The Legend: Chapter 33 -A Message from the Goddess

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Zelda’s P.O.V

Link fell to the ground almost instantly after the monster he just slew fell. “Link!” I called to him as I struggled against the webs. I eventually tore through the webbing and rushed to his side. I turned him over and cradled his head in my lad. “Link! Link! Please stay with me!” I cried as I pushed his bangs out of his eyes lovingly. “Please Link don’t leave me…” I trailed. I examined the wound in the middle of his core. I placed my hands on his wound and gathered my strength to heal him again. “Zelda don’t….” Link croaked. I looked down at him surprised. “Link?” I asked as I gathered his face in my hands. “Don’t waste your energy on me Zellie. Go on and get out of here. Go to Karikko and tell the other civilizations of the plan.” He begged. I shook my head no and placed my hands on his wound again. He sat up and pushed my hands away. “Stop it!” He groaned. I gripped his arm painfully and pulled him to me. “Enough with the tantrum hero, I’m going to heal you and nothing you say or do will stop me. Now sit still, that’s an order.” I said sternly as I placed my hand over his middle once more. I heard him sigh in annoyance but I could tell by the tone of it he seemed relieved. I quietly whispered a small prayer to the goddesses and felt the power of the Triforce fuel me. In a matter of seconds Link’s wound was healed. Suddenly my vision began to fade and I felt my body weaken instantly. Soon my connection to reality disappeared and I was once more lost within unconsciousness. “Zelda you mustn’t conjure that spell anymore. It drains your life force and soon not even the power of the Triforce cannot save you. Be smart Princess, be wise.” A celestial voice stated. “Zelda?!” A familiar voice called out. I opened my eyes once more and found myself in Link’s arms and no longer in the darkness of my subconscious. “Zelda!” Link cried as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back awkwardly. He pulled away and saw the frightened look on my face. “What’s wrong Zellie?” He questioned. I couldn’t tell him that if I conjured that healing spell once more I would most likely perish, and then he most definitely would baby me even more. “Just feeling a bit relieved that you’re alright Link.” I stated. He beamed widely and pulled me into another bone crushing hug except this time I returned it with just as much feeling. “How are you feeling?” I asked him as I gestured towards his stomach where his former wound was. He lifted up his shirt and revel broken chainmail. “I can’t believe the bugger got through my chainmail.” He complained.  I rolled my eyes at him and lifted the chainmail to examine his wound. It was completely gone; all that was left was a faint scar. “Looks all good to me.” I stated. “Zellie…”Link trialed except his tone of voice was dripping with all seriousness now. “Yes?” I asked. He placed his hand on my cheek so I would meet his eyes. “Leave me next time.” He demanded. I pushed away his hand and stood up angrily. “I will most certainly not!” I shouted. “You honestly can’t expect that of me Sir Link!” I practically screamed. He seemed shocked by my outburst but stayed silent none the less. “It was my fault you got hurt anyways…” I trailed. “What?” He asked. “I had a vision that told me to lead you here.” I murmured. “You planned to put yourself in danger?!” Link snarled. “No! No I didn’t! I was told to bring you here and not aid you in any way it was a test from the goddesses.” I explained. “A test for what?” He questioned. I opened my mouth to tell him but a sudden light appeared in front of me. I felt energy pulse through my body. The Goddess Laynru was using my body to speak with Link. “Zelda?” Link asked as I remained silent knowing that Laynru would explain everything to him. “Hero of the Hyrule, listen closely. Your kingdom is in a time of great peril. You must protect your Princess at all costs. You must protect the Triforce. It is part of her…and part of you. You are both connected eternally. This was a test to see if you would protect her no matter what. Congratz you passed.” The Goddess explained. Link scoffed and crossed his arms. “So it was you who but Zelda in danger.” Link stated. I felt Laynru tense. “No the monster you slew has plagued this temple the moment Ganondorf has taken siege to Hyrule castle. He has placed demons, monsters, and other sorts of nightmares all over the kingdom in order to slow you down. “She stated. “Slow us down for what?” Link questioned. “To slow your journey so it will be easier to find your dear Zelda.” She explained. Link tensed. “I won’t let that happen.” He swore. “I know you won’t that is why we have chosen you to be her chosen hero, the barer of the Triforce of Courage.” She explained. Link’s left hand began to glow along with mine. They flickered in response to one another then dimmed until the light was gone. “You must find the Master Sword for it is the only way you can defeat Ganondorf, you are the only one who can wield it, no other.” She stated. “Now go find the Master sword and protect Zelda for she is the key to all of Hyrule’s salvation if you are to fail.” She quickly said as I felt her leave my body and return to the heavens. I gasped and felt my body return to me. “Zelda? Are you back?” Link asked as he waved his hand in front of my face. I nodded and smiled at him. “Thank goodness.” He sighed as he hugged me. “We need to find the Master sword.” I stated. Link pulled back and looked at me questioningly. “As you wish your Highness.” He whispered. I nudged him playfully. He then stood up and offered his hand to me. I took it without hesitation, but the moment I stood up my legs gave out. “Blasted spell always draining my strength.” I cursed to myself. “It drains your life source.” I said to myself as a warning. “Zelda!” Link cried as I fell backwards. He fell to his knees and caught me before I hit the ground. He lifted me up bridal style and carried me out of the temple. “I’m fine Link you can put me down.” I tried. “No way.” He stated coolly. I scoffed at him for disobeying my order. We exited through the large hole in the wall that the Ghoma made when it crashed through it. Once we were outside the temple we entered a maze. “Great, so I’m guessing this is another test?” Link sighed. “No, you already passed the test.” I answered. “Riiiight! How could I forget the near death experience I just had only moments ago?” He said sarcastically. ”Hey limit the sarcasm please.” I stated. Link chuckled loudly at me comment and pushed me closer to him. I blushed slightly and buried my face in his shoulder as he carried me. “So where exactly are we going?” Link asked as he trudged over  the rubble of the broken temple wall with me in his arms.

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