The Legend: Chapter 52- Zelda to the Rescue

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Zelda’s P.O.V

“I promise.” Link swore as he disappeared around the corner. I couldn’t help but feel angry at Link. He had always put me first. I could never protect him like he has protected me. “Why am I so useless?” I asked myself. Suddenly the sound of swords clashing echoed through the tunnels. Link had more than likely already found the Gerudos, or maybe they found him.  “Check the tunnels for any more intruders!” A voice commanded. Instantly the sound of footsteps sounded too close for comfort. I searched the rock walls for any small crevices I could hide in but found none. “Think Zelda! Think!” I told myself. But before I could create a plan it was too late, the Gerudos had already found me. “There! Get the girl!” One of them shouted. I didn’t take any time to stop and look at how many there were, I took off at a full on sprint down the tunnel. I ran until I found a fork in the tunnel. Both ways seemed equally unhelpful so I didn’t fret about choosing one. I ran into the left tunnel and didn’t stop. “Zelda!” A voice shouted. “Link?!” I called. “Keep going!” He called. A sense of dread washed over me. Link didn’t want me to come back for him, meaning he was probably overwhelmed with Gerudos. “Link.” I whispered with a sense of longing to go to him.  “Go!” He shouted as if he sensed my intentions. I turned forward and continued through the tunnel. I constantly looked behind me hoping that Link would appear in one piece, but he never did. Thankfully no more Gerudos showed up. Link most likely had his hands full with them, which in turn kept them away from me. The tunnel went on for what seemed like forever until I reached an opening. It was overwhelmingly hot inside this room, which made me guess I was nearing the volcano. I wiped my brow with the back of my hand to clear the sweat that was dripping into my eyes. I honestly didn’t want to go on any further without Link. I looked back down the tunnel. Link still hadn’t caught up. “I need to find the other Gorons.” I told myself. I looked around the large room. The rock walls climbed high while the floor was covered in lava. There was a rope bridge across the lava to reach the other side. On the other side I could see another tunnel. Since there was clearly no other way to go I crossed the rope bridge. It swayed slowly as I gingerly walked across. “There she is!” A voice shouted. I quickly turned my head to see it was a small group of Gerudos on the other side of the bridge. I gave up trying to be careful and began running across. I felt the bridge sway more as the Gerudos started walking on it. “Zelda!” Link shouted. I looked back to see Link had finally caught up. He fought with the Gerudos that hadn’t climbed onto the rope bridge, while two of them were closing in on me. I reached the solid rock on the other side. “Link!” I shouted. “Cut the rope Zelda!” He instructed. Link was engaged in a heavy battle as six Gerudos attacked him simultaneously. “How will you get across then?!” I exclaimed. “Just cut it! Don’t worry about me!” He shouted. The Gerudos on the bridge were almost to the other side where I stood. “Zelda!” Link shouted. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I couldn’t abandon Link like this. Just as one of the Gerudos were about to step on the solid ground of the other side Link broke away from his fight to cut the rope. He slashed his sword causing the bridge to fall down below into the lava. The Gerudos on the bridge quickly fell to their deaths. Link looked at me worryingly from the other side. “Don’t worry I’ll find another way across.” He assured me. “I think you need to worry about us first.” One of the Gerudos laughed as he punched Link. He staggered a bit but did not fall. Link gripped his sword in anger and charged the large group of Gerudo warriors. I watched from afar feeling even more useless now. “I wish I had Link’s bow.” I thought to myself. Link was more than capable of fighting a one to six battle but that didn’t mean I didn’t worry for his safety. Eventually Link managed to defeat all of them, but I could see that the battle had completely worn him out.  “Link are you alright?!” I asked from the opposite side of the lava gorge. “Yeah, I’m alright. I’m just a little winded.” He panted. Link leaned over to place his hands on his knees. “Link what are we going to do?” I asked. “I’ll find another way across Zelda, don’t worry.” Link chuckled uneasily. “Farther back in the tunnels there was another path to take.” I explained. “And?” Link inquired. “And maybe it leads to another way into the volcano.” I answered. Link looked back to the tunnel behind him. “Go back through the tunnel and take the other way Link.” I instructed. “No way am I leaving you.” Link stated. “Just go! Link you’re wasting time.” I tried. “Zelda-“ He started but I cut him off. “Go right now Link!” I shouted. He seemed a little taken back by my tone at first. Link shook his head in assurance. ”Alright Princess but please don’t wander. Wait for me.” Link begged. “Go.” I demanded. Link grinned at me before he turned around and went back into the tunnel where we first came. I watched him leave, which I knew was hard for him, with a certain uneasy feeling. “There’s a great evil here.” I said to myself. I left the lava room and entered the tunnel. Once again, I wandered through the dimly lit corridors until I found a door. It was again locked with some sort of spell. “Ganondorf’s doing, I presume?” I laughed to myself. I read along the incantations painted against the door until I found a flaw in the spell. I used my powers to unlock the door and entered the strange room. Quickly the door shut behind me and bars rose from the floor and climbed to the ceiling insuring that I could not go back that way. “Just great!” I exclaimed. “Is someone there?” A voice called. I moved forward in the room to see that there was a cage lined up against the wall. Inside the cage was three Gorons huddled together in fear. I walked up to the cage and revealed myself. “Hello, I’m here to help.” I stated. “Princess Zelda?” One of the Gorons asked. “Yes, it is I.” I answered. “You shouldn’t have come, Milady.” He stated. I tilted my head in confusion. “It’s a trap, Milady.” He explained. “A trap?!” I exclaimed. “Inside the volcano there is a dragon standing guard of the exit. Almost every room is flooding with Gerudo warriors. This is not a safe place, especially for you Milady.” He explained. “I do not care for the danger, but for the safety of my people. I am going to get all of you out of here.” I stated firmly. The Goron speaking to me seemed upset by my words while the other three seemed relieved. “Even if you get us out of here we won’t survive without our volcanic rock. We need it to eat.” The Goron explained. “What is your name?” I asked. “My name is Darmani, your highness.” He answered. “And you to?” I asked as I gestured to the other two Gorons. “This is my brother Zurani and his friend Darbus.” Darmani stated. I could see that Darmani seemed a great deal older than his brother and his friend. I bent down before the metal bars and reached out to the two younger Gorons. “They must be children.” I thought to myself as I placed my hands on Zurani’s cheek. “Everything is going to be alright child. I haven’t come alone for my chosen Hero is in the mountain.” I explained. Zurani and Darbus instantly lit up. “The Hero of Courage is here Darmani!” Zurani exclaimed in excitement. “He’s come to save us!” Darbus shouted. Darmani looked at me in awe. “Is this true Milady?” Darmani asked me.  “Yes, Darmani it is.” I chuckled. “Then there is hope for the Gorons.” He sighed in relief. “He is currently dealing with the Gerudos I presume at the moment for we got split up.” I explained. “That is more than likely Princess Zelda.” Darmani stated as he leaned against the bars. “So while he is occupied I am to find you all.” I stated. “We are the only ones left.” Darmani choked out. “What do you mean?” I asked knowing that I wasn’t going to like the answer. “They were fed to the dragon.” Darmani answered. I straightened and fisted my pant legs at my sides. “I’m sorry, we should have come earlier.” I apologized. Darmani remained silent. The two younger Gorons had tears in their eyes as they stared at Darmani worryingly. “I’m going to get you out of here, I swear.” I promised as I got up and walked towards the middle of the room. There was a higher ledge in the opposite corner that had a small treasure chest sitting idly. “That must be where the key to the cage is.” I thought to myself. I searched the room for something that might help me up there but the room was barren beside some pots in the corner. “That’s it!” I murmured to myself as I walked over to the pots. I picked one of them up and threw it at the chest balanced against the ledge. As the pot hit the chest it shattered but thankfully it moved the chest closer to the edge but not enough to tip it over. So I did it again until it finally it fell from the ledge. It hit the ground solidly as dust puffed off of it. I walked over to it and opened it. Inside the chest was a small silver key. “I found the key!” I exclaimed. I could hear Zurani and Darbus cheering as I picked it up and began walking back to the cage. Once I made it to the cage I turned it into the locked and opened the cage. Durmani picked up both his brother and Darbus and stepped out of the cage. “You have no idea how good it feels to be out of there.” He joked. I opened my mouth to answer him but a loud rumbling silenced me. “It’s just the volcano erupting, that or the dragon.” Durmani stated. “Yeah because either one of those things are great.” I retorted. “I didn’t think the Princess had such a fire tongue.” Durmani chuckled. “I usually use it for Link sorry.” I apologized. “Link?” Durmani asked. “My chosen Hero.” I answered proudly. “Ah so his name is Link?” Durmani inquired. “Yes, he is a fine swordsman and has a heart of courage.” I explained. “That’s good to hear.” Durmani stated. “So how do we get out of this room if the door is blocked?” He huffed as he gestured towards the door that was barred over. “We can’t go back through that way, it’s enchanted.” I explained. “Well I don’t see any other way out Milady.” Durmani huffed. I scanned the room in hopes for a way out but saw nothing. I walked over to the opened treasure chest that I left on the floor and then lifted it. As I lifted it I revealed a small Triforce symbol on the stone floor. I put the chest off to the side and bent down to look at the writings surrounding the mark. It was another riddle explaining that the only way out is by the power of the Triforce. So I simply pressed my hand against the symbol and murmured a short prayer. The insigma quickly reacted. The triforce lit up just as my hand met the cool tile. As I finished my prayer the room the floor quickly began to give way. “What’s going on?!” Durmani shouted as he scooped up both Zurmani and Darbus into his arms and ran towards the corners of the room. The floor was falling beneath us into a room below. Together we all fell downwards into a different room that felt much hotter than it should be.

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