The Legend: Chapter 17 - It Begins

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Zelda’s P.O.V

Ganon pulled me through the corridors until we reached my room. A man was standing by my door with two guards. “My Lord.” The man said as he bowed. “It’s good to see you were able to follow my orders Argoth.” Ganon stated plainly. “Argoth?” I asked myself “That name seems familiar.” I thought to myself. “Argoth watch Zelda, in my absence.” Ganon stated as he walked down the corridor. “Come now Princess, it’s time for you to retire.” Argoth stated as he opened the door and shoved me in. “What is the meaning of this, where is Impa?” I asked. Argoth didn’t answer me. “Get some rest your highness.” He stated simply. “Argoth answer me truthfully me why are you here?” I asked sternly. His back was turned to me and I couldn’t see his expression.”hahahahahahha!” He suddenly burst out laughing. “Oh princess you are so oblivious.” Argoth chuckled. “Foolish girl.” He whispered faintly. Suddenly he charged towards me and pushed me. My body was against my bedside.”Argoth stop this immediately!” I shouted. Argoth steeped towards me and clamped his hand over my mouth. “Be quiet.” He ordered. Suddenly all was silent. All that could be heard was my rapid breathing. Until suddenly battle cries and shouts broke the silence. An evil grin appeared on Argoth’s face. “About time.” Argoth stated. “What in the world is happening?!” I asked myself. Argoth’s expression turned darker as he leaned in so his face was in the crook of my neck. ”My dear Princess your scent is very divine, in fact you smell good enough to eat.” Argoth mumbled as he begun kissing my neck. “Get off of me, you brute!!” I shouted as I tried to push him off of me, but my efforts were futile. He gripped my sides tightly as he pushed me onto the bed.” Ganon never said I couldn’t have any fun with you.” Argoth said with malice.

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