The Legend: Chapter 26 - Risk Taking

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Zelda's P.O.V

Link chuckled as he rested his head on my shoulder. Suddenly an image of an ancient temple flashed behind my eyes. It looked like it was in a thick forest. Along the walls thick plants grew and out of the large hole in the roof a big tree was growing out of the roof. Twin doors seemed to be the only entrance and above them the sacred triangle of the triforce were carved into the stone wall but was barely visible due to the plants growing over it. The imaged rippled into another scene. Castle town was dark and barren not a soul was in sight except for casual Redead here and there, then it changed to a scene in Karikko village near Death Mountain. The village was filled with refugees from Castle town. “You will eventually need to return to them, and give them the leadership they need. But for now you must rest for an inevitable battle is approaching.” A voice stated.  The scene disappeared and I was brought back to reality. I woke up in a bed. “Ugh my head.” I complained as I rubbed my temples. “You’re finally awake I see.” A familiar voice said outside of the door. Link entered the room and hurried to my side. “My Princess are you alright?” He asked as he placed his hand on my forehead feeling my temperature. “Yes I’m alright.” I assured him. “How long was I asleep?” I asked as I swung my legs of to the edge of the bed. “A few hours.” Link answered as Link sat next to me on the bed. “Your Triforce was glowing during that time.” Link stated as he grabbed my hand with the mark. “Was yours?” I asked. “Yes.” He answered. “It must have been a message from the Goddesses then.” I thought to myself. “Is this some sort of sign, or prophecy kind of thing?” Link asked as tangled his fingers with mine. “That’s exactly what it is Link.” I thought to myself. “You must not tell him of the situation, he must venture through this quest alone.” I repeated in my head. “Zelda?” Link asked as he waved his hand in front of my face. “Sorry what?” I said as I snapped back to reality. “Do you know what it means?” Link asked. “Not a clue.” I lied. Link stared at me, as I gave him an unconvincing look of assurance. “Then why did you faint?” Link interrogated. “Maybe because I used some of its power earlier to heal you?” I lied. Link’s eyebrows shot up as he gave me a surprised look. “Does that happen whenever you use it?” He asked. “Yeah, but only when I use a lot of it.” I lied. Using my Triforce did drain me a lot but I have never used so much of it to make me faint. I have never received a vision as strong as this one either, which is probably the reason I had fainted, but I couldn’t let Link know that. “I’m sorry.” Link whispered as he embraced me. I blushed intensely as his arms encircled me. “No, no don’t be sorry it was my choice silly.” I tried. He squeezed me tighter suddenly. ” Shut up.” He commanded. My eyes widened by his sudden change in tone but it silenced me none the less. “Don’t do such reckless things for me Zelda.” Link stated as buried his face in the crook of my neck. I stayed quiet as he drew circles on my back with his hands. “You had me down right terrified, did you know that?” He asked. “No.” I croaked out. He laughed softly as he pulled away from me to look at my face. My face was bright red and my eyes were on the edge of tears again. Link saw this and immediately took action. “Don’t cry Zellie, didn’t I tell you that I hate it when pretty girls cry.” Link joked as he cupped my cheek with his calloused hand. I leaned into his cheek as I let a tear far from my eye. “I couldn’t stand seeing you in pain Sir Li-“ I started but didn’t finish because Link had place a finger to my lips.  “Whether I’m in pain or on my death bed you will never do anything like that to harm yourself again. Do you understand me?” Link asked as if he was talking to a child. I pulled away from him at stood up. “I can’t promise that Link. I’m highly indebted to you the least I can do is use my power to help you.” I explained. Link shook his head as he stood up. “When is anything I say going to get through that thick skull of yours?” Link mocked.

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