The Legend: Chapter 8 - Warnings

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Link’s P.O.V

Today was the day I was going to make my leave for Castle Town. I had never been outside of the forest before.  I lived here my whole life, I was raised by everyone in the village they were my family. Rusl had told me that my Mother approached the village with me as an infant in her arms. She begged them to care and protect me for her. She had explained to them that she was from Castle Town and that people were after her and they had killed my Father. She gave me up to protect me. My Mother was severely injured but refused them to help her, she told them she needed to go before they found out she was here. That was the last time they saw her. I never felt empty without my parents because I had everyone in Ordon, plus I had never met them so they felt like complete strangers to me. But the thought of knowing who I was always itched at the back of my mind. “Link!” A voice shouted breaking my train of thought. “Where are you going?” Ilia asked me. “To Castle Town.” I said coolly knowing she was going to blow up on me. “Castle Town?! But tomorrow is the Light Festival; it’s only celebrated every 100 years.” She explained that’s why I’m leaving.” I stated. “But Link I was planning on spending it with you.” She whispered. I turned my back to her and tied my to Epona’s saddle. “Ilia this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have to go to- “I tried to say but Ilia rose her hand indicating me to stop. “ To see the girl you were talking about with Rusl, I get it.” Ilia said. “What? You were eavesdropping? Ilia what’s wrong with you?” I huffed as I mounted Epona. “I’m going to Castle Town and there’s nothing you can do to stop me, perhaps I’ll even decide to live there if I choose.” I said harshly as I trotted away on Epona. I kicked Epona lightly indicating her to quicken her pace. She did as she was told and before I knew it I reached Hyrule field which was outside the Forest. In the distance I could see Hyrule castle and all its glory. Epona neighed and moved her head up and down. “What’s wrong girl?” I asked her. She continued to neigh until a group of men on black stallions slowly headed towards me. Beside of me was a sign in a shape of an arrow pointing to Ordon I slightly hit it with my arm causing it to turn in the opposite direction. These men seemed different than anyone in the village, they seemed menacing. Their skin was tan and their faces had markings painted on them. They wore armor with silver spikes sticking out of the leather. If these guys were anything like there looks I don’t want them anywhere near Ordon. I gently tugged at my chain mail underneath my green tunic just to reassure myself it was there. Then I placed my left hand on my sword preparing myself to attack. They pulled on the reins of their horse causing them to come to an abrupt halt. “Excuse me would you happen to be from Ordon.” One of them asked. “Depends on who’s asking.” I said sternly. I heard one of them scoff as he demounted his horse. “Sounds like you’re trying to hide something.” He said. “Not at all, I just don’t want any trouble. You see I’m a traveler and I am hoping to reach Castle Town before the Light festival.” I lied. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” One of them said. “Why not?” I asked. “It’s not safe there; trust me kid you’re better off where ever you came from.” Another said. “Thanks for the warning but I should get going.” I said coolly. “You’re going to regret that, boy!” The man shouted once we were a good distance away. “What could he mean by that girl?” I asked Epona.

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