The Legend: Chapter 69 - To Die Rather Than Be Hurt

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“Zelda I’m sorry!” I cried.  I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I had just kissed her and for a second I thought she was kissing me back. But it was short-lived once she pushed me away with tears in her eyes. She looked so hurt and distressed. I tried to apologize but she just continued to shout. “Get out! Leave me alone!” Zelda begged as she hurled a pillow at me from her futon within the tent. I dodged it and backed up until I felt the flaps of the tent’s exit. I took one more look at her before leaving. I only saw pain. Zelda was hurting. But was it because of me? Was she upset because of the kiss? I couldn’t figure it out. I knew that she didn’t want me, but I pushed her anyways. “I’m so stupid!” I exclaimed as I kicked the dirt in anger. Luckily everyone had turned in for the night and wasn’t out and about to witness this. I was so angry with myself. I had hurt her in some way, and that broke my heart more than anything. She didn’t want me. Rejection finally hit, and now I could feel it all come tumbling down. My confidence was torn apart, while my heart ached. I loved Zelda and I was more than prepared to die for her, even if she did not love me. Suddenly I saw a way to go on in this life through all of this pain and heartbreak. I could die tomorrow. That was it. I would die tomorrow in battle. No longer would I have to feel this pain of longing. I would no longer have to look upon Zelda’s fair face and not be able to touch her. I would be free, and so would she. I sat back for a moment and thought about the consequences of this. I would never live to see Zelda rule to her potential. I would never live to marry, nor have children. I would never venture to the foreign lands beyond Hyrule. I would never see my friends again. Everyone in Ordon would be deeply saddened, as would Zelda. But she no longer would have that mistake of a kiss hanging over her head. But was death truly the answer. No, I deserved to live a full life. But if Zelda’s life was in question I would gladly perish for her. If that was the case for tomorrow, I will be dead before my life can even begin. I was honestly contempt with that. This love was not young nor was it a crush. I deeply love Zelda, and I felt that this bond we have is something that trecends time. Some would say I was crazy for throwing my life away for something as such, but I always stood for something. I just hope that in my death no one will try to stop me. I had my mind made up. That night I returned to my tent and slept lightly. Multiple times I had awaked with thoughts of Zelda, and the battle to come. But both way I was prepared, and that morning I was the first to arise. The clouds had gathered into a storm and not even the strong sun behind these barrier clouds could bring light to this dark day. Today was the start of great bloodshed, and loss. Today was the day I was to die for Zelda.

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