The Legend: Chapter 39- Promise Me

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Zelda’s P.O.V

“Zelda? Zelda stay with me…..Zelda?!” A voice shouted. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in a place I did not know. “Link?” I croaked out. I coughed in attempt to clear my throat. Suddenly a girl appeared beside me. “Oh good you’re awake!” She exclaimed as she pressed her hand against my forehead. “I was worried that you weren’t going to wake up.” She cried. I smiled at her weakly hoping that would comfort her. “Why do I feel so tired?” I asked her. “You lost a lot of blood.” She answered. Suddenly all the events from last night came flooding back. “Oh that’s right….I remember now.” I stated as I placed my hand on my neck. My fingers met a wet cloth tied around my neck. “Here let me.” The girl offered. Slowly she untied the cloth and peeled it off of my neck.  “Are you the one who has been caring for me?” I asked her. “Yes, my name is Laura by the way.” Laura answered. “It’s very nice to meet Miss Laura.” I greeted. She self-consciously pulled back the strands of dark red hair that were hiding away her young face. “It’s very nice to meet you.” She giggled. “Here you should drink some of this.” Laura stated as she handed me a jar of Red potion. “Thank You.” I articulated before I took a sip. I drank quickly in hope my body would feel more energized if I did. The potion did have an affect though it wasn’t as drastic as I hoped it to be. I stood up slowly and made my way towards the opening of the wagon. “Wait Miss you shouldn’t be moving around so much!” Laura warned but I waved her off as I climbed outside. My legs felt a little weak as I wandered. “You lost a lot of blood Miss, you need to rest!” Laura demanded as she gripped my arm to help steady myself. “I’m fine Laura, but thank you for your concern. I don’t know how I can ever repay you for what you’ve done to help me.” I thanked with a slight bow. She seemed a little surprised by my formal expression of gratitude. Laura released my arm and slowly backed off. “It was my pleasure! But you really shouldn’t be moving around too much okay?” She explained. “I promise to keep my movement to a minimum.” I promised. “Alright but if you feel dizzy or tired I suggest you drink some more Red Potion and get some sleep.” Laura suggested. “Yes Miss Laura.” I stated. Laura smiled before she turned around and receded back into the wagon. Once she was gone I took a moment to steady myself. I breathed deeply in hope the fuzzy feeling in my brain would disappear. “All this from just a tiny cut?” I sighed in annoyance. “Hyah! Is that all you’ve got?” A familiar voice shouted. I turned towards the voice to find it was Link sparing with the boy I saw earlier. They were both half naked and coated in sweat and dirt. Their swords clashed, causing a constant ringing sound to echo. “Link!” I exclaimed. Suddenly Link dropped his guard at the sound of his voice. He spotted me and smiled. “Zelda!” He shouted back. The other boy suddenly took that opportunity to attack Link while his guard was down. But Link didn’t fall for it; he blocked his attack and then spun his sword causing the boy’s sword to fall from his grip. Link pointed his sword at his neck. “Do you yield?” He asked him. “I yield.” He gasped out as he pushed away Link’s sword with his hand. “Ack that’s ten wins for Sir Link and zero for Ronin.” An older man exclaimed. Link sheathed his sword before helping the boy up. “That was good! If your opponent ever loses his focus, always use that to your advantage.” Link explained to the boy. The boy named Ronin shook hands with Link before whispering something to him. “Go on she’s waiting for you.” Ronin laughed as he shoved Link in my direction. Link began running towards me with that childish grin he always wore. I began making my way towards him but not without feeling dizzy. Link was only a few steps away as I suddenly fell to my knees. “Zelda!” Link exclaimed as he caught me. He wrapped his arms around me protectively as my head pressed against his chest. “Zelda….Please be okay.” He begged. “I’m fine Link.” I whispered. He pulled slightly away to look at me. “You look too pale to be okay.” He laughed as he brushed my hair out of my face. “You look worse than me right now, so you shouldn’t talk.” I huffed. “That’s because I’ve been worrying about you!” He exclaimed.  “You were worried about me?” I questioned. Link’s face suddenly tinted. “Uh well yeah…” He mumbled as he attempted to hide his face with his bangs. I lifted my hand to his face and pulled back his bangs. I quickly leaned upwards and pecked him on the cheek.  “Thanks Link.” I whispered as I pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back but with more intensity. “I was so worried Zellie.” He cried.  “I’m okay Link, I’m right here.” I stated. “But I almost lost you, and it was my fault.” He explained. “No! No it wasn’t.” I exclaimed as I placed my hands on both sides of his face. He tried to avoid making eye contact but eventually gave in and stared back at me. He reached up from my hands and gently pulled them down. “But it was Zelda! The Goddesses told me to protect you I almost failed them, I almost failed you! I swore that I would protect you!” Link cried. I squeezed his hands in comfort. “Link…. You have to stop this.” I begged. “You have to stop beating yourself up, my life will forever be surrounded by danger and there’s nothing you can do about it.” I explained. “But there is! I have to destroy all of the darkness! I am prepared to do that for you Zelda.” Link exclaimed. “No one’s every said something like that to me.” I thought to myself as I stared into his cerulean eyes. Link placed one of his shaking hands on my cheek. “Zelda I am prepared to die for you.” Link stated as he rubbed his thumb soothingly against my cheek. “Please don’t….” I cried. “I can’t have you throw away your life away for me!” I exclaimed as I pushed him away, but his gripped was too tight for me to break. Link wrapped his arms around me tighter as I began to cry. “I can’t let you die….” I cried into his chest. “I will live for you as well Zelda.” He cooed as he stroked my hair. “You have to promise that you aren’t ever going to something to do something stupid or suicidal!” I cried. “For you? Anything.” Link whispered. I continued to cry and Link continued to comfort me and whisper promises to me. After a while though I came to realize that we weren’t alone, and that Link was shirtless. I lifted my head from his chest and looked around to avoid looking at Link’s toned chest.  I began to pull away from Link but his grip on me tightened. I looked at him questioningly. “Not yet.” He begged. I tensed at his statement but tried to relax as he scooped me up in his arms and carried me into the wagon. He laid me on the cot gently, and turned to Laura. “Do you have any more Red Potion Laura?” Link asked her. “Yep!” She piped as she handed him a bottle. He handed it to me and assured me to drink. “Drink until you feel better, and then drink more.” Laura laughed as she exited the wagon. I drank and drank, until the whole bottle was empty. “Do you feel any better?” He asked me. I nodded my head yes as I yawned. “You should get some sleep Zellie.” He stated. “You look like you should get some sleep too.” I laughed. He grinned at me before pulling a blanket over me. “Get some sleep.” He whispered as he kissed my cheek. I blushed madly as he pulled away but before he could leave I grabbed his arm. “Go put a shirt on…then you can come back.” I murmured. “And do what?” He asked suggestively as he wiggled his eyebrows. “Sleep!” I exclaimed as I hit him with a pillow. “Ow! Alright! Alright! I’ll go get a shirt geez!” Link laughed as he exited the wagon.

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