The Legend: Chapter 48- Frozen over

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Zelda’s P.O.V

“So Ronin tell me, did Link teach you anything useful?” I asked. Ronin and I were walking down a path that winded through the village and into Death Mountain. Ronin shrugged at my question. “He did.” Ronin laughed. “Really? Like what?” I asked. “How not to fight.” He laughed. I chuckled at his answer as I kneeled down and picked a couple flowers that were growing beside the path. “That sounds like something he would do.” I laughed. We continued to walk until we reached the entrance to Death Mountain. “We should turn around.” Ronin suggested. “Wait.” I stated as I looked down the mountain side. “Look!” I exclaimed. Below the mountain was a river that leads into the water ways into Castle Town and the Zora domain, connecting both towns. I climbed over the edge slowly and began sliding down the edge carefully so I wouldn’t fall. “Link will kill me if anything happens to you!” Ronin exclaimed as he followed behind me. It took a good amount of time until I reached the bottom. There I saw that the river was not what I thought it was. I walked towards it to see that the water was frozen. I tapped the ice gently with my foot to indicate it was solid, and carefully I stepped on it. I shuffled slowly over the ice, distributing my weight evenly in order to not crack the ice.  Ronin remained on the bank shouting at me to return back with him. “Hold on I see something in the ice!” I exclaimed. I looked below into the ice to see that Zoras were encased in it. “Ronin there’s Zoras trapped in here!” I shouted. “Zoras?!” He exclaimed. “We must get them out!” I cried as I begun banging on the ice with my fists. “Zelda stop! You could fall in!” Ronin warned. But alas the ice was too thick for me to break through. “I’ll get you all out I promise!” I shouted against the ice. I stared at the poor Zoras trapped below the ice. Something below was shining. The closer I looked the better I could see that it was Link’s sword, the Master Sword. “That’s right Impa had said it feel over the edge during Link’s fight on the bridge.” I thought to myself. I looked up to see that the bridge was right above the river. “It must have fallen into the river, and then the river froze over.” I realized. “Ronin, I found Link’s sword!” I exclaimed. “What? But Lady Impa said it fell over the edge of the bridge.” He stated. “The bridge is right above us!” I laughed. Ronin looked upward to see that the bridge was there. “Would you look at that?” He exclaimed. “We should inform Link as soon as he wakes up.” Ronin suggested. “No need to bite my head off there Blondie! I was just curious is all!” a high pitched voice shouted. I looked up the mountain where Ronin and I were standing before we climbed down towards the river, and saw Link. He was following the path to Death Mountain with his hands clasped around something. “Link!” I exclaimed. His head snapped towards me and his eyes met mine. Instantly his whole being lit up. “Zelda!” He shouted. “What are you doing down there?” He questioned. “There are Zoras trapped beneath the ice Link. You’re sword is down here also.” I explained. “My sword you say?” He asked. “Yep! But the ice is too thick to get it out!” I explained. “Alright well I’m on my way too meet the Greta Fairy who knows how to get the sword.” He laughed. “Link you got pretty banged up are you sure you should be looking for a quest like that?” I asked. He lifted his hand and waved me off, causing a tiny ball of blue light to fly out of his hands. “At last freedom!” The fairy cried. “Relax you weren’t in there for long.” Link sighed. “You are despicable! How dare you keep me trapped like that?!” The fairy screamed at him. “Hey how was I supposed to now if you were telling me the truth!” Link exclaimed as he attempted to catch the fairy again. “Don’t even think about it Blondie!” The fairy shouted as she flew away towards me. “Hello.” I greeted as the small ball of light floated towards me. “Oh great more there’s more of you!” She whined. Link slid down the side of the mountain and met us on the bank. “It’s nice to meet you too.” I said sarcastically. “Quick Zelda grab her!” Link exclaimed. “I will not!” I huffed as I crossed my arms. “She’s obviously trying to get away from you.” I stated. The fairy flew closer to me and perched on my shoulder. “You seem alright, my name is Navi What’s yours?” She explained. “Zelda.” I answered. “It’s nice to meet you princess.” She giggled. “Wait how did you know that I was the princess?” I asked. “Oh because I knew your past self, his too.” She explained as she gestured towards Link. “How old are you?” Ronin questioned. “Almost a thousand years old.” She answered. “That’s remarkable! You must have so much knowledge of the past!” I exclaimed. “Don’t sound so impressed.” Link huffed. “You’re just upset because you couldn’t catch her.” I laughed. “I am not!” He countered. “Whatever you say Link.” I chuckled. Link rolled his eyes in response before turning back towards the mountain. “Hey where are you going?” I demanded. “He’s going to see the Great Fairy. She has a gift for him that will help him retrieve the Master Sword from beneath the ice.” Navi explained. “Really?!” I exclaimed. “Yes really.” Link sighed. “Link do you even know who the Great Fairy is?” I asked. Link shrugged at my question. “A really important fairy I’m guessing.” He laughed. “Close enough.” Navi huffed as she flew towards him. “C’mon Blondie let’s go find her, so we can get your sword that you lost!” Navi exclaimed. “I didn’t lose it! A Gerudo threw it over the edge of the bridge!” Link shouted. “Calm down Link.” I demanded. Link turned to me and sighed. “Zellie, stay here and watch over the Zoras. I’ll go to the Great Fairy and get the gift; hopefully it will help the Zoras as well.” Link stated as he hugged me briefly and climbed up the side of the mountain.

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