The Legend: Chapter 28 - I Swear

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Zelda's P.O.V

“So what’s the plan then?” Link asked. “I would suggest you two head to Karikko Village and discuss the situation with the Gorons.” Rusl said. “You might want to get some sort of disguise too, there’s large price on your heads.” Bo added. Link nodded his head in agreement. “Once you get the Gorons to side with us you should proceed to Lake Hylia and do the same with the Zoras. After that send word to us somehow so we can discuss where we should go from there.” Rusl stated.  “Alright.” Link agreed. “Now don’t go off getting into trouble lad.” Bo joked. “I’ll try.” Link retorted. “I’ll go and explain this to everyone else, in the meantime get ready for departure by sunset. It’s better to travel at night that way you won’t be seen leaving.” Bo said as he left the house. “I’ll go get you some rationings for the trip, and other essentials.” Rusl said as he too left the house. Once the door closed the room was silent again. “We better get packing then.” Link said as he walked into his room and started to pack. “I have to find a way to this forest temple.” I thought to myself. “Ordon is in the forest so it must be close by; we have to go there before we travel to karikko village.” I thought to myself. “Zelda?” Link called from his room. “Yes?” I asked as I entered the room. “Could you help me decide on a disguise?” Link asked. I giggled at the sight of Link holding up different shirts to his chest. “Here let me pick.” I laughed as I grabbed a white shirt from his hand. “Put this on.” I commanded. Link obeyed and began to peel of his green tunic. I blushed as he caught me staring at his toned chest. “See something you like?” He teased. “Oh shut up.” I spat as I turned to his dresser and dug through his clothes. “Here put this on too.” I stated as I threw a brown cloak at him. He caught it and slipped it over his shoulders. He sat down and put his boots on. “Make sure you’re not wearing anything green.” I added as I turned back to him. “Alright Mother.” He teased. “I’m just being cautious, the wanted letter said “a clad in green” that was basically a perfect description of you.” I huffed. “Ok, ok I get it Zellie.” He yawned. “Tired already?” I teased. “You wear me out Zelda.” He teased. I rolled my eyes in response. “Don’t you have anything in here that will fit me?” I asked as I went back to digging through his clothes. “Maybe here let me look.” He said as he gently pushed past me. He pulled up a white dress shirt, and a pair of brown trousers. “Try these on.” He commanded. “Fine, get out though.” I demanded. He rolled his eyes and made his way outside the room. I quickly changed into Link’s clothes, and examined myself in the mirror. “I look like a boy.” I groaned as I stared at my reflection. “A cute boy at least.” A voice teased from behind me. I jumped at Link’s voice as he startled me. “Be quiet you!” I shouted. “Relax Zellie, you still look beautiful to me.” Link said with a wink. I blushed lightly as he complimented me. “Here put this on too, it gets cold at night.” Link said as he placed a black cloak over my shoulders and tied the front. I stared at his nimble fingers as they tied the cloak. Once he was finished he grabbed my chin gently so I would be looking at him. “Zelda before we leave I want to swear something to you.” Link whispered. I stared at him with a confused look. He released my chin and knelt down. “Zelda I just want you to know that on this journey and for forever more I will protect you with my life, not because of moral duty or chivalry, but because I want to.” Link explained. I smiled at him and extended my hand to him. He took it and pulled himself up. “Link that is not necessary, I appreciate it tremendously though.” I stated. His expression changed to a contempt one to a frustrated one. “Zelda that is very much necessary. Do you realize how precious you are?” He asked. I shook my head in frustration. “One life is not equivalent to another, especially one of pure heart.” I stated as I turned away from him. “Zelda listen to me. You are the new face of Hyrule, you are its treasure. You are the one who will end Ganondorf’s tyranny before it goes out of hand. You are the only Royal that I would proudly serve.” Link explained. I turned at looked at him as he finished. “Zelda just know that you don’t have to be scared.” Link stated as he reached out to me. “Link I understand what you’re saying but know this, unless there is no other way out, I will greet death like a friend.” I explained. Link groaned in anger. “Zelda there is no way I am going to let that happens, not until I am in my grave.” Link explained as he ran at me. He grabbed my shoulders tightly and stared into my eyes. “Zelda, I will keep you safe.” Link said as he hugged me tightly. “I know that Link, I just hope you won’t be that one that needs saving.” I thought to myself. He released me and turned towards the door. “We should head out soon.” He exclaimed. I nodded my head in agreement as I followed him out the door.

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