The Legend: Chapter 29 - The Journey Begins

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Zelda's P.O.V

Once we reached the village, we were swarmed by everyone. They all gave us essentials for the trip and wished us safe travels. Rusl approached both of us and bowed contently towards me, I smiled and curtsied back. “Link my boy you will need this.” Rusl said as he handed him a shield and a new sharpened blade. “Thanks Rusl.” Link thanked as he hugged him. “You should get going before the sunrises otherwise you guys will have to make camp in the Lost Woods.” Rusl said. “I’ll have to make sure we take our time so we will have to camp for the night.” I noted as we walked away from the village. We walked down a gravel path until we reached a forked road. “This way.” Link said as he pointed with his lantern. I began to walk slower so I was behind Link. “I wonder why Link is so keen on protecting me. It can’t just be because I’m his Queen, it can’t. I snapped back to reality and focused on the mission at hand. I let myself fall to the ground and let out a small yelp.”Ow!” I thought to myself.  Link turned and saw me on the ground. “Zelda!” He yelled as he ran over to me. “Are you okay?” He asked. “I think so here let me try to stand up.” I stated as I grabbed onto his arm for support. I stood up and yelled in pain. “My ankle, I think I hurt my ankle.” I tried. “Oh no Zellie, you’re so clumsy.” Link teased as he scooped me up in his arms. “We should make camp for the night; we can leave in the morning.” Link stated as he put me down on top of a log. He knelt to the ground and started a fire. The dark woods seemed less frightening when the fire gave off a little more lively light, than a lantern. Link untied his cloak and laid it on the ground; he then smoothed it out with his hands. He stood up and helped me down from the log onto his cloak. “Thank you.” I thanked. Link remained silent but shot me a soft smile in return. Carefully Link examined my ankle. He traced his fingers gently over the break. I winced in pain and he instantly pulled his hand away from it. “Sorry Princess.” He apologized. “It’s fine Link.” I assured him. Link reached into his bag and pulled out a glass jar that was filled with a red liquid. “Here drink some of this.” Link ordered. “What is it?” I asked as I took it from him and examined it. “Red potion.” He answered as he dug through his bag for something else. I twisted off the top and sipped it cautiously. “Oh relax it’s a healing potion not a poison.” Link teased. I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. “I didn’t think it was poison until you said that, thanks for that.” I joked. Link laughed as he began slipping off my shoe. I drank down the potion quickly. Link carefully began to wrap my ankle with a shred of cloth. I winced slightly as he tightened it. “Sorry.” He apologized again. I waved him off and told him I was fine. “You are so clumsy Zellie.” Link laughed as he demanded me to drink more of the red potion. “Hey it’s not my fault I can’t see in the dark!’ I reprimanded. ”Get some sleep Princess.” Link laughed as he set down my leg slowly. “Maybe I’m not tired.” I argued. Link rolled his eyes at me as he unraveled another blanket. “We’ll continue forward in the morning I suggest you get some sleep.” Link stated as he laid down the blanket. I nodded my head and walked over towards them. I got comfortable and quickly fell asleep.

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