The Legend: Chapter 78 - The Princess Awakens

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Link's P.O.V

Excitement overwhelmed me as I reached the Castle's door. The guards bowed and let me through without any trouble or unwelcome attention. I was on a mission and nothing could stop me at this point. It was night now and there wasn't many people within the corridors of the castle. I reached the the temple door and pulled on the large brass handles but they didn't budge, it was locked. I kicked the door in frustration until it busted open. The room was dark and the candles were no longer lit. The flowers and gifts remained but her body had been closed off and laid down to rest. Before me was a stone casket. The structure was beautifully painted and carved to compliment Zelda's life. I removed my hat and shoved it into my knapsack as I knelt before the casket. "Forgive me." I whispered under my breath as I pushed open the casket. Zelda laid inside completely still. She was beautiful. Carefully I took out the Resurrection Mask and glanced over it. "This has to work." I prayed. Gently I placed the mask over Zelda's face. At first nothing happened but soon the mask reacted. The markings began to glow with a blue color and the mask worked its magic. I quickly scooped Zelda's form out of the tomb and held her in my arms. I removed the mask and pressed my ear against her chest. Her heart thumped and the blood began to pump through her veins again. Her original pinkish hue returned to her cheeks as she opened her crystal blue eyes. Her eyes locked on mine. She seemed confused and scared. "Shhh its okay. You're okay now." I cooed as I rocked her gently in my arms. "Link?" She whispered. I pulled back to look at her. "I'm supposed to be dead." She said so quietly that I could barely hear her. "I know." I stated. "What did you do?" Zelda questioned. "Um....The Goddesses...They brought you back. I prayed to them to bring you back." I lied. Zelda's eyes softened. "Can you help me up?" She asked politely. "Of course." I stated as I stood up and gave her a hand. Her legs were weak and she struggled to stand. Her knees buckled and she fell against me. "Whoa!" She exclaimed as I caught her. "Thanks." She chuckled. "Still such a klutz." I teased. Zelda rolled her eyes at me and pushed me away. "I got this." She stated as she stood be herself and began to walk on her own. Her foot gently kicked the Resurrection Mask on the floor as she staggered forward. "What's this?" Zelda questioned as she bent down to pick it up. "Nothing!" I shouted as I quickly snatched it out of her hands and shoved it into my bag. "Um ok." She scoffed. Zelda opened her mouth to say something so I quickly pulled her to me and kissed her on the cheek. She remained silent and leaned into the kiss. "I missed you." I whispered. "How long have I been gone?" She questioned. "About a month." I answered. Zelda quickly pushed me away and scolded me. "And you haven't been crowned king yet?! I made is specifically clear that you were to assume the throne." She started. "Zelda I couldn't assume the throne. It wasn't my place." I tried. "You were the only one I trusted enough to give the kingdom to." She revealed. "You and I both know I am not cut out to be a royal. " I scoffed. "Shut up! Link give yourself a little more credit." She tried. I was starting to get annoyed with her. This was supposed to be a reunion not an argument. "You're really gonna do this right now? You're the one that got yourself killed, I don't think your judgement is the best. So how could you have made the decision to make me King?!" I exclaimed. Zelda seemed genuinely insulted as she stepped away from me a little. My words obviously hurt her. Her eyes became glassy and she attempted to blink them away. She quickly turned to the door and bolted. "Zelda...wait!" I shouted as I followed her. She was in clear view as I chased her into the gardens. It was still pouring outside as she knelt down underneath the same tree where our adventure began. She covered her face in her hands and sobbed. I carefully approached her and placed my hand on her back. I rubbed her back in soothing circles. Zelda lifted her head and looked at me. "I didn't mean that Zelda. I just was so angry at you for leaving me." I admitted. "I couldn't let you die Link. " She stated. "You must hate me." Zelda cried. "I could never hate you." I laughed. "We'll I hate you." She shot back. "What for?!" I exclaimed. "For waiting until I was dead to tell me how you truly felt." Zelda revealed. "Wait...How did you know?" I asked. "Just because I was dead didn't mean I wasn't with you." She laughed. "Come here." I demanded as I stood up and offered her my hand. Zelda took it and I instantly pulled her to words me. I grabbed her face and kissed her. To my surprise she kissed me back with as much compassion as I did. Her hands wrapped around my neck as I spun her around and kissed her at the same time. When we pulled away to breathe the rain stopped and the sun poked through the clouds. Zelda stared up at the sun and let the warmth soak in. She outstretched her arms and laughed. "You're so beautiful." I admitted. "You're just saying that because I told you I hated you for not admitting your feelings." She chuckled. "You're completely right. So I might as well admit everything right now." I joked. Zelda turned to me as she saw me step forward. I grabbed her hands and intertwined her fingers within mine. "Zelda I am in love with you." I stated truthfully. She smiled and her eyes lit up brighter than any of the stars. " I love you too." She stated as she leaned in to kiss me once more. We kissed and for once everything felt alright.

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