town. It was dark, and thunder rumbled in the sky as rain fell. On the land armies clashed neither one truly showing conquest. In the midst of all of the chaos I spotted Link. He was well armoured just like any other knight, but before him was no ordinary foe. It was Ganondorf, in all of his menacing animosity. The two clashed swords and fought distinctively. Neither one seemed to outdo the other. It was too close for my liking. I stood by and watched as an arrow whizzed by Link’s head just missing Ganondorf. I looked over to see that it was me who had shot it. I watched myself interfere with the duel, as Link tried to call me off. But I didn’t listen. I shot multiple arrows at Ganondorf just hoping that one would hit its mark but it only served as a distraction for Link. In one quick swift motion I saw Link turn his head for a short moment to call me off, but Ganondorf took advantage of the situation. Ganondorf lifted his sword and plunged it right into Link’s chest. The choking sounds Link made when the blade burst through his back broke my heart. It was horrifying and far too woeful for me. I screamed out to him but nothing was heard. I watched as Link fell to the ground grasping the large blade that screwed him. “Link!” I screamed. Suddenly the vision vanished and I was back with Link. I found myself in Link’s arms, with him worryingly looking over me. “Zelda? I’m here. Don’t worry.” I heard him whisper. I lifted my head to see that blood stained Link’s shoulder. In response I reached out to the wound. Link lifted his head at my touch with a smile. “Zelda…” He trailed. “What happened?” I asked. Link took a moment of silence before answering me. “We were riding and you had a vision I think. You were screaming….For me.” Link finished. The images of Link’s death flashed in my mind once again, and the tears came. “What did you see?” Link demanded. “Nothing.” I sniffled. Link narrowed his eyes at me seriously. “Zelda if it’s something bad-“ He tried but I cut him off. “It’s nothing!” I snapped. Link looked utterly taken back at my outlook, which only made me feel guilty. “What happened to your arm?” I asked as I pointed towards it. “Oh when you were having your vision you kind of fell off of Epona. I tried to break your fall.” Link explained. Link had saved me once again; at this point it was getting ridiculous. “Thank you.” I whispered as I lightly kissed him on the cheek.  Instantly the boy blushed and started mumbling a few ‘you’re welcomes’ and some ‘no problems’. “There’s the Link I know.” I chuckled as I tried to sit up. “Don’t rush yourself.” Link warned. “I’m fine, Mother.” I teased. I sat up and ignored his warnings as I tore pieces of my dress. Carefully I bonded Link’s shoulder using the makeshift bandages from my dress. “You didn’t have to do that.” Link sighed. “Oh yeah I’ll just let you bleed out.” I snapped sarcastically. I was getting really tired of Link’s chivalry. He needed to realize that it wasn’t always about other people. “He could care for himself for once.” I thought to myself as I finished tying up the bandage. “How far are we from Karrikko?” I asked as I stood up while bringing Link up with me. “At least an hour, but I think if we hurry we can make it in half the time.” Link answered as he called Epona back over. We mounted her and quickly headed towards the village. Time was running out and even worse a premonition had to be dealt with. “Link will die, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.” I thought to myself. “Or is there?” I asked myself.

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