The Legend:Chapter 9 - The Man with Morals

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Zelda’s P.O.V

Tomorrow is going to be my birthday. All I’ve done is prepare for the festival, and I’m honestly stressed out. I haven’t gotten any fresh air in a while either. “Maybe I should go out.” I thought to myself. I walked towards my wardrobe and pulled out a black hooded cloak. “Perfect.” I said out loud as I slipped it on and lifted the hood to hide my visage. Slowly I snuck past the guards and out the palace doors until I reached Castle Town. The town was crowded with people from all over the kingdom. Everyone was selling or buying goods, or just trying to push through the crowd to get to their destination. “Hey!” I shouted when a man suddenly knocked into. “Watch it!” He shouted back. “How rude.” I huffed. “What did you say?” He spat at me. “You need to learn some manners.” I stated without any fear. “You take that back you shrew!” He shouted as he grabbed me firmly by the wrist.  “Let go of me!” I shouted. People who walked by ignored my pleas. “Get your hands of her.” A strong voice commanded. I looked around the crowd to see the beholder of the strong voice, I couldn’t believe my eyes it was the man from my visions. He seemed even more handsome in person. His sharp blue eyes seemed clouded with concern. He suddenly pulled out his sword and pointed it and the villain holding onto me. “What I said wasn’t an option it was an order.” The man from my vision said valiantly. The man holding me suddenly spun me so I was facing him. ”Aw but me and this shrew were about to have some fun.” He whined. The boy from my vision body language changed. His fists tightened and his teeth were clenched. The crude man holding me suddenly lowered his hands to my bottom. I let out a squeal and his laughter followed after. “You pig!” I shouted as I tried to release myself from his grip, but my efforts were futile. “Men like you should be ashamed of yourself.” The boy from my visions scoffed. “And who are you to say you aren’t like me?!?” My captivator accused. “My name is Link, and I unlike you have  respect for women.” Link explained. “Now are done playing games or should I result to violence?” Link questioned as he raised his shield and sword. Both weren’t rather impressive yet when they were in his hands he looked like a force that shouldn’t be reckoned with. “Kid you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.” The rude man said. “I don’t need to know. All I know is that a young woman is being harassed by you.” Link said with triumph. I was suddenly thrown to the side and hit the stone ground hard. My head was spinning but I could still see what was going on. Link was engaged in battle. Their swords clashed and sweat poured from their brows.  Both men were in a chance and the sound of metal grinding echoed. “Your good boy I’ll give you that.” The villain praised. Link smirked “You shouldn’t be acting like you won.” Link mocked. “Why not? You look pretty tuckered out already. You sure you don’t want to just give up before you get hurt. Don’t worry I’ll take care of your little girlfriend once you run off embarrassed.” He retorted. “You will leave her be!” Link shouted as he pressed harder on his handle causing his weight to go forward. “Such strength!” A voice said behind me. I looked around me, a small crowd had gathered around us. “Just what I wanted more attention.” I said to myself. When I turned back to the battle Link was towering over the man and pointing his sword at his throat. “I could end your life right now! But I won’t because I know the value of life unlike you.” Link threatened. Link sheathed his sword and offered his hand to the man. He took Link’s hand with regret then shook it with embarrassment. “Your skills are sharp, boy. You might want to continue sharpening them.” He stated before disappearing in the crowd. I was still on the ground and my hand was on my head trying to ease the pain. I pulled my hand away from my forehead to see if I was bleeding. My palm was soaked with crimson blood. “Wonderful.” I said plainly. “Are you alright?” Link asked as he kneeled beside me. “Just a little scratch, I’ll be fine.” I said. “You’re bleeding! Here let’s take a better look.” He said as he reached for my hood. I grabbed his hand before he could then I bowed my head to hide my face even more. “I’m fine thank you for your bravery and courage.” I thanked. Then I slowly stood up, feeling a bit woozy as I did so, then began to walk away. “Wait!” He called. I continued to walk until I got so dizzy I lost my balance. Link came out of nowhere and caught me before I hit the ground. He lifted me up in his arms bridal style. “Are you alright?” He asked. I nodded my head yes. “I’m fine you can put me down.” I commanded. “What’s your name?” He asked as he ignored my command. “That’s not important.” I said. He shot me a look of confusion as he lowered me to the ground. Link leaned me against a wall in an alley way so he wouldn’t have to carry me anymore. “Of course it’s important.” He stated. I shook my head but then I was suddenly hit by a wave of pain. I could feel the blood drip down my cheek. Link saw the blood and reached for my hood. “Wait don’t!” I begged.

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