The Legend: Chapter 24 - The Race Home

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Link’s P.O.V

Epona rushed to a halt causing me to fly off her back. I hit the ground hard causing a wave of pain to shoot through me. I stabbed my sword in the ground to push myself up. I looked around to see we were surrounded by eight gerudo warriors all on horseback. Zelda was shouting my name in panic as she tried to calm Epona. “She hadn’t fallen off of Epona?”I asked myself. “She must have been a better wrangler than I have given her credit for.” I laughed. Suddenly arrows shot in my direction, I rolled out of the way quickly before they reached me. I sprinted towards Zelda and Epona realizing I needed them to get out of here. “Zelda you need to get to the village and get help I’ll hold them off till then!” I shouted as I blocked various arrows with my sword. My shield was missing and I began to feel a sharp pain in my side from when I fell.  “Link I can’t leave you, you’re heavily outnumbered!” Zelda shouted back. “You should listen to her boy you are indeed heavily outnumbered.” One of the Gerudo warriors mocked. I ignored him and turned towards Zelda. “Go!” I shouted. She shot me a glance of concern before she nodded her head and quickly rode off into the forest. Rain began to pour harshly and flashes of lightning were our only light besides the small torches some of the warriors held. I quickly charged towards them and slid underneath one of the horses so I was behind them. I then attacked from behind catching them off guard. Three of them fell to the ground has their horses ran off in fear. They charged impatiently and swung violently at me. I blocked their attacks with my blade but soon all three of them realized that they should all attack at once rather than separately. They swung at me in unison. They all leaned into my blade causing me to step back. They were strong. The warriors curved blades grinded against mine. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the five other warriors preparing to interfere. One readied his bow and aimed while the other four dismounted their horses. As the warrior with the bow released his arrow released the three swords that were grinding against mine. I rolled out of the way and let the arrow fly past me. It missed me but it made a mark on one of the warriors from earlier. He yelped in pain as the arrow pierced his chest. Suddenly six of the warriors circled me. One was dead, making it seven warriors against me. The six circling me charged at me. Our swords clashed as the rain began to pour even harder. The earth beneath us became muddy causing me to lose my footing. I fell backwards on my back causing my sword to fall out of my hands. They took that moment to finish me off. One of the warriors stood above me and raised his sword. He flashed me an evil grin as he began to lower his weapon, but before he could pierce my heart an arrow pierced his. He shouted in agony as he fell backwards. I looked up to see who shot the arrow. It was the men of Ordon with weapons in hand. “Link?!” Rusl shouted as he ran to my side. My ribs were shattered and every time I tried to move a wave of intense pain washed over me. Rusl was my uncle he cared for me like I was his son, but unfortunately I wasn’t. My parents had disappeared one day when I was very little, so he was the closest thing I had to a father. “I’m fine, just a little bruise.” I lied. “Oh please I can see you’re lying, otherwise you would have all these Gerudos on their knees begging for their lives.” Rusl explained. “I wouldn’t say that.” I coughed as he helped me up. “That’s because you’re too modest. Link your skills are the sharpest I’ve ever seen.” Rusl praised. “Aw stop Rusl you’re making me blush.” I said sarcastically. “Hey watch the mouth.” Rusl warned as he helped me onto his horse. I looked around to see the Gerudo warriors had dispersed. “Crap.” I stated. “What? What’s the matter?” Rusl asked. “No-nothing.” I stuttered. Rusl narrowed his eyes at me. “Sure?” He asked as he directed the horse into the forest towards the village. “So how was your trip?” Rusl asked. “Pretty eventful actually.” I answered. “Oh?” Rusl laughed. “They don’t know about what happened in castle town yet?” I thought to myself. “Is it because of the girl you brought home?” Rusl teased. “What?! No, no I was just helping her out she had nowhere else to go and-.” I tried but Rusl cut me off. “It’s alright Link, she’s quite beautiful actually. I’m surprised you could get yourself a girl that pretty.” He teased. “Thanks Rusl.” I huffed. He laughed loudly at my reaction. “You’ll have to introduce her to me later.” Rusl said as he stopped the horse and helped me off. “I don’t know you might scare her off, and we don’t want Aunt Uli getting jealous.” I teased as I leaned on Rusl for support. “Oh yeah that would be very bad.” Rusl laughed. I laughed with him until we reached my small house. Rusl opened the door and helped me inside. I sat on the couch in my living room by the fireplace. Rusl reached for a few pieces of wood and fed the small fire. “Where’s Marrkor?” I asked Rusl as I peeled off my tunic and threw it onto the floor. Rusl rolled his eyes as he picked up my shirt from the floor. “I see nothing’s changed.” Uli said as she entered the room. “Hello darling.” Rusl said as he kissed his wife. Suddenly Zelda politely pushed between the couple. “Link?” She questioned. I shot up as I saw her enter the room but as I did another wave of pain came over me. “Ok ouch, that hurt.” I whined.  Zelda quickly ran to me. “Link are you alright?” She asked with concern. “Oh yeah Zel-“ I began but stopped once I realized that Rusl and Uli were still in the room. I cleared my throat and tried again. “I mean don’t worry about me.” I said with an unconvincing smile. She narrowed her eyes at me and shook her head. “I thought I was going to lose you.” Zelda tried as her eyes turned glossy. “Perhaps we should give them some time alone?” Uli said as she pulled Rusl outside and closed the door behind them. “Zelda I’m fine, see?” I said giving her another unconvincing smile. She laughed lightly as she placed a hand on my cheek. I could feel myself blushing as she did this. I tried to sit up but another jolt of pain hit me. I hissed in pain as I tried to ignore the pain and sit up. “Link what’s wrong?” Zelda asked as she caressed my cheek lovingly. “I think I broke a few ribs when I feel off of Epona before.” I explained. “Oh no. Here let me help.” Zelda said as she helped me sit up.

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